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LEADERSHIP Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division CHAPTER-15

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1 LEADERSHIP Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division CHAPTER-15
We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

2 Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division
Introduction Success of a business concern is dependent upon the ability of its leadership. Whenever and in whatever situation if someone tries to influence the behavior of another individual, there is a leadership. It helps to attain the business goals of an organization. We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

3 Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division
Does water flowing in a distant mountain think about its distance from the ocean? The distance between my current position and my desired goals is very big. But I shall reach my goals. We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

4 Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division
Definition Leadership is the ability to awaken in others the desire to follow a common objective. We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

5 Importance of Leadership
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Importance of Leadership Perfect Developing good organization structure human relation Promoting the spirit Reconciliation of coordination of goals Directing group Source of activities motivation Technologies economic and social changes Better Avoiding Fulfilling social utilization of imbalance responsibilities manpower We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

6 Approaches or Theories of Leadership
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Approaches or Theories of Leadership According to this theory, leadership behaviouris is influenced by certain qualities of a person. A successful leader has the following qualities. Good Personality Tirelessness Ability to take quick decision Courage to face competitors Persuasion Lesson out of experience Intelligence Different thinking Reliability Physical fitness We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

7 Behavioral approach or theory
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Behavioral approach or theory This theory had popularity during 1950s. It assumes that people are lazy and irresponsible by nature. So there is need of an instrument to give motivation to workers. Autocratic, democratic or supervisory styles are some of the leadership styles. Behavioral approach developed these leadership styles which produce different and conflicting results. We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

8 Situationalist approach or theory
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Situationalist approach or theory During 1970s this theory was developed where some traits and behaviours are effective in a particular situation and ineffective in another situation. Situation helps persons to develop their leadership qualities and emerge as leaders We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

9 Follower’s theory or acceptance theory
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Follower’s theory or acceptance theory Here, only followers decide whether a person is a leader or not. Followers take decision on the quality of the leader who fulfills their needs. Traits and behavior are not considered as essential element of leadership. This is mainly applied in politics. We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

10 System theory or a path goal theory
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division System theory or a path goal theory This is focused on a person’s act rather than his traits or behavior. A leader coordinates the efforts of his followers. This considers all variables like leader, followers, situation, leadership traits, environment goals and group’s nature, characteristics and needs, role behavior of leader. It is also termed as modern theory of leadership. We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

11 Functions of Leader Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division
Taking initiative Planner representation Production communication LEADER Arbitrator and mediator Encouraging others Rewards and punishments Integration Guide We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

12 Qualities of Leadership
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Qualities of Leadership Physical appearance and strength mental vigour emotional stability sense of judgment goodwill motivation communication skill guiding ability sociability technical knowledge We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

13 Types of Leadership Autocratic leader Intellectual leader
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Types of Leadership Autocratic leader Intellectual leader Liberal leader Democratic leader Institutional leader Inducing leader Paternal leader Creative leader We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

14 Techniques of Leadership
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Techniques of Leadership Securing cooperation the use of power coordination discipline morale We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

15 Characteristics of Leadership
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Characteristics of Leadership There must be followers working relationship between leader and followers personal quality reciprocal relationship community of interests guidance related to a particular situation hard function power relationship We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

16 Leadership Styles Positive style Negative style
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Leadership Styles Positive style Negative style Autocratic or authoritarian style Democratic style Free-rein style We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

17 Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division
Positive style A leader motivates followers to work hard by offering them rewards like bonus and incentives We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

18 Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division
Negative style Leader foresees his followers to work hard and penalize them if the work is not up to the standard. This has high human cost. Here everyone tries to shift responsibility over to others. We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

19 Autocratic or authoritarian style
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Autocratic or authoritarian style Advantages: Leadership style provides strong motivation to followers. Quick decision is possible. less talented followers can perform job effectively Followers do not take any decision Decision making planning need no initiative We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

20 Autocratic or authoritarian style
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Autocratic or authoritarian style Disadvantages Most dislike this style as it takes negative motivation approach. frustration, low morale and conflict develop easily New ideas and creative ideas have no scope for application followers have no opportunity for development Suitability: It is suitable to where followers are uneducated and unskilled. We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

21 Democratic style Advantages
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Democratic style Advantages Consultation give satisfaction to the followers due reorganization is given to the followers followers are aware of the activities leader can improve decision making ability followers get opportunity to show their ability We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

22 Democratic style Disadvantages
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Democratic style Disadvantages Taking decision and implementation require more time. Followers can dominate the leader leader can easily shift the responsibility to his followers for failure it requires communicating skill on part of leaders otherwise it may ruin the organization We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

23 Free-rein style Advantages
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Free-rein style Advantages Morale and job satisfied of the followers are increased to some extent. The talent of the followers is properly utilized. The followers get full opportunity to develop their talents. We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

24 Free-rein style Disadvantage
Welingkar’s Distance Learning Division Free-rein style Disadvantage The leader does not care to motivate his followers. The contribution of a leader is nothing. The leader does not support the follower and no guidance is available to the fanner. We Learn – A Continuous Learning Forum

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