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Foreign Policy.

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1 Foreign Policy

2 To what extent should foreign policy promote internationalism?
Foreign policy can take on different ideas as to the extent it influences or promotes internationalism. We will examine: Multilateralism Peacekeeping Foreign Aid Supranationalism International laws and agreements

3 Multilateralism Multilateralism is a term that refers to multiple countries working together on a given issue. Example: United Nations, World Trade Organization Traditionally advocated by the “middle powers” such as Canada, Australia, and Switzerland in an attempt to affect change together Lager powers (United States) often act unilaterally because they have the power to do so There is also bilateral action, in which two states act together

4 Multilateralism in Canadian Foreign Policy
Traditionally the favored approach, although Canada has bilateral relations with the United States Multilateralism in Canada seeks to attain the following goals: Advance democracy through good governance, human rights protection and respect for diversity Support more effective sustainable development strategies Strengthen international development, including health policy coordination Streamline and modernize multilateral diplomacy for greater effectiveness

5 Why Multilateralism? Canada has a vested interest in keeping relationships with other countries because of certain economic interests of the country Ex. Oil Sands What does being a global energy “player” mean for Canada’s future? How might this affect Canada’s foreign policy?

6 Why Multilateralism? What impacts might this policy have on Canadians?
Ex. Environmental commitments What types of things may threaten this venture in the future? Ex. Tariffs on “dirty” oil

7 Peacekeeping A way to help countries create a sustainable peace
Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson is credited with his efforts to create a “peacekeeping” force in the 1950’s. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to maintain global peace. Canada, is obviously seen as a leader in peacekeeping operations, and is often at the forefront of such missions Ex. Rwanda, Bosnia, Afghanistan

8 Peacekeeping Peacekeeping vs. Peacemaking
Peacekeeping is to ensure a lasting peace with a military presence to observe peace processes Peacemaking is active military intervention to cause peace The line has continually blurred throughout Canada’s involvement in various conflicts Does international intervention actually bring/cause peace?

9 Foreign Aid Many governments work together to improve the quality of life of people in developing nations Some issues they are confronting are poverty, human rights violations, AIDS, and other health concerns. Canada’s goal for the last 40 years has been to donate 0.7 percent of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) to foreign aid As of 2005, they are donating 0.28 percent of the GDP Some of these are ongoing issues, and some are on a disaster specific basis.


11 Canadian Foreign Aid Example
Tsunami 2004 In a multinational effort, the world gave over $7 billion to governments and NGOs in an effort to provide aid Canada’s effort included: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) committed $280 million in rebuilding efforts Canadian Space Agency shared satellite images of the disaster area Citizenship and Immigration (CIC) expedited the immigration of over 350 people from the disaster region to be reunited with family Department of finance put a moratorium on debts from affected nations Department of National Defence sent Canadian forces Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART)


13 Supranationalism Organizations: Law and Treaties United Nations
African Union World Trade Organization Law and Treaties International Law Ex. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS); water boundaries, fishing rights, etc. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); multinational military treaty North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD); military treaty between Canada and USA

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