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CS Computer Graphics II

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1 CS 526 - Computer Graphics II
Decimation Cristian Luciano

2 Contents Goals of decimation Levels of details
Topology preserving algorithms: “Decimation of triangle meshes” Schroeder, Zarge, Lorenzen (General Electric Co.) “Progressive meshes” Hugues Hoppe (Microsoft Research) Topology simplifying algorithm: “A topology modifying progressive decimation algorithm” William Schroeder (GE Corporate R&D Center) Conclusions

3 Goals of Decimation Reduce number of triangles in a triangle mesh
Maintain a good approximation to the original appearance

4 Levels of Detail d1 d2 Two approaches: Distance LOD Screen-Size LOD

5 “Decimation of triangle meshes” by Schroeder, Zarge, Lorenzen (SIGGRAPH’92)
For each point in the triangle mesh Classify point and topology in the neighborhood of the point If (the point can be deleted) then Delete point Triangulate the resulting hole

6 What kind of point is this?
Candidates for deletion Interior Edge Simple Boundary Complex Corner

7 What is the error if the point is deleted?
Interior Edge Simple Boundary d Average plane d boundary If (distance is less than d) then Delete point Delete all triangles using the point

8 What to do after point deletion?
The resulting hole has to be triangulated Recursive 3D divide-and-conquer technique Now: three polygons Before: five polygons

9 Results Original mesh 90% decimated

10 “Progressive meshes” by Hugues Hoppe (SIGGRAPH’96)
Progressive mesh = series of triangles meshes related by two invertible operations: Edge collapse Edge split S

11 Mesh simplification and reconstruction
Edge collapse 13,546 500 152 150 Thus the simplification starts with the original mesh, denoted M^n, and through a sequence of edge collapse transformations, simplifies it down to a very coarse base mesh, M^0. <click> You can see the effect of the very last edge collapse transforming M^1 into M^0; it removes the last window from the airplane. Edge split

12 Results

13 Modifies mesh topology to obtain more reduction
“A topology modifying progressive decimation algorithm” by William Schroeder (IEEE Visualization’97) Basically combines: “Decimation of triangle meshes” “Progressing meshes” Modifies mesh topology to obtain more reduction Red edges = mesh boundaries Green edges = manifold or interior edges

14 Vertex split and merge Interior Edge Corner Complex Simple
Vertex merge Interior Edge Complex Corner Simple

15 Results

16 Conclusions Three techniques to reduce number of polygons
Two preserving topology algorithms One simplifying topology algorithm How to classify points for decimation: Simple, complex, boundary, interior edge, corner Preserving topology operations: Edge collapse Edge split Simplifying topology operations: Vertex split Vertex merge Results of three algorithms

17 Thanks! Any questions? Any comments?

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