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Advance Skills TYWu.

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1 Advance Skills TYWu

2 XILINX Special Elements
The SRL16 is a very efficient way to create shift registers without using up flip-flop resources.

3 XILINX Special Elements
FPGAs: Before writing shift register behavior it is important to recall that Virtex, Virtex-E, Virtex-II, and Virtex-II Pro have specific hardware resources to implement shift registers: SRL16 for Virtex and Virtex-E, and SRLC16 for Virtex-II and Virtex-II Pro. Both are available with or without a clock enable. The following figure shows the pin layout of SRL16E.

4 XILINX Special Elements

5 XILINX Special Elements
module srl16_ex (CLK, DIN, QOUT); input CLK, DIN; output QOUT; // For RTL simulation only. // The defparam will not synthesize. // synthesis translate_off defparam U0.INIT = 16’hAAAA; // synthesis translate_on // Static length - 16-bit SRL SRL16 U0 (.D (DIN), .Q (QOUT), .CLK (CLK), .A0 (1’b1), .A1 (1’b1), .A2 (1’b1), .A3 (1’b1)); endmodule

6 XILINX Special Elements
Inferring SRL16 in Verilog: Use the following coding example for FPGA Compiler II, LeonardoSpectrum, Synplify, and XST. //This design infer 3 SRL16 with 4 pipeline delay module srle_example (clk, enable, data_in, result); parameter cycle=4; parameter width = 3; input clk, enable; input [0:width] data_in; output [0:width] result; reg [0:width-1] shift [cycle-1:0]; integer i; clk) begin if (enable == 1) begin for (i = (cycle-1);i >0; i=i-1) shift[i] = shift[i-1]; shift[0] = data_in; end assign result = shift[cycle-1]; endmodule

7 Instantiating Global Clock Buffers
/////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLOCK_MUX_BUFG.V Version 1.2 // // This is an example of an instantiation of // // a multiplexing global buffer (BUFGMUX) // // from an internally driven signal // module clock_mux (DATA,SEL,SLOW_CLOCK,FAST_CLOCK,DOUT); input DATA, SEL, SLOW_CLOCK, FAST_CLOCK; output DOUT; reg CLOCK, DOUT; wire CLOCK_GBUF; BUFGMUX GBUF_FOR_MUX_CLOCK (.O(CLOCK_GBUF), .I0(SLOW_CLOCK), .I1(FAST_CLOCK), .S(SEL)); (posedge CLOCK_GBUF) DOUT <= DATA; endmodule

8 Resource Sharing module res_sharing (A1, B1, C1, D1, COND_1, Z1);
input COND_1; input [7:0] A1, B1, C1, D1; output [7:0] Z1; reg [7:0] Z1; or B1 or C1 or D1 or COND_1) begin if (COND_1) Z1 <= A1 + B1; else Z1 <= C1 + D1; end endmodule

9 Resource Sharing

10 Resource Sharing

11 Resource Sharing RESOURCE_SHARING Syntax Examples Verilog UCF
Specify as follows: // synthesis attribute resource_sharing [of] module_name [is] yes; For a more detailed discussion of the basic Verilog syntax, see the “Verilog” section of the “Constraint Entry” chapter. UCF Not applicable.

12 Tri-state buffer module three_st (T, I, O); input T, I; output O;
reg O; or I) begin if (~T) O = I; else O = 1'bZ; end endmodule

13 Tri-state Bus module mux_tbuf (A,B,C,D,E,SEL,SIG); input A,B,C,D,E;
input [4:0] SEL; output SIG; reg SIG; (SEL or A) begin if (SEL[0]==1’b0) SIG=A; else SIG=1’bz; end (SEL or B) if (SEL[1]==1’b0) SIG=B; (SEL or C) if (SEL[2]==1’b0) SIG=C; (SEL or D) begin if (SEL[3]==1’b0) SIG=D; else SIG=1’bz; end (SEL or E) if (SEL[4]==1’b0) SIG=E; endmodule

14 8x4-bit Multiplier module compar(A, B, RES); input [7:0] A;
input [3:0] B; output [11:0] RES; assign RES = A * B; endmodule

15 Dividers Divisions are only supported, when the divisor is a constant and is a power of 2. In that case, the operator is implemented as a shifter; otherwise, an error message will be issued by XST.

16 Dividers module divider(DI, DO); input [7:0] DI; output [7:0] DO;
assign DO = DI / 2; endmodule

17 Supported Feature

18 Supported Feature


20 Supported Feature

21 Supported Feature

22 Supported Feature

23 FSM

24 FSM

25 One Process module fsm (clk, reset, x1, outp); input clk, reset, x1;
output outp; reg outp; reg [1:0] state; parameter s1 = 2'b00; parameter s2 = 2'b01; parameter s3 = 2'b10; parameter s4 = 2'b11; clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) state = s1; outp = 1'b1; end else case (state) s1: begin if (x1==1'b1) state = s2; else state = s3; outp = 1'b1; s2: begin state = s4; outp = 1'b1; end s3: begin state = s4; outp = 1'b0; s4: begin state = s1; outp = 1'b0; endcase endmodule

26 Two Processes

27 Two Processes always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset)
state = s1; else case (state) s1: if (x1==1'b1) state = s2; else state = s3; s2: state = s4; s3: state = s4; s4: state = s1; endcase end s1: outp = 1'b1; s2: outp = 1'b1; s3: outp = 1'b0; s4: outp = 1'b0;

28 Three Processes

29 Three Processes always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) state = s1; else state = next_state; end or x1) case (state) s1: if (x1==1'b1) next_state = s2; else next_state = s3; s2: next_state = s4; s3: next_state = s4; s4: next_state = s1; endcase s1: outp = 1'b1; s2: outp = 1'b1; s3: outp = 1'b0; s4: outp = 1'b0;

30 State Encoding XST supports the following state encoding techniques
Auto One-Hot Gray Compact Johnson Sequential User

31 State Encoding in Foundation
One Hot Sets the One-Hot default encoding. Binary Sets the binary encoding. Zero One Hot Sets the Zero One Hot encoding.

32 Input/Output Blocks

33 Input/Output Blocks In Synplify, users can set xc_padtype attribute in SCOPE (Synplify’s constraint editor) or in HDL code as shown below: module test_padtype (a, b, clk, rst, en, bidir, q); input [3:0] a /* synthesis xc_padtype = "IBUF_AGP"*/; input [3:0] b; input clk, rst, en; inout [3:0] bidir /* synthesis xc_padtype ="IOBUF_CTT" */; output [3:0] q /* synthesis xc_padtype ="OBUF_F_12" */;

34 Port Connection Rules input output input,wire,reg input, output, net

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