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A Trade Union Strategies on the use of ILS in labor Law reforms

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1 A9-08457 Trade Union Strategies on the use of ILS in labor Law reforms

2 Presentation Outline Introduction Trade Union structure
Major National labor law instruments Main issues at stake Gaps Legal challenges Specific examples of violations Use of ILS and ILO Supervisory system Trade union training programmes Conclusion

3 Introduction Malawi is a country in sub saharan Africa with a population of 16 million. Rated one of the poorest countries with over 60% of the population living below the poverty datum line 52% are female The population is young with over 60% youths and mostly un employed Official statistics shows unemployment at 21% but reality its more than this.

4 Introduction More female presence in employment but mostly in lower and precarious forms of work with plenty decent work deficits. Malawi ratified all 8 ILO core conventions also termed as areas of critical importance.

5 Trade Union Structure 145,000 paid up membership from 22 affiliated unions representing all economic sectors 20% women representation at national level leadership 27% female representation of membership 6% leadership in some affiliates even lower Capacity building activities on FA and Collective Bargaining for unions.

6 National labor laws/codes policies
All 8 ILO core conventions ratified and domesticated into local laws namely…. Employment act Labour relations act Occupational Health safety and welfare act The pensions act Decent work country programme Draft National labour policy Workers compensation act

7 Main issues at stake Collective Bargaining issues/coverage
Long process of dispute resolution/settlement Overtime Funding for the labour court Delay in settling labour court disputes Paternity leave and extending maternity leave Weak enforcement mechanisms Osh act coverage

8 Gaps Exemptions Inadequate Coverage of tobacco tenants and domestic workers and the police, prisons.

9 Challenges in implementing ILS
Unratified conventions i.e 189,155 Weak enforcement mechanisms

10 violations Long processes in dispute resolution
Inadequate consultation or non Absence of collective bargaining agreements Resistance to unionism Unfair dismissals Unions do utilize ILO Conventions and supervisory machinery=lack of capacity by unions is a major challenge

11 Trade Union Programmes
Unions conduct training on Labour rights and ILO conventions to its members but its inadequate.

12 conclusions Need for more training programmes on ILS for union members

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