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NJROTC NS-4 Leadership and Ethics

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Presentation on theme: "NJROTC NS-4 Leadership and Ethics"— Presentation transcript:

1 NJROTC NS-4 Leadership and Ethics

2 Lesson 03.04 The Drug Test Case Evaluation and Response

3 Lesson Goal Analyze the Drug Test case scenario, decide how the case should be handled, and explain the decision-making process.

4 Learning Objectives Evaluate the Drug Test case scenario.
Answer the Critical Case Evaluation questions. Answer the Case Evaluation Response question. Determine the appropriate response to the Drug Test case scenario. Lesson 03.04

5 Warm-up Question CPS Question 1 Lesson 03.04

6 Introduction Leaders often face decisions that:
Have ethical or moral implications. Can have long-lasting repercussions. Require careful deliberation. Lesson 03.04

7 Thinking Ethically: The Drug Test
Read the “Thinking Ethically: The Drug Test” scenario on p. 38. Take notes on key facts. Decide how you would handle the situation. Lesson 03.04

8 Key Facts An E-5 nuclear submarine technician told his division officer that he used cocaine for the first time. A random unit-sweep urinalysis did not reveal any drug use by the E-5. The division officer is responsible for his unit’s safety and must respond to the confession. Lesson 03.04

9 Key Facts The division officer must consider:
The E-5 may have used cocaine and is therefore a danger to his shipmates. The E-5 may be asking for help. The E-5 has a good record but knows the Navy’s zero-tolerance policy. Lesson 03.04

10 Critical Case Evaluation
Record your responses on the Critical Case Evaluation forms, pp Lesson 03.04

11 Case Evaluation Response
Record your response on the Case Evaluation Response Form, p. 41. Lesson 03.04

12 Learning Check CPS Question 2 Lesson 03.04

13 Cadet Responses Cadets may volunteer or be selected to read all or a part of their responses to the questions from the Critical Case Evaluation Form. Lesson 03.04

14 Pressure Questions: Is there pressure from peers, subordinates, seniors, or other sources to behave in an unethical manner? If yes, who or what is the source of the pressure? Lesson 03.04

15 Pressure Answers Pressure from peers, subordinates, or others?
Yes – E-5 said his home life was stressful. Yes – E-5 must have had access to the illegal drug. Yes – the officer may feel pressured to give the E-5 a “pass” on a first offense. Lesson 03.04

16 Seek the Truth Question:
Does the leader validate the facts and obtain clarification? If no, what actions does the leader need to take? Lesson 03.04

17 Seek the Truth Answers Leader validate the facts and obtain clarification? Yes – the division officer followed up with the urinalysis results. Unknown if the division officer performed proper follow-up action. Lesson 03.04

18 Subordinates Question:
Do the factors in the case affect subordinates and their perception of their leader? If yes, what effect is caused, or might be caused, to the subordinates? Lesson 03.04

19 Subordinates Answers Subordinates affected?
Yes – the safety and security of subordinates were at risk if a fellow sailor was under the influence of drugs. Yes – subordinates, including the E-5, need to feel comfortable trusting their officers. Lesson 03.04

20 Learning Check CPS Question 3 Lesson 03.04

21 Organization Question:
Is an ethical work environment being maintained? If no, what action does the leader need to take? Lesson 03.04

22 Organization Answers Ethical work environment being maintained?
No – sailors are legally and morally obliged to refrain from using illegal drugs and the E-5 admitted to using cocaine. Yes – because the E-5 did report his action to his division officer. Lesson 03.04

23 Know the Rules Question:
Does the leader properly enforce the rules, regulations, or policies? If no, what action does the leader need to take? Lesson 03.04

24 Know the Rules Answers Leader properly enforce the rules, regulations, or policies? Yes – the division officer had his unit screened for illegal substances with urinalysis. No – improper follow-up to determine what the true facts are concerning the E-5’s use of cocaine. Lesson 03.04

25 Additional Points Question: Are there any additional points to consider? Lesson 03.04

26 Additional Points Answers
Any additional points to consider? Not doing the ethical thing can have long-lasting repercussions. It’s not always easy to do the right thing. Use the ethical concepts and factors from Unit 1 to help you determine the right answer. Lesson 03.04

27 Case Evaluation Response
What would you do and why? Are there lessons to be learned from this case study? Lesson 03.04

28 Learning Check CPS Question 4 Lesson 03.04

29 Discussion As a class, did we agree upon the facts?
Did our decisions converge or match? As a class did we disagree on facts? Did our decisions diverge or not match? Lesson 03.04

30 Zero Tolerance Drug Policy
Select to Start or Pause Video Lesson 03.04

31 What Actually Happened?
The division officer: Did not report the sailor. Personally counseled the sailor. Acted on his compassion rather than the Navy’s ethics or rules. Lesson 03.04

32 What Actually Happened?
The division officer: Did not have the authority to decide not to report the E-5. Endangered his crew by leaving the E-5 in place. Sent the message that rules don’t always have to be obeyed. Lesson 03.04

33 Learning Check CPS Question 5 Lesson 03.04

34 Lesson Summary In this lesson you have:
Learned that leaders often face moral dilemmas and must think ethically to ensure they make the right choice. Evaluated the Drug Test case scenario. Answered the Critical Case Evaluation questions. Lesson 03.04

35 Lesson Summary In this lesson you have:
Answered the Case Evaluation Response question. Determined the appropriate response to the Drug Test case scenario. Lesson 03.04

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