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TOP-003 Task Force Webinar Update
Stacen Tyskiewicz TOP-003 Task Force Chair Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Antitrust Policy All WECC meetings are conducted in accordance with the WECC Antitrust Policy and the NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines. All participants must comply with the policy and guidelines. This meeting is public—confidential or proprietary information should not be discussed in open session. This meeting is being recorded for the purpose of taking minutes. Please contact WECC legal counsel if you have any questions. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Please hold questions until the end of the presentation.
Presentation Topics Important Notes Introduction TOP-003 Requirements 1 and 2 TOP-003 Requirements 3 and 4 TOP-003 Requirement 5 About the TOP-003 Data Library TOP-003 Data Library: Terms of Use Future Considerations Deliverables and Next Steps Please hold questions until the end of the presentation. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Important Notes! Participation is purely voluntary. Benefits of this common approach increase with participation so we’ll try to make it as easy and beneficial as possible. Peak RC will not assume any responsibility for entities’ compliance. Their role is hosting the secure website for us. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
WECC TOP-003 Task Force Members
Introduction The WECC TOP-003 Task Force was established by the WECC Critical Infrastructure & Information Management Subcommittee (CIIMS) and held its kick-off meeting in May 2016. WECC TOP-003 Task Force Members Stacen Tyskiewicz (BPA) Skye Sellars (TPWR) Gareth Lim (Peak) Chris Yoon (PSE) Tim Reynolds (WECC) Jan Grammar (PGE) Jonathan Aust (WAPA) Carolyn Bender (WAPA) Jim Hiebert (CAISO) April Freeman (Peak) Craig Figart (Avista) Linda Hofman (BPA) Parviz Ebrahimzadeh (SDG&E) Angela Gaines (PGE) Nico Chondra (PGE) Sarah Szewczyk (PG&E) Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Introduction Goal: A common approach for WECC entities to take in achieving and maintaining compliance with the new TOP standard Considerations: The inherent need to share data for reliability purposes The significant importance of securing that data (both in transit and in storage) The desire to minimize the amount of additional work required for entities to demonstrate compliance. Where should we begin?!? Given the alignment between the IRO-010 and TOP-003 requirements, the Task Force began by conducting a “Lessons Learned” with Peak RC on their IRO-010 approach and then building on their progress. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Introduction Setting context for the discussion: “Data Specification” versus “Data Request” What is the “TOP-003 Data Library”? True state of affairs: most of the needed data is already being exchanged This is Phase 1; we will accept suggestions for Phase 2 changes (but not for Phase 1) Big Picture Overview: Create your “Data Specification” from the template (more of a menu really) Post your “Data Specification” to the TOP-003 Data Library To securely share requested information with participants, post it to the TOP-003 Data Library Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Requirements 1 & 2 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Requirements 1 & 2 R1. Each Transmission Operator shall maintain a documented specification for the data necessary for it to perform its Operational Planning Analyses, Real‐time monitoring, and Real‐time Assessments. The data specification shall include, but not be limited to: 1.1. A list of data and information needed by the Transmission Operator to support its Operational Planning Analyses, Real‐time monitoring, and Realtime Assessments including non‐BES data and external network data as deemed necessary by the Transmission Operator. 1.2. Provisions for notification of current Protection System and Special Protection System status or degradation that impacts System reliability. 1.3. A periodicity for providing data. 1.4. The deadline by which the respondent is to provide the indicated data. R2. Each Balancing Authority shall maintain a documented specification for the data necessary for it to perform its analysis functions and Real‐time monitoring. The data specification shall include, but not be limited to: 2.1. A list of data and information needed by the Balancing Authority to support its analysis functions and Real‐time monitoring. 2.2. Provisions for notification of current Protection System and Special Protection System status or degradation that impacts System reliability. 2.3. A periodicity for providing data. 2.4. The deadline by which the respondent is to provide the indicated data. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Proposal: Requirements 1 & 2
Solution: The Task Force will create a template from the Peak RC IRO-010 Data Specification for BAs/TOPs to use in developing their own Data Specification. Benefits: Mature and tested Common terminology Common format Status: Template created from current version of Peak’s specification Tested by some entities and given a thumbs-up Awaiting Peak’s adjustments before finalizing and sharing Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Proposal: Requirements 1 & 2
Using the TOP-003 Data Specification Template Insert your company’s name/logo In the applicability table on page 1 of the template, identify the entities from whom you will be requesting data and their relationship to your entity (i.e., Adjacent Facility, Shared Facility, Dynamic Transfer Entity, Neighboring Entity Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Proposal: Requirements 1 & 2
Using the TOP-003 Data Specification Template Insert your company’s name/logo In the applicability table on page 1 of the template, identify the entities from whom you will be requesting data and their relationship to your entity (i.e., Adjacent Facility, Shared Facility, Dynamic Transfer Entity, Neighboring Entity Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Proposal: Requirements 1 & 2
Using the TOP-003 Data Specification Template With the appropriate SMEs from your company, review each line of the table in Appendix 1 If the line describes data that you do want included in your Data Specification, check the boxes to indicate to which types of entities (e.g., adjacent, shared, etc) this item applies. If the line describes data that you do not want included in your Data Specification, fill the cells with a dark-gray background, or simply delete the row. Please do not change the “Request #” column for items grayed-out or removed. If there is additional data that you would like included that is not covered in the template, add it in Section 99 at the bottom of the table. (Please see section 7b below.) Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Proposal: Requirements 1 & 2
Managing Changes to the Template One benefit of this approach to TOP-003 compliance is the common Data Specification template. In an effort to maintain that consistency, participants will be asked to: Keep the numbering convention in the template For entity-specific additions, please start by recommending the change to Peak. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Requirements 3 & 4 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Requirements 3 & 4 R3. Each Transmission Operator shall distribute its data specification to entities that have data required by the Transmission Operator’s Operational Planning Analyses, Realtime monitoring, and Real‐time Assessment. R4. Each Balancing Authority shall distribute its data specification to entities that have data required by the Balancing Authority’s analysis functions and Real‐time monitoring. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Proposal: Requirements 3 & 4
Solution: Each participating entity will post its Data Specification document to the TOP-003 Data Library on (Using your existing login information) Benefits: Single and common source of record for current version Automated alerts (remember disclaimer though) Status: The TOP-003 Data Library area on will be available to participants beginning December 6, 2016 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Proposal: Requirements 3 & 4
A “how to” guide will be provided that will include instructions for: Uploading documents Limiting permissions on a document Alerting on changes/additions to a folder, subfolder or specific file After the initial posting, notify entities that it has been posted. Entities may “subscribe” to receive alerts when that file is updated, but remember that Peak is not responsible for failures with alerting. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Requirement 5 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Requirement 5 R5. Each Transmission Operator, Balancing Authority, Generator Owner, Generator Operator, Load‐Serving Entity, Transmission Owner, and Distribution Provider receiving a data specification in Requirement R3 or R4 shall satisfy the obligations of the documented specifications using: 5.1. A mutually agreeable format 5.2. A mutually agreeable process for resolving data conflicts 5.3. A mutually agreeable security protocol Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Proposal: Requirement 5
Solution: Requested information (except real-time and near real-time data) may be posted to the TOP-003 Data Library. Benefits: Information Security Single and common source of record for current version Automated alerts (remember disclaimer though) Status: The TOP-003 Data Library area on will be available to participants beginning December 6, 2016 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Proposal: Requirement 5
The following types of documents may be posted to the TOP-003 Data Library in support of satisfying data requests: Modeling diagrams and supporting documentation Forecast data (excluding near real-time) Other documents as requested (e.g., operational procedures) Points-of-Contact information for each entity List of all available ICCP points* *Note that the TOP-003 area on Peak RC’s secure site will not be used for real-time data exchange. The posted list of available ICCP points enables a requestor to identify data needed by Object ID to simplify the request process. Peak RC’s established process for requesting ICCP data through Peak will not change as a result of TOP-003. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
About the TOP-003 Data Library
The file structure will include company-level folders with sub-folders for different categories of data. Peak RC will manage access permissions to the folders. Entities can manage access on each document it posts to those folders. Participants are expected to include up-to-date contact information on the site to facilitate entity-to-entity discussions. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
TOP-003 Data Library: Terms of Use
Users shall adhere to the General Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of website Access is limited to TOPs and BAs The TOP-003 area of will be supported by Peak’s Help Desk In the event of an extended outage to the site, entities are responsible for remaining compliant through other means. Participants will be allowed 100 Mbytes of total space (each) to upload documents. The TOP-003 Data Library is not intended to be used for long-term storage. Peak is not responsible for the quality or accuracy of data; those issues should be resolved between participants. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Additional Notes Demonstrating Compliance - For the participants’ convenience and to encourage standardization, suggested wording for a compliance narrative will be included in the procedure document … but check with your compliance staff Non-Disclosure Agreements - The BAs and TOPs using the TOP-003 Data Library on are signatories of the UDSA and will share and protect data in accordance with that legal document. Data provided by another registered entity (e.g. GO, LSE) to a BA/TOP is covered by the protection afforded that signatory. If entities who are not signatories of the UDSA wish to establish additional non-disclosure agreements, that is beyond the scope of this Task Force. … but check with your legal staff Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Future Considerations
The responsibility of updating and maintaining the process and all documentation will lie with the WECC Energy Management System Work Group (EMSWG). All changes and proposed changes to the process and documentation will be discussed and enacted in future meetings of the EMSWG. Given the short timeline afforded for implementation of version 1 of this process, it is anticipated that future enhancements will be planned. Some enhancements currently under consideration include: Automation of document posting – initially, documents that must be provided both to Peak RC (in accordance with IRO-010) and with others (in accordance with TOP-003) will need to posted twice, once in each location. Future versions may include automation that will allow entities to upload a file to one location then the file will be replicated in other locations as necessary. Modeling – initially, entities will be asked to post changes to their model. In future iterations, posting the full model may be encouraged. Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Deliverables and Next Steps
The WECC TOP-003 Task Force will Deliver: Deliverable Next Steps Data Specification Template Will be finalized within 1 week of Peak RC finalizing their updates. Procedure Document (formerly referred to as a “guideline”) Will be provided at the same time as the template. Suggested wording for TOP-003 compliance narrative Will be included in the procedure document Secure website Will be accessible beginning 12/6/16 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Questions? Western Electricity Coordinating Council
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