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WebXam Lisa McCullough – Ohio Hi-Point Career Center

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Presentation on theme: "WebXam Lisa McCullough – Ohio Hi-Point Career Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 WebXam Lisa McCullough – Ohio Hi-Point Career Center
Leanne Weeks – Tolles Career & Technical Center

2 About the Tests
Your best source of information, bar none

3 Performance Levels “Attainment” defined in 3 ordered categories, used in reporting to Federal & state government agencies NON-PROFICIENT (N) means LIMITED-NOVICE (no mastery) PROFICIENT (P) means INTERMEDIATE level (mastery) ADVANCED (A) means HIGHEST level (above proficient mastery) INCOMPLETE (I) means too few tests for “pathway score” (1-2) Sometimes a point of confusion for local district users, based on reporting to ODE

4 Data Paths for Reporting
What IS provided for PARTICIPATION state-level reporting? PARTICIPATION = # Tested / # Taught (Numerator from CETE, Denominator from district/ITC) What IS provided for PERFORMANCE state-level reporting? PERFORMANCE = #/% Nonproficient, #/% Proficient, & #/% Advanced PERFORMANCE = Nonproficient (Fail), Proficient & Advanced (Pass)

5 WebXam Calendar
To view the complete calendar, visit: WebXam Calendar

6 Timelines 2017-18 Pretesting Windows (40 questions)
Aug 15 to Sept 15, 2017 (AUTUMN): 41,282 pretests delivered January 2-27, 2017 (WINTER): usually FEWER pretests Post-tests must be complete by late April 2018 (for eTPES) Field-test Forms Window ( questions) Opens October 2, 2017; Closes May 11, 2018 (BUT…) Post-test Forms Test Window (40 questions) Opens October 2, 2018; Closes June 3, 2018 Data Export to ITC for LEA: Discussions with ODE Participation & Performance measures use CETE output, but…

7 Important Notes Features include FAQs and Quick Reference links
Access to career field, pathway, and course information on both pre- and post-tests. Links out to ODE for further reference Link to WebXam blog content regarding news, events/important dates, and item-writing resources. Features: SME Resources Newsletter WebXam Calendar About the Tests Scoring info Phone and contacts for WebXam technical support.

8 How do I see student data?
Green “Plus” Sign









17 WebXam Reports Lets get started with WebXam Reporting. But first, a quick discussion about pathway scoring calculations!

18 To begin with, let’s discuss how pathway scores are calculated:
Pathway Calculations To begin with, let’s discuss how pathway scores are calculated: A Pathway score is calculated if a student has taken the requisite number of end of course tests to receive a pathway score (generally 3). Note: Most Ohio CTE programs require 4 courses.

19 Pathway Calculations, Cont’d
Each of the student's test score percentages are added up (A1+A2+A An) = A, and Each of the test performance standards for proficiency are added up (B1+B2+B Bn) = B (Performance standards are available on our About the Tests page)

20 Pathway Calculations, Example If a student took 4 tests in a pathway and scored:  50%, 40%, 55%, and 60% on the tests, and the proficiency performance standard on each test was 50%. A = ( ) = B = ( ) = Since A >= B, the student passes.

21 Pathway Calculations, Notes
Two students in the same pathway, but taking different courses in that pathway, can get the same total score, but get a different result. A student can score non-proficient on one course (or even two) and still be proficient in the pathway if their score on the other tests is sufficiently high.

22 Pathway Calculations, Test Retakes
After a student has received course instruction, the student may take the End Of Course test once per school year. The highest score is used for calculating the student’s pathway score.

23 WebXam Reports Ok. Now on to the reports themselves…

24 WebXam Redesign -- Reports
WebXam was redesigned this year; there were many changes to reports. Unified form and results design Improved details view where applicable Improved data export options Improved speed Search within reports More to come!

25 Available WebXam Reports
Summary End of Year Export Teacher Effectiveness Individual Expanded Aggregate Outcome Portfolio

26 Summary Report Gives Administrators and Teachers an overview of what testing has occurred and where applicable, how many students passed. Available To Administrators Teachers Uses Verify testing has occurred New This Year Filter by month



29 End of Year Export Report
View what WebXam would report if the year were to end now. Available To Administrators Uses Verify student pathways and scores, check for duplicate student accounts New This Year This report is brand new



32 Teacher Effectiveness Report
For schools to purchase Pretests from WebXam, view student gain between pre and posttests. Available To Administrators, Teachers Uses OTES Reporting New This Year No Changes




36 Individual Report View each student’s performance on a test or in a pathway. Available To Administrators Teachers Uses View each student performance New This Year Student detail view shows all tests, not just those in pathway Administrators can choose SSID output







43 Expanded Report View Student performance by Pathway, including all pathway tests. Available To Administrators Teachers Uses View student pathway performance New This Year No changes this year



46 Aggregate Report View class performance and compare to statewide averages. Available To Administrators Teachers Uses View class averages Compare to the state New This Year State and class averages on same screen



49 Outcome Report View class and student performance by Standard Outcome Available To Administrators Teachers Uses Evaluate teacher performance by standard Customize instruction by students New This Year View individual student performance




53 Portfolio Report For 14TP or 14MD students. View assessor scores and comments by student. Available To Administrators Teachers Uses Verify if third assessor is needed Review Assessor comments New This Year No Changes




57 WebXam Reports Thank You!

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