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Transition Kindergarten Information

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1 Transition Kindergarten Information

2 ELC Mission statement The Liberty Christian Academy Early Learning Center (ELC) exists to support parents and guardians in their Biblical responsibility to nurture and train their children. Thus, the ELC provides a secure, loving, Christ-centered environment focused on meeting each child’s social, academic, physical, and spiritual needs within an active learning environment.  

3 What is the Transition class?
The LCA Early Learning Center Transition class is designed for children who are chronologically old enough for kindergarten but whose parents have chosen for their child, based on teacher input, the gift of another year of development prior to elementary school.

4 Why would my child benefit from the transition class?
Transition provides an intentional learning space for children to develop social, emotional, physical, and academic skills with developmentally appropriate instruction. It prepares students for the social and academic expectations of traditional Kindergarten, reducing the likelihood of future grade retention, and setting students up for social and academic success as they move on to elementary school.

5 How is transition different?
The Transition classroom environment differs from a traditional kindergarten class because it includes many more opportunities for social-emotional development, fine-and gross-motor activities, ongoing language development, and complex social play. The Transition class accomplishes these objectives through dramatic play time, small group instruction, and project-based learning.

6 Why would we consider transition for our child?
Here are some questions to consider: How well does your child separate from you or a trusted caregiver? How well does your child handle conflict with peers? How well can your child sit still in a group situation? How well does your child transition from one activity to another? How well can your child take care of him/herself?

7 Is there any research that supports transition kindergarten?
Meisels, 1999; Morrison, Alberts & Griffith, 1997: In 2015 Review of Research Developmental theory suggests that biological maturation provides an added advantage for learning in a classroom setting. If children are too immature to function in a classroom at kindergarten, this disadvantage could persist over the course of their schooling through a cascade of negative outcomes such as anxiety or underachievement. There is a statistically significant positive association between redshirting and gifted status, and between third grade math and reading scores.

8 Research continued 2014 study by Kelli Dougan on parental perspective of “redshirting” kindergartners: Parental Responses for Effects of Transition program Reasons given by parents for choosing a Transition program: Reading scores Older is better Math scores Maturity in Kindergarten Overall grades Developmentally Behind Peers Dealing with friends Recommended by School Confidence Maturity in High School Behavior in school When their child could drive a car Dealing with Negative Social Situations Age at College Entry Sports No rush to send to school

9 Kindergarten Redshirting: A Guide for Parents and Educators

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