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Jet Studies 1. Changes in seed finding for cone jets reconstruction

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1 Jet Studies 1. Changes in seed finding for cone jets reconstruction
Emmanuel Busato 1. Changes in seed finding for cone jets reconstruction 2. t42 and jets

2 1. Changes in seed finding for cone jets reconstruction
- technical description - effect on cone R=0.5 jets reconstruction - what's the best value for the new parameter « n » - conclusion

3 ? Technical description List of towers (pT ordered)
Take the highest pT tower in the list « T » PT > seedET = 500MeV Current preclustering (Simple Cone) yes no Go to clustering around T (with R=coneSize=0.3). Remove progressively towers from the list. Stop preclustering

4 ? List of towers (pT ordered) Modified preclustering Yes no yes no
Take the highest pT tower in the list « T » ? pT > seedET =500MeV Yes Take highest ET cell in T : « C » if C is CH or ECMG and if C has E < n * sigma  pT = pT  ETC no pT > seedET =500MeV ? yes Stop preclustering no Go to clustering around T (with R=coneSize=0.3). Remove progressively towers from the list.

5 Effect on cone R=0.5 jets reconstruction
Data sample :  Run # (30 Dec) and # (16 feb) Reconstrution version : p  Quality cuts : 0.05<emf<0.95 chf<0.4 hotf<10 n90>1  No trigger selection Event by event comparison Number of jets/event  5.1% of events have more jets with old seeding 1.4% of events have more jets with new seeding

6 Jets not found with new seeding (R>0.5)
mean = 0.43 mean = 2.22 Jets found in both cases Jets not found with new seeding Jet not found with new seeding : - mostly low pT jets - in ICR - big number of merge

7 New Jets found with new seeding (R>0.5)
- First, an example : Old preclustering : 1 “normal” seed + 1 CH seed  2 low pT clusters reconstruted with cone algo, individually above threshold New preclustering : 1 “normal” seed  1 low pT cluster reconstruted with cone algo, above threshod __________________________ Before split/merge __________________________ Splitting : Assign shared cells to nearest “protojets”  clusters below threshold (or fail quality cut) No jets left One jet left __________________________ After split/merge __________________________ No split/merge

8 - What are those jets ?  Look like low pT good jets

9 What's the best value for the new parameter « n » ?
nb1 nb2 nb1 nb2

10 Conclusion - Jets not found with new seeding look like noise jets
- New jets found with new seeding look like low pT good jets Looking at f90 distribution as a function of n, we decided to remove all CH seed (n=1000sigma) This new seeding scheme is in p14 with n=1000sigma

11 2. t42 and jets - jets properties (emf, chf, f90 ...) without and with t42 - jets reconstruction without and with t42

12 Jets properties (emf, chf, f90 ...) without and with t42
Top group’s alljets skim (reco version p ) : * Passes the 4JT10 trigger. * At least 4 jets (JCCB). * HT > 100 GeV (just plain sum of uncorrected JCCB jets).   events Jets are JES corrected. No quality cuts applied because jet id distributions change significantly. Color code : t no t42

13 Color code : t42 no t42 New seeding not applied, its effect
is small once t42 is applied

14 Warm zone around phi ~ 0.8 disappears with new seeding !

15 Summary - id distributions change significantly with t42
- t42 reduces the number of jets by ~ 11% - mostly in -2 < eta < 2 - mostly low pt jets - mostly high f90 jets - merge > 0 - t42 doesn’t affect jets with 0 merge

16 Jets reconstruction without and with t42
There are jets, close to a track jet (R<0.5) ( probably good), not found with t42 !  Part of these jets can be explained simply • low pT jets : - threshold effect (the same jet is less energetic with t42) • high pT jets : there is still 0.9 of jets with not found with t42 - threshold effect up to 25 GeV - unphysical cases : - split/merge effect : pT same jet R(cal jet, track jet) < 0.5 pT> 25

17 JETS PT=64 GeV merge=2 split=0 PT=42 GeV merge=1 split=1 PT=31 GeV merge=0 Without t42 With t42 This particular example is not isolated, approximately 40 of high pT jets close a track jet not found with t42 can be explained by this effect.

18  Another simple reason could be that we remove good jets
 Look at MC sample without noise : - no calorimeter noise - no minimum bias Single top events – schannel production mode JETS without t42 : Number of jets = 3568 with t42 : Number of jets = 3540  Reduction of  0.8

19 t42 not42 Same number of Ws ! ELECTRONS W selection :
Hmx8 < 20 isolation < 15 EMF>0.9 no track match PT (electron)>20 Gev and MET>20 GeV not42 t42 Same number of Ws !

20 Conclusion and to do  Looking at single top events without noise reconstructed without and with t42, we find that the number of jets is reduced by  0.8.  look what happens on a QCD sample without noise  understand lost jets Number of Ws not reduced with t42  In data, good jets (and all objects) are polluted with noise, we saw that split/merge effects changes jets multiplicity.  make sure that it goes in the good direction

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