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Edgar Allan Poe 12th English Burleson.

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1 Edgar Allan Poe 12th English Burleson

2 Early Life Date of Birth: 19 January 1809
Location: Boston, Massachusetts His parents died when he was a young child In 1820 he attended the University of Virginia Poe enlisted in the West Point Military Academy but he was dismissed a year later.

3 Later Life Married his cousin Virginia Eliza Clemm
In 1835 he became editor and contributor of the Southern Literary Messenger Virginia died in 1847 Poe died on the 7 October 1849

4 Review of Important Terms:
  Tone: d. A particular style in discourse or writing, which expresses the person's sentiment or reveals his character; also spec. in literary criticism, an author's attitude to his subject matter or audience; the distinctive mood created by this. (Cf. 9.) (Oxford English Dictionary)

5 Words to Look For: dreary unmerciful sorrow grim bleak darkness weary lost mystery midnight

6 Setting: Indentifying the setting of a story is very important
Setting: Indentifying the setting of a story is very important. The setting of a story is where the story takes place.

7 Questions to Ask Yourself About Setting
Where does the story take place? Bright or Dim? Inside or Outside? What are the outside conditions? What is the feeling at the beginning of the story? When does the story take place?

8 Poe’s Famous Works “The Raven” is one of Poe’s most well known poems.
“The Fall of the House of Usher” is Poe’s most famous short stories, it has been made into several feature films. We will be reading this story in the upcoming weeks.

9 Reading of the “The Raven”
YouTube - Edgar Allan Poe "The Raven" Poem Animation Movie Nevermore

10 What words help you identify the tone of the work?
What is the setting of the poem?

11 Assignment 1.) Draw or write a short, one-page, essay describing what you believe the chamber Poe describes looks like. 2.) With a partner create a glogster presentation comparing and contrasting the tone of Poe’s “The Raven” vs. “The Description of Cookham” which we discussed in class last week. Discuss what is similar or different about the tone in these works. Then examine how the concepts of “loss” and “love” are shown in different ways through tone.

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