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Interrogative Adjectives

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1 Interrogative Adjectives

2 FORMS The forms of the interrogative adjective look exactly like the relative pronoun

The translation is which or what. The case will come across when you put the interrogative adjective with a noun.

4 ADJECTIVE vs PRONOUN An interrogative pronoun stands alone.
An interrogative adjective ALWAYS modifies another word and MUST agree with the word it modifies in GENDER, NUMBER and CASE.

5 ADJECTIVE vs PRONOUN Interrogative pronouns have no feminine singular quis quid Interrogative adjectives have forms that look exactly like the relative pronoun

6 ADJECTIVE vs PRONOUN BOTH interrogative adjectives and pronouns Appear 1st in the sentnece Ask a question

7 TRANSLATIONS pronoun adjective
who / what whose / of whom / of what to/for whom / what whom / what which or what----- of which ---- of what (which-----’s/s’, what ’s/s’ ) to/for which or what --- which or what

Qui vir ad silvam habitavit? Qui puer equum cepit? Quae ancilla fugit? Quocum milite pugnabas? In quo loco fures arcam invenerunt?

9 Try these PRONOUN ADJECTIVE Quis tibi fabulam narravit
Cuius equus captus est Cui pecuniam dedisti Quos oppugnaverunt Quocum habitabis Quae femina tibi fabulam narravit Cuius agricolae equus captus est Cui mercatori pecuniam dedisti Quos milites oppugnaverunt Quocum amico habitabis

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