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Using Inheritance Features To "Merge" Away From The Past

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1 Using Inheritance Features To "Merge" Away From The Past
Joshua Houser Pelco

2 Why use Inheritance Features
Robust Flexible Forgiving Quick One-way associative One feature can replace multiple features Can help with family table verify problems related to Intralink Robust-Use different geometry, modify, remove it, suppress it Flexible-Go back and forth between base and IF Forgiving-You can get everything back from the base model with a couple clicks Quick-IF’s are ease to define One-way associative-IF modifications will never propagate to the base model.

3 “IF” Presentation Conventions
Short for Inheritance Feature Inheritance Part Model containing the IF Also known as a “Target” Base Model Model used to create IF Also referred to as “Parent Model” or just “Parent” Also known as the “Source” These are conventions I have developed and borrowed in speaking with other users and will use throughout this presentation verbally and on the slides. Source and Target same as base/parent and IF/child.

4 What’s the big deal with IF’s??
Replace Family Table Parts No more “Verify” Replace Merge Parts IF’s are like Merged Parts on Steroids Intralink Interaction Allow use and modification of parts that are locked in Intralink Allows analysis users to “borrow” model geometry and keep updated on changes

5 Shared data features Sub-window means it is like assembling a component in assembly mode. Easier in that you don’t have to switch back and forth between windows Difficult means that you don’t have as many options. 2 options means that you have to use two features such as an additional cut feature.

6 Comparison of similar features
IF vs. Copy Geom. No solid Geom in “Copy Geometry” feature IF vs. Merge Merge only allows Copy Datums, Location and Dependency IF vs. Ext. Cutout External cutouts the same as Merge but removes material IF vs. Shrinkwrap Shrinkwrap is only surface and datums Shrinkwrap advantage is setting the Quality Sub-window means it is like assembling a component in assembly mode. Easier in that you don’t have to switch back and forth between windows Difficult means that you don’t have as many options. 2 options means that you have to use two features such as an additional cut feature.

7 Examples of IF’s in Practice
Use case #1 Sheetmetal Use Case #2 Castings In place of merge Use Case #3 Analysis Get rid of features, allow for updating (or not) Assemblies Helpful Hints The “Gotcha’s” of new features

8 Use case #1 Standard Sheetmetal part
Drawing Dimensions Flat State Part Flat state created here Family table Generic A general use-case for a bent sheetmetal part would include a flat state or flat pattern which creates a family table part. This has become somewhat of a nuisance in recent releases of Wildfire and Intralink in the fact that this table has to be verified often.

9 Family tables require verification for each regeneration
Use Case #1-Situation Family tables require verification for each regeneration When in a drawing, this could require going into the part and opening it The flat state must be checked out This is wasted time for more than a couple parts …Yes, there is a way around it!!! Unable to verify the family table in drawing mode As a side note, selecting “Include Instances” in Intralink will ease some of the pain Wasted time is not “value added” time for the customer

10 Use Case #1- The Inheritance Feature
Copies the Geometry of another part Allows you to chose features to keep Allows you to “get back” features you had gotten rid of Does NOT create a family table They’re easy They’re flexible The uses of the IF are deceptive. I found that once I started using them, they were easy, efficient and could accomplish a number of tasks that no single other Pro/E feature could accomplish.

11 Use Case #1- Replacing sheetmetal flat states
Create a new sheetmetal part Create Inheritance model Create Inheritance Feature Make necessary modifications

12 Use Case #1- Order of operation
2. Inheritance Part 1. Base Model Live Demo 4. Inheritance part with IF and unbend all (Not a flat state) 3. Inheritance part w/Inheritance Feature

13 Use Case #1- Select what varies
Selecting “Edit Definition” on the inheritance feature allows you to interact with the model and change just about anything you want

14 Use Case #1- Variable Dimensions
Var Dims Allow you to select what is to be modified

15 Use Case #1- Variable Features
Var Feats Suppress, erase or keep a feature (“Erased” eliminates the feature from the model tree)

16 Use Case #1- Non-Geometry Changes
Detail Item Suppress, erase or keep and modify features such as g-tols Erased eliminates the feature from the model tree Suppress maintains feature in model tree

17 Use Case #1- Copy Notes & Dependency
“Copy notes” allows notes to be transferred to the IF “Dependent” “Locks” the IF with respect to the parent model so it is updated with the parent. “Independent” “Locks” the inheritance so it does not change with the parent model.

18 Use Case #1- Modifications
Inheritance features won’t modify your original part When a dimension is modified in an inheritance model, the modification is added to the inheritance feature in the “Vardim table” which can be modified by modifying the inheritance feature

19 Use Case #1- Summary Inheritance features replace flat states without family tables Utilize the same name convention to avoid confusion (******_flat1.prt) Can use to remove features that can’t be flattened They need to be updated

20 Use Case #2 Castings Castings Use to copy machined part
Use to copy casting (a “merge” on steroids) Machined Casting Casting

21 Use Case #2-Castings Two Options
Option 1. Base model is the machined part (Inheritance part is the casting) Material will be added back to the machined part Features can be removed Feature dimensions can be changed to add the casting allowance This methodology should be treated with care Live Demo Base Model Parent Model

22 Use Case #2-Castings Two Options (contd.)
Option 2. Base model is the casting (Inheritance part is the machined part.) Material will be removed More analogous to what really happens Shown dimensions will only be those outside the IF Live Demo Base Model Parent Model

23 Use Case #2-Tips Order of operation will affect usability
Not a new issue with castings The more machine operations after casting, the more it matters which comes first (casting or machined part) Live Demo Base Model Parent Model

24 Replacing “Cutout” feature
Other Use-Cases Analysis Get rid of features that shouldn’t make a difference Bring them back to verify Utilize “Independent” mode to avoid updates Possible to use for assembly analysis (think weldments) Replacing “Cutout” feature

25 Intralink Interaction
The only way to retrieve the inheritance model when checking out the base is to select “All” in the “Dependency” selection box in Intralink The inherited model can be found by doing a “Where Used” report in Intralink. The inherited model will NOT show up in a “Relations” report in Intralink An inheritance part will check out its base model if “Required” is checked. A base model will not include the inheritance part with checkout (where used)

26 Tips Don’t Forget to Update!
RMB on inheritance and “Update Inheritance” This should be done whenever you are going to utilize the inheritance model (such as sending a flat file)

27 Tips (Contd.) IF’s can create larger than necessary files (an enhancement request has been submitted) Remember that the IF is not retrieved like a family table (Include instance will not work) IF’s are not necessarily a great replacement for hardware Can not make a bunch of similar parts quickly Unable to make changes to a bunch of parts quickly Each variation requires a new part Can not replace components in an assy. Like you can a family table part Selection of features can cause confusion

28 Wrap-up Submit your enhancement requests! IF’s are still relatively new features and have room to grow. Suggestions Parameters (such as casting allowance) Order of operation Assembly Questions


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