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Civilization Develop in the middle east

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1 Civilization Develop in the middle east
By: Michael Paden, Shannon Owens, Andrew Morado and Aaron Zhang

2 Table Of Contents Vocabulary words Location in the Modern World/ Map
Timeline Artifacts Religious Aspects Important People Research Questions Additional Information Works Cited

3 Vocabulary City state- a city surrounded by village’s o the surrounding land Dike- a bank of earth that keeps out water Legal- lawful; based on the law of the government Military- having to do with the army or other people who fight wars Priest- a religious leader Temple-a place I which to honor gods Worship-to honor and praise a god Ziggurat- a building like a pyramid with a base and four sides and a top smaller than the bottom Cuneiform- Sumerian writing Sacrifice- to offer a gift to a god by killing or burning something Stylus- a sharp, pointed writing tool Arch- a curved opening that supports something

4 Vocabulary Ramp- a smooth stairway
System- a way of doing something; a plan for doing something Translate- to change the words 0f the language into those of another Code- a group of laws Merchant- one who buys and sells; one who trades Reign- to rule; the period of time a king or queen rules Fertile crescent- an area of land in the Middle East shaped like a quarter moon Navigate- to steer or sail a boat or ship Commandment- a rule; or way to act Covenant- an agreement Famine- a time when crops do not grow and there is no food Judaism- the religion develop by the Hebrews that Jews practice today Morality- the right way of behaving toward others

5 Location in the Modern World/ Map

6 Location in the Modern World/ Map

7 Timeline 5000 B.C : Sumerians begin to form in Mesopotamia
3000 B.C : Rise of Sumerians civilization 2400 B.C : Sargon I begins to rule Mesopotamia 2305 B.C : Sargon I, king of Akkad, dies B.C : Abrahams families leaves Mesopotamia 1750 B.C : Hammurabi, king of Babylonia, dies 1100 B.C : Phoenicians build city states 814 B.C : Phoenicians settle I Carthage in Africa 600 B.C : Phoenician sailors may have sailed around the tip of Africa

8 Artifacts Ziggurats- a building like a pyramid with a base and four sides Dikes- a bank of earth that keeps out water Stylus- a sharp, pointed writing tool Arch- a curved opening that supports something Ramp- a smooth stairway

9 Religious Aspects The Sumerians believed in many gods who had human feelings. They felt that when the gods were mad, the Sumerians were to be punished. The rivers and crops fail. Ziggurats were built to worship the gods. Sacrifices were made such as killing an animal or burning an animal. Inside the ziggurats they kept statues of the gods in the temple. Ziggurats were a pyramid shape with four sides up to six or seven stories high.

10 Important People Hammurabi- created the first system of law
Solomon- ruled the Middle East mid 900 B.C Sargan- was a leader during his time

11 Research Questions They believed that one or more “high power” or god like beings were in control, they worshiped nature such as wind and water. Mesopotamian wheat and barley were most important, also there were grapes, dates, and figs. They contributed to the growth by expanding the farming area and not wasting produce. Hammurabi’s code is important because it’s one of the oldest set of laws yet discovered by modern archeologists.

12 Research Questions Mesopotamia is made up of different regions, each with its own geography. The geography of each are and natural resources found there affected the ways that people lived. Abraham was the first of the three biblical patriarchs. He was a rancher and Sheppard, raised livestock, and farm. Saul, David, and Solomon were the three future kings of Israel and the disciples of Jesus The three major religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

13 Additional Information
The Sumerians were one of many tribes that lived in the area. In the beginning, they lived in the hills, northeast of Mesopotamia. Later on they moved into the river valleys. There they built several large cities and more than 20,000 people lived in the cities. The Sumerians built strong, protective walls around the cities. Each city had its own government. In the beginning they chose there own leader.

14 Additional Information
Sumerians lived fair better than prehistoric humans had. Even the poorest citizens owned there own farm house. Women had many legal, or lawful, rights. Sumerians slaves could set up a business, borrow money, and buy there freedom. I children didn’t obey, they would be sold into slavery and school teachers could beat the kids. The children's parents chose whom they would marry.

15 Works Sited Wayne King and Mercel Lewinski, 2001, AGS World History
Best. Berkeley. EDU

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