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HERD Prototype Beam Test

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Presentation on theme: "HERD Prototype Beam Test"— Presentation transcript:

1 HERD Prototype Beam Test
Trigger System Design and Preliminary beam test results HERD Group Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS

2 HERD prototype Trigger System
Characteristics: Self-trigger generation and PS-trigger distribution DAQ for PMT, PSD, reference LED and PS, 13 channels totally Beam status monitor: real-time histogram, count rate, peak, and FWHM Synchronization with ICCD/IsCMOS

3 HERD prototype Trigger System
4 Topics: High dynamic range PMT readout system design and test Multi channel DAQ system design for PMT, PSD, reference LED and PS DAQ firmware and monitor software:real-time histogram, count rate, peak, and FWHM Preliminary beam test result

4 HERD prototype Trigger System
PMT readout hardware architecture: High dynamic range readout: anode and dynodes PMT driver and pre-amplifier integration

5 HERD prototype Trigger System
PMT readout hardware:

6 HERD prototype multi channel DAQ System
DAQ box:

7 HERD prototype multi channel DAQ System
DAQ system hardware:

8 HERD prototype multi channel DAQ System
Multi channel DAQ system architecture: 20 channels×80MSPS×12bits Real-time tuning with pedestal、gain、integration length for each channel

9 Multi channel DAQ firmware
Firmware architecture Customized USB2.0 MCU interface Core: Xilinx Virtex-5 /XC5VLX Multi channel data: parallel waveform and event integration Real-time control of pedestal, gain, trigger

10 Real-time DAQ and monitor software
Software architecture: Multi-threads to process DAQ, storage, real-time data statistics and GUI Real-time calculation of waveform, histogram, counts rate curve, peak position and FWHM for each channel Real-time control of pedestal、gain、high voltage、trigger policy

11 Preliminary results: muon and pion measurement
50GeV muon histogram /anode readout 150GeV pion histogram /anode readout

12 Preliminary results: 50 GeV electron histogram
Anode readout

13 Preliminary results: Linearity vs. electron beam energy
Anode P , dynode 8, dynode 7 readout

14 Preliminary results: Linearity deviation vs. electron energy

15 Preliminary results: Resolution vs. electron energy
Anode P and dynode 8 readout

16 Preliminary results: 350 GeV proton histogram
DY8 readout

17 Reference LED intensity vs. time in a complete 100 GeV electron run
Preliminary results: Reference LED intensity vs. time in a complete 100 GeV electron run

18 Preliminary results: 50 GeV muon histogram
INFN-PS-S0 readout

19 Preliminary results: 100 GeV electron histogram
INFN-PS-S0 readout

20 Preliminary results: 350 GeV proton histogram
INFN-PS-S0 readout

21 Summary Preliminary beam test results: Work in the future:
Trigger generation and distribution DAQ for PMT, PSD, reference LED and PS system Beam status monitoring Synchronization with ICCD/IsCMOS Work in the future: Merge PMT data with ICCD/IsCMOS data Process the PSD data Prepare for the beam test at the end of Oct.

22 Thank you! Tianwei Bao
Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS

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