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Treatment of kappa in Recent Western US Seismic Nuclear Plant Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Studies AGU Fall Meeting, 12/17/2015 rev.1 12/20/2015 Gabriel.

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Presentation on theme: "Treatment of kappa in Recent Western US Seismic Nuclear Plant Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Studies AGU Fall Meeting, 12/17/2015 rev.1 12/20/2015 Gabriel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Treatment of kappa in Recent Western US Seismic Nuclear Plant Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Studies AGU Fall Meeting, 12/17/2015 rev.1 12/20/2015 Gabriel R. Toro, Lettis Consultants International, Inc. Carola Di Alessandro, GeoPentech, Inc. Linda Al Atik, Al Atik Consulting

2 Credits: Kappa and kappa-effects Teams; Sponsor Representatives
Hanford & Columbia Generating Station (Eastern Washington State) J.J. Bommer, L. Al Atik, A. Rodriguez-Marek, G.R. Toro, W.J. Silva, R.R Youngs, B. Bryce, G. Lisle Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (near Phoenix, Arizona) N. Abrahamson, L. Al Atik, C. Di Alessandro, O. Ktenidou, W.J. Silva, G.R. Toro, C. Wandell

3 Origin and Effects of Kappa (actually, k0 in Anderson-Hough terminology)
from Ktenidou et al. (2015) Kappa is not a free parameter in most existing GMPEs (each GMPEs has an implicit kappa) Origin: Damping and scattering effects beneath the site (soil column and shallow crust) ~ exp[-pk0f]

4 Hanford Data Project Requirements:
Recordings at 7 sites (all but one with 20-Hz Nyquist frequency) 8-15 recordings per site M range Distance range km Project Requirements: Need kappa estimates at 5 sites with no recordings (different thicknesses) Kappa for a horizon below interbeds (top of Lolo flow) Soil and basalts (2,700-7,200 m) Need k0 here (below interbeds) Pre-Miocene Sediments (700-6,500 m)

5 Approach for kappa estimation
Determine kappa at each recording site Broadband inversion for kappa, crustal Q model, magnitude, and stress drop (fits entire FAS*) Anders0n-Hough approach (fit to linear portion of log[FAS]-frequency plot above corner frequency, determine zero-distance intercept) For application to target sites, investigate relationship between kappa and profiles' thicknesses and velocities *FAS: Fourier amplitude Spectrum

6 Broadband Inversion kappa
Results Broadband Inversion kappa Anderson-Hough kappa

7 Epistemic Uncertainty and Effects
Site A Sa adjustment factors applied to GMPE (also include impedance effects) Red: no sub-basalt sediments contribute to k

8 Palo Verde - PVNGS (near Phoenix, AZ) Approaches Used
Data Used 2 earthquakes, M 3.1 and 3.4 6 earthquakes, M 11 earthquakes, M 14 stations Approach 1 Approach 2 Approach 3

9 Data for Approaches 1 and 2

10 Approaches 1 and 2 Approach 3
Broadband inversion for kappa, magnitude, and stress drop (fix crustal Q model) Result: kappa=0.033 s (median value across sites Uncertainty: slnk=0.5 Adopt s with slnk=0.5 as combined model (applies to bottom of soil profile)

11 Adjustment from SWUS Reference Conditions to PVNGS Rock (FAS Space; applied to rock FAS prior to site response analysis)

12 Summary Site-specific kappa is usually difficult to estimate
Few recordings Bandwidth limitations Must characterize associated epistemic uncertainty If site-specific kappa is different from kappa implicit in GMPEs, kappa adjustment may be appropriate 2 examples provided Large uncertainty/scatter in the adjustments

13 Addendum: Links to References
Hanford-Columbia PSHA Report: (see chapters on GMC Databases and Ground Motion Characterization, and also Appendix I) Palo Verde Target kappa for Arizona: (see Chapter 4) SWUS Ground Motions Report: (see SWUS Appendices L and M) Incorporation of target kappa in PSHA: (see Section 2.3)

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