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The National Sensory Impairment Partnership

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1 The National Sensory Impairment Partnership
5th July 2010 The work of NatSIP

2 The purpose of NATSIP is to improve outcomes (with reference to Every Child Matters) for children and young people with SI, narrowing gaps with their peers, through joint working in services for these children

3 Working as partners The greatest assets of NatSIP are the members of the work streams who have driven forward a national agenda for change in the SI field. Crucial issues identified Action plan agreed with key people Task group/ workstream activity Guidelines and frameworks delivered, consulted upon and published Monitoring and benchmarking

4 NatSIP working with others
VIEW NNATPIP NDCS BATOD RNIB Guide Dogs Sense Department for Education

5 The wider political context for NatSIP
Policy NatSIP mentioned directly in the meeting with Lord Hill, Low and Rix on issue of specialist support services and implications of academies.  NatSIP appeared on the Government's reply to Baroness Wilkins

6 The wider context for NatSIP
Practice Stronger together Sharing practice and experience The continuum of provision Developing robust data and benchmarking Continuous reflection and involvement with the wider agenda

7 The political context Current government policy in education?
Academies Free Schools SEN review OfSTED Greater focus on teaching and learning

8 Support for NatSIP Working group on longer term strategy will report September 2010 Meanwhile “NatSiP delivers real value for money” and is already supported by; GDBA, NDCS, Ewing Foundation, Sense, VIEW, BATOD, HoSS, Bristol, Cheshire East, Coventry, Dorset, East Sussex, Herefordshire, Kent, Kirklees, Knightsfield School, Leeds, LB Greenwich, LB Harrow, LB Lewisham, Norfolk, North Yorkshire, Oxfordshire, Plymouth, RBWM, Solihull, Staffordshire, Surrey, Wakefield

9 NatSIP for the future? Has the process worked? National working days
Regional sub groups reporting to work stream chairs NatSIP reference group The website: HoSS forum Conferences and events NatSIP facilitator ;

10 Questions for NatSIP for the future?
Charging for NatSIP working days ? 3 days up front? Refreshments only? At cost? Part of affiliation charge? Future strategy group proposal September 2010!

11 NatSIP workstreams Outcomes Workforce development NatSIP strategy
Emotional resilience Traded services and integrated working Lamb Report and SEN review Transition and Further Education

12 NatSIP associated work
Emotional wellbeing project (Guide Dogs) Burwood Park project NNATPIP MSI Regional courses BATOD and VIEW Representation on government ref groups

13 National Sensory Impairment Partnership Activities 2010- 2011
Improving the outcomes for children and young people with sensory impairment Workstream: Key activity Output Intended impact Outcomes Who involved Completion by

14 NatSIP workstreams 2010-2011 Workstream lead Regional network
Action plans agreed and published Willingness to meet deadlines Communication strategy and all on top of the day job

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