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Eating the elephant one bite at a time

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1 Eating the elephant one bite at a time
Scheduling the Course Eating the elephant one bite at a time

2 Underlying Theme Think about the subject of the course you will teach.
What speaks to your heart? Why is it worth learning? Why is it worth teaching?

3 Theme Examples Physics: These are the secrets of the Universe. Chemistry: This is what stuff is. Geology: This is the earth around you. Astronomy: This is everything out there. Maths: This is what we know is true. Your course:

4 Topics to Cover Usually in the course description or syllabus.
If not, decide based on the purpose of the course, student background, and available resources.

5 Order of coverage May be in the syllabus
May have a logical (cumulative) sequence May be influenced by resource availability

6 Depth of Coverage Student ability, interest, prior KSA
Resources (including time) KSA = Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes.

7 Begin with the End in Mind
What do you hope students will be able to do as a result of your course? These are goals. Perform a task? Pass an examination? Take another class? What KSA will they need to do it?

8 Aim for the Goal What must you do to enable the student performance that you want?

9 Course Objectives What measurable actions should students perform to demonstrate that they have mastered the content of the course? These objectives are proxies for your goals What you do in the course prepares students to fulfill the objectives

10 Practice Write a few objectives for your course

11 Constructivist Learning Theory
Knowledge is a network of relationships between facts, reasons, and applications. Learners must construct their own meaning. Learners begin with frameworks of experience and explanations They change or replace the frameworks as they learn

12 Planning Answer these questions for each topic:
Why should students learn this? What do you want students to be able to do? What can they actually do as a proxy? What KSA do they already have? What must they be told? What practice will they need?

13 Practice Write objective(s) for a single topic within your course.

14 Review and Check Check topics to cover, make sure you haven’t missed anything Verify that the order makes sense

15 Scheduling How much time will your planned activities require?
How much time do you have? Make the schedule as detailed as you are able.

16 Scheduling How will you accommodate shortages?
Eliminate practice (not recommended) Eliminate topics or objectives Reduce depth of coverage Encourage outside work Other options?

17 Allow Time Schedule time for review, overruns, or cancellations
If you don’t need it, you can give time off or cover additional material

18 Exit Ticket Think of advantages and disadvantages of analyzing your course this way compared to just estimating and allocating time

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