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Pharaohs Parents Summer TermTopic Year 5 HOW YOU CAN HELP?

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Presentation on theme: "Pharaohs Parents Summer TermTopic Year 5 HOW YOU CAN HELP?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pharaohs Parents Summer TermTopic Year 5 HOW YOU CAN HELP?
SOUTHFIELD PRIMARY P.E: Is on a Wednesday. Swimming is on a Tuesday. Please ensure your child has the appropriate kit. Home Learning Is set on a Monday or Tuesday and will need to be handed in the following Monday. CHILDREN Read, little and often everyday Meet your targets Complete your home learning Practice spellings and times tables Research your topic Summer TermTopic Year 5 Pharaohs HOW YOU CAN HELP? Parents Listen to your child read and return their books and reading journals to school daily. Comment in their journals. Help with their home learning Ask them about their targets Share experiences with your children Practise times tables and spellings Learning Websites Teacher Mr Parry Other Adults Mr Needham Twitter @southfieldy5

2 Maths Use of the four operations (+ - x / ) Place Value Rounding and estimating Egyptian numerals Art and Design Portraits; Egyptian 2D Drawing artefacts Computing Research; Designing; Presentation Geography The River Nile Egypt History Ancient Egypt Physical Development Outdoor PE with Mr Manning Swimming PSED Circle time Getting on and falling out Children will be taught: To recognise their worth as individuals To use imagination and discussion to understand other people’s experiences To resolve differences by looking at alternatives, making decisions and explaining choices That their actions affect themselves and others, to care about other people’s feelings and to try and see things from their points of view That differences and similarities between people arise from a number of factors, including cultural, ethnic, racial and religious diversity, gender and disability. English – Reading Retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction Provide reasoned justifications for their views Identify how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning Explain and discuss their understanding of what they have read, including through formal presentations and debates, maintaining a focus on the topic and using notes where necessary Focus on inference Focus on comprehension English – Writing Biographies Persuasive writing Research skills Fact files

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