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Evaluating and Optimizing Stabilizing Dining Philosophers

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1 Evaluating and Optimizing Stabilizing Dining Philosophers
Jordan Adamek Mikhail Nesterenko Sébastien Tixeuil Paris, France September 7-14, 2015

2 Why Evaluate Stabilizing Philosophers
(self-)stabilizing algorithm: eventually behaves correctly even if started from an arbitrary initial state attractive concept: does not need initialization recovers from a fault regardless of its nature once fault stops challenge: designing and proving correct a self-stabilizing algorithm is challenging: have to examine complete state space approach: use high-atomicity model with (relatively) small state space to self-stabilizing algorithm design automatically transform high-atomicity algorithm into realistic low-atomicity model transformation can be done using a stabilizing dining-philosophers algorithm dining-philosophers algorithm – preserves high-atomicity algorithm's correctness safety: precludes neighbors from executing high-atomicity actions concurrently liveness: ensures all actions eventually executed need for evaluation a large number of self-stabilizing dining philosophers algorithms published in literature unclear how existing algs compare with each other or perform in practice

3 Results at a Glance we evaluate five most widely known stabilizing dining-philosophers algorithms LRA – Cantarell, Datta, Petit (2003) Fuzzy – Huang (2000) Transformation – Mizuno, Nesterenko (1998) Alternator – Kulkarni et al (2005) Refinement – Nesterenko, Arora (2002) determine that LRA, Fuzzy, Transformation are incorrect – violate safety simulate all algorithms, to evaluate fault-tolerance: average number of safety violations functional metrics: latency: average number of states between request and CS response throughput: average number of CS accesses per action

4 Why Fuzzy, LRA, Transformation Are Incorrect
all use high-atomicity action syntax but have to execute in low atomicity semantics executing Dining Philosophers solution in high atomicity is not necessary: actions do not overlap by model assumption still need correct solution to execute in low-atomicity in low-atomicity execution, high-atomicity actions may overlap to analyze overlap, we broke up high-atomicity actions that access neighbors and update local state into: accessing neighbors actions updating local state actions we are able to construct computations where a process starts with incorrect (obsolete) info on neighbor state more than one process may enter the CS  violating safety of Dining Philosophers a process repeatedly gets obsolete neighbor state: may violate CS infinitely often

5 Execution Model & Experiment Setup
direct simulation of action execution interleaving (centralized), powerset (distributed), synchronous action execution semantics only interleaving semantics shown, other - similar experiment setup 100 processes 1000 simulated computations per data point, each computation is 1000 states new random graph topology for each computation example random graph

6 Safety Violations, Load Rate 50%

7 Safety Violations, Fault Rate 50%

8 No Faults, Latency

9 No Faults, Throughput

10 Optimizing Dining Philosophers
between correct algorithms (Refinement and Alternator) – no clear advantage on functional properties throughput of Alternator better at higher loads, worse at lower we design Combined Algorithm that estimates load and switches between Refinement and Alternator: rooted tree processes report their load up the tree, root estimates load and decides on switch insensitivity range to mitigate thrashing for safety – process executes CS only when all neighbors run the same algorithm we simulate Combined Algorithm, evaluate fidelity of load detection speed of switching and number of switches depending on insensitivity range width

11 Combined Alg, Load Estimation by Root Process

12 Combined Alg, Time to Switch Basic Algorithms
switching from Alternator to Refinement, reverse data is similar

13 Combined Alg, Sensitivity to Load Variations
number of basic alg switches initiated by root node depending on load interleaving semantics, various basic alg. switching thresholds around breakeven point load – 60% number of basic alg switches initiated by root node depending on load

14 Questions? Conclusions algorithm evaluation is important
brings new insights spurns further research future research directions investigate probabilistic convergence of incorrect algorithms Combined Algorithm may potentially switch between arbitrary algorithms. Is there a universal self-stabilizing algorithm switcher? Questions?

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