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Market Opportunities and Barriers

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1 Market Opportunities and Barriers

2 Who is Alpiq and what we do

3 Alpiq: The Swiss Alps as roots
Alpiq bears witness to our history. Our roots lie in Switzerland, the cradle of the Alps, symbol of quality and excellence – two values to which we are committed. The Alps are placed in the heart of Europe. They range from France to Slovenia. They link the west and the east of Europe. And form the bridge between north and south Europe. 3

4 «Peak» for Peak Energy PIQ reminds us of a «peak», the highest extremity of a mountain that permits a new outlook, also in terms of the peak performance that Alpiq will deliver in terms of energy. The abbreviation IQ bears reference to the intelligent solutions in the field of energy. 4

5 5

6 Presence in Europe Present in 29 European countries
Cumulated turnover of CHF 16 billion Workforce of more than 10,000 (in Switzerland >5,000) Holding Headquarters: Neuchâtel Electricity trading Generation Energy services 6

7 Position in Europe Basis: Turnover 2007 in CHF million Source: Annual Report 2007 113,000 98,000 69,000 24,000 20,000 16,000 12,000 EON EDF RWE EnBW Vattenfall Alpiq A2A 7

8 Local subsidiaries in Central Eastern Europe
Atel Lithuania UAB., Vilnius Atel Polska Sp.z.o.o., Warsaw Atel Ceska republica s.r.o, Prag Atel Slovensko s.r.l., Bratislava Atel Energia Kft., Budapest Atel Austria GmbH, Wien Atel Energy Romania s.r.l Bukarest Atel Energija d.o.o, Ljubljana Atel Serbia Ltd., Belgrad Atel Bulgaria Ltd, Sofia Atel Hrvatska d.o.o., Zagreb Atel Skopje d.o.o., Skopje Atel Hellas S.A., Athen

9 Activity overview – Sales & Wholesale Central Eastern Europe
One of Leading CEE Wholesalers Top 3-5 position in each market Present before market opening Financially strong & creditworthy Overall Presence to handle complexity Physical scheduling in 15 markets 13 daughter companies Present at all auctioned borders Bringing liquidity to market Active utilization of borders Leading SPOT trading activity LT PL DE NEE CZ SK CH AT HU SI RO IT HR SEE BH SR BG CG AL GR

10 Market CEE Development of Energy Turnover 1998 – 2007
30‘600 19‘200 17‘100 11‘069 9‘000 9‘006 6‘768 5‘338 3'097 1‘143

11 Alpiq in Lithuania Established in 2008 In Vilnius License for trading
At present- Atel Lietuva UAB Since 2 Nov 2009: Alpiq Lietuva UAB

12 Lithuanian Market Obstacles
Present situation for trading companies in Lithuania Low market transparency No unbandling Unclear market rules Export import permits Implementation of „Electricity Market Expansion Plan” Rules published by September 30, two weeks from now;-is it still realistic? However, Supported production; still about 50% of the supply out of market, introduction of certificates? Low cross-border capacities (lack of diversification of supply)

13 Opportunities Opportunities, Trading Companies
Bridge between „big markets” European, Scandinavian and Eastern Adventage to be one of the first in the market Opportunities, Lithuanian customers Optimalization of electricity prices (right prices) Tailor made supply products, more standarized „products”

14 Alpiq – Your Partner in the Baltic Energy Market

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