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Our first Year What we know about ourselves:

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Presentation on theme: "Our first Year What we know about ourselves:"— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s the eoy, me oh my brian Sousa Administrator II Riverside county office of Education

2 Our first Year What we know about ourselves:
Our jobs are collaborative We report many different types of data that impact several areas of our LEAs We recognize that we are most effective when we understand the application of the data Our districts depend on our accuracy to ensure funding and accountability

3 Year one: Continued What others may think: We work for coffee
That wishful thinking will make us return with better numbers That change can occur without involving us in the conversation

4 Year one: Continued Who we really are:
Hard working people who can own a problem if given a chance to be part of the solution. In this room, we have seen how we can work collaboratively to impact: Graduation/A-G requirements Ensuring all dollars are collected under LCFF Ensuring CTE pathways are defined correctly Ensuring that our course offerings are properly identified

5 Year one: Continued What CALPADS really is: A culmination A repository
A wealth of history A way to identify areas of need

6 Year one: Continued What CALPADS really is not:
A tool to monitor areas of need in real time

7 Year one: Continued It is important to learn from our problems:
Transportation agencies learn from cumulative data It is important to learn from accidents and tragedies Cumulative data is only useful as an indicator that objectives and goals are being implemented well

8 Year one: Continued So what is our collective problem?
We don’t know what we don’t know

9 Year one: Continued How can we fix this? Talk to each other
Share best practices Use this forum to understand different departments in greater depth

10 Year one: Continued Things you impact:
Efficacy of behavior intervention and supports: Does your district use PBIS or OMC? Does your district use MTSS or RTI/RTI^2? Counseling and guidance: How are graduates and A-G progress monitored in your district? Chronic absenteeism: What does our attendance intervention look like?

11 Year one: Continued Looking ahead:
Merit diplomas, are we getting ahead to see who is in contention or are we waiting for the data to bite us? Bi-literacy, what has been done in your district to ensure scheduling does not hinder students from being able to qualify

12 Year one: Continued Where do we focus and when:
CWA matters: Discipline and chronic absenteeism Special Education: CASEMIS, understand it or suffer unimaginable consequences Academics and instruction: Course definition, EL supports, integrated curriculum, instructional supports Language Assessment: The ELPAC, reclassification, SELA files LCFF: Remember, it is a sin to leave chips on the table

13 Year one: Continued On the spot collaboration:
Test completion reports in TOMS: Did you run them? Was there a district level ongoing review? Did you match student data with any data in your SIS? If so, what and why?

14 Year one: The end Thank you for your time and congratulations to all of you for a great year!

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