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Health & Safety Induction
Bury College Health & Safety Training Health & Safety Induction
Departmental Health & Safety Induction
You will be allocated a buddy by the Personnel Department to help you settle into the College. Your buddy will give you a health & safety induction for your department. This will include local fire escapes, assembly points & location of first aid room etc
Health & Safety Department
Director Health, Safety & Security Brian Wood (ext 8217) Health & Safety Assistant Simon Smith (ext 8662) Health & Safety Administrator First Aid Co-ordinator Nina Underhill (ext 8258)
Bury College Intranet Follow these links:
Service Areas - Health & Safety Section Contains various health and safety information: College Procedures & Guidance Self-study Training Packages First aid Form & Information Links to external H&S advice H&S Case studies
Health & Safety Policy Outlines; Statement - Principals Commitment
Organisation - Your responsibilities Arrangements - Procedures You have been given a copy on starting your employment, know your responsibilities
Main Campus Centres For more information on the college follow this link:
Security To ensure the safeguarding of our students all staff must display an ID badge around campus. (unless in a lesson where it would increase risk of injury, such as a workshop) To enter the campus you need to swipe your ID badge in at the security barriers All rooms in college are accessed by swiping your ID badge All visitors to campus have to wear ID visitor ID badges. If you see anybody not displaying and ID badge please challenge them.
Security The Millennium Campus carpark entrance has a security hut.
To enter the carpark swipe your ID bagde Pedestrian access to site this way is restricted to Play-Football and Nursery customers between 08.00hrs & hrs
Car Parks are based on a first come basis at all college sites.
Staff Car Parking Car Parks are based on a first come basis at all college sites. You MUST display the Bury College parking permit in your vehicle at all times when parked on the College premises Speed limit is 5mph You can also park on: The running track car park opposite Millennium Centre, this closes at 6pm
Car Parking Do not block fire exits with vehicles
Parking Violation forms are issued for any breach of the rules After 3 violation forms disciplinary action will be taken. This may result in you having your parking permit removed
Visitor Parking All Visitors MUST be booked in:
Contact Beacon Reception ( for Millennium Campus Visitors) or Woodbury Reception (Woodbury, Venture & Enterprise Centre Visitors) There is no student car parking on site Motor cycle parking is permitted in identified areas. Visitor Parking is very limited, so book early!
Facilities for cyclists
There are several bike shelters around the campus. We also have changing rooms with showers available for all staff in: Venture Centre Sports Centre
In line with the Health Act 2006
Health & Safety Rules All College Centres and vehicles are; NO SMOKING AREAS In line with the Health Act 2006 Smoking Policy If you require assistance in giving up smoking contact the Personnel Department
There are four smoking areas in the College Campus.
The identified point in: The inner caged area adjacent to the Vista (Millennium Centre). Near to the Construction Centre. The Woodbury Courtyard. The bike shed at the Enterprise Centre.
Electronic Cigarettes
Electronic Cigarettes are not allowed to be used in College buildings. This is in line with other Public Sector and Government Buildings. We have two areas where e-cigarettes may be used: The outer caged area adjacent to the Vista (Millennium Campus). The identified area in the Woodbury Court Yard
Health & Safety Rules – Housekeeping
No eating or drinking in Corridors No eating or drinking in Classrooms - with the exception of water Do not block fire exits If you see a fire exit blocked, unblock it or report it. Do not allow Learners to run along corridors Do not allow horseplay amongst learners
Fire Procedures The College uses a fire marshalling system
Out of term time we use a role call system, staff must sign into and out of the centres in out of term time. If you discover a fire:- You must sound the alarm You may fight the fire if trained and it is safe to do so but use only one extinguisher. Leave by the nearest exit.
Fire Procedures If the Fire Alarm sounds for more than 5 seconds:-
You must leave the building by the nearest available exit Fire exits are clearly marked Ensure you make you know the nearest fire exit to your area of work
Fire Procedures If you need assistance to evacuate the building or you have any physical impairment which could hinder your or other peoples evacuation inform personnel and a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan will be devised for you. You must not use the lifts
Refuge Areas When a fire alarm is activated people with mobility problems must make their way to the nearest Refuge area The refuge are is clearly marked and contains an intercom system allowing communication to be maintained between the refuge point and the Emergency Control Point Should the people at the refuge point be considered to be at risk from a confirmed fire, the Senior Fire Marshal will communicate through the intercom system and request the people present make their way horizontally to an alternative refuge point If you have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) to exit the building, this plan should be instigated.
Evacuation Chairs If you are considered in danger at a refuge point and cannot evacuate horizontally or descend the stairs independently, the college has a procedure to evacuate you safely. Two trained members of staff will make their way to your refuge point with and Evacuation-Chair. The staff will discuss the best way to help you evacuate the building.
Refuge Point Communication
Each Centre has a refuge point intercom system Anybody who makes there way to the refuge point must press the button and communicate with the senior fire marshal Once pressed the control box lights up indicating somebody is at the refuge point so if the person cannot speak for any reason, the senior fire marshal still knows they are there.
Fire Procedures On exiting the building you must go to the assembly point Ensure you know which your assembly point is All closest assembly points are identified at the final exit to the building You must not return to the building unless authorised by the Senior Fire Marshal to do so
Roles in a fire Leadership Team Members
If you are a member of the Leadership Team you need Senior Fire Marshal training. Contact the Health & Safety Department to arrange the training
Roles in a fire - Fire marshals
Fire Marshals Rooms are situated at strategic points in the buildings If you are working from a fire marshal room you are a fire marshal! If you are a Fire Marshal contact the Health & Safety Department so that training can be organised for you. Once the buildings are clear the Fire Marshals must assist in crowd control!
Roles in a Fire - Fire Ushers
All Members of Staff who do not have assigned duties in the event of a fire must assist in crowd control and usher the students to the designated Assembly Point
Fire Alarm Tests Fire alarm test every Friday at all centres If you hear the alarm for more than 5 seconds - Evacuate
Fire Assembly Point Woodbury W1 (Market Street)
Fire Assembly Point Woodbury W2 (Angouleme Way)
Fire Assembly Point Woodbury W3 (Courtyard)
Enterprise Centre Fire Assembly Point E1
Fire Assembly Point Millennium M1 (Prospects Car Park)
Beacon, Prospects & Exam block Fire Assembly Point M2 (Side Of Nusery)
Fire Assembly Point Millennium M3 (Market St)
Nursery Fire Assembly Point Side of the Aspire Centre
Make sure you know which your assembly point is
Remember! Make sure you know which your assembly point is Just as Important. Know how to get there
Senior Fire Marshals Designated Senior Fire Marshalls wear -
Yellow High Visual Jackets
Wear Orange High Visual Jackets
Fire Marshals Wear Orange High Visual Jackets
First Aid Arrangements
Simon Smith – First Aid Co-ordinator Located in Prospects N205A, ext 8662 First Aid Room’s are located in: Woodbury & Venture Millennium Beacon Prospects Sports First Aid facilities are available at all centres Qualified 1st Aid members of staff are located throughout the College. First aid lists are located: On intranet First aid room doors Centre Receptions In vocational areas such as workshops, labs & salons etc.
First Aid Arrangements
All accidents, incidents and near misses must be reported. Accident/ Incident forms are located: At centre receptions Technician rooms Intranet (electronic version) Health & Safety Department Ask your Buddy for the location of your nearest accident/incident forms
Accident Procedures All Accident/ Incidents are recorded
All Accident/Incidents are investigated Level of investigation will depend on the seriousness of the incident Brian Wood on ext or Simon Smith on ext must be contacted if the incident is serious or if anyone has been sent to hospital.
If you have an accident Summon first aid assistance.
If you are fit enough complete the Accident/Incident Report form If not the first aid member of staff will complete the document, but ensure it was reported on your return to work. The accident/incident will then be investigated by the appropriate manager and corrective action taken as necessary.
Accident Forms For paper based reports send the:
White copy to Health and Safety Department at Prospects. Yellow copy to the Director of the department the accident happened in (if you don’t know this send it to the health and safety department with the white copy) Keep the Pink Copy If using the electronic copy on the intranet send it to the health and safety department
Emergency Number If you require a 1st aid member of staff urgently ring 8600 which is a direct line to Woodbury Reception You will be asked various questions and a 1st aider and if required an ambulance will be dispatched to your location This number can also be used to summon assistance if you are faced with a violent or aggressive incident It works the same way but security guards and possibly the Police may be dispatched to your location
Emergency Procedures Re-Cycling
Fire, Accident and other Emergency Arrangements Are on the Intranet look at it!! Ask your Buddy about local department arrangements !! Re-Cycling The green bag located in your office or staff room is for recycling paper and cardboard. It is collected daily
Most common accident across the college
Slips, Trips & Falls Slips and trips are often seen as a joke
In reality nothing could be further from the truth
Slips, Trips & Falls In reality nothing could be further from the truth
Real Effects of Slips, Trips & Falls
Resulting Injury from the kitchen Slip on the Last Slide
Hazardous Conditions If you see a slip, trip or fall hazard please move it or report it! Reporting Hazards is an important part of our strategy to prevent accidents If you want to report a hazard Intranet Service Areas Facilities Job reporting Send You receive confirmation & the job will be on the system for repair.
Trade Unions & Consultations
Recognised Trades Unions have appointed Safety Representatives who consult with management and their members on safety issues. Safety Committee meets regularly Discuss any Health & Safety issues with your line manager. If the issue cannot be resolved if you are a member of a trade union contact your Safety Representative If your not a member of a trade union you can contact Brian Wood on ext 8217
Health & Safety Induction Quiz
Now complete the health & safety induction quiz and return to the Health & Safety Department. You will receive a certificate and have completed one of you probation targets.
Health & Safety Think Safe Be safe
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