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Mid-semester Interviews

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1 Mid-semester Interviews
Mara Evans, PhD Lecturer UNC Biology Department

2 Mid-Semester Interview: Why?
I want to know what my students think about the class. I have time left in the semester to make changes. I want to discuss alternative strategies with an instructional expert.

3 Mid-semester Interview: What is it?
The Steps The Participants Instructor’s or Class Time Required 1. The Interview: Teaching consultant conducts classroom interview Teaching consultant, students (instructor not present) 15-20 minutes of class time 2. Compiling the results Teaching consultant 3. The consultation Teaching consultant and instructor ~1hr 4. Follow-up Instructor and students ~10-15 minutes

4 1. The Interview Teaching Consultant Facilitates Interview in Classroom INDIVIDUALS: Students provide written feedback 2. SMALL GROUPS: Students brainstorm action items 3. CLASS: Students share action items 4. INDIVIDUALS: Vote on action items

5 Agree Disagree No Opinion
Action Items Agree Disagree No Opinion 1. Lab 1 could be conducted more slowly to facilitate absorption of terminology and bird [anatomy] 79% 21% 2. Open lab periods for review (weekends/evenings) 86% 4% 3. Shorter slideshow, in order to spend more time with specimens. 36% 43% 4. More background information for conservation discussion. 64% 7% 29% 5. When holding a discussion instructor should move to the front of the room, rather than sitting in the back. 14% 6. More space for species notes in the workbook (e.g. see lab 1)

6 3. The Consultation  Confidential Consultation Instructor Consultant

7 4. The Follow Up Thank students for their feedback
Let them know what changes to expect (even small ones!) Let them know what you cannot change and WHY! Thank students for their feedback

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