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February 4, 2008.

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1 February 4, 2008

2 Primary Steel Production

3 Steel Finishing Production

4 Steel Finishing Production

5 Typical Steel Production Facility
Figure 1.3 Layout of finishing facilities at Granite City Steel Division (Fornadley)

6 General Types of Steels
Table 1.4 Classification of Steels on the Basis of Microstructure and Metallurgical Properties TYPE DESCRIPTION END USES Very low-carbon (pure iron) Steels with very low contents of carbon and other elements (carbon content 0.02% max.) For application where alloying elements must be kept to a minimum Interstitial-free (IF steels) Steels with 0.008% C max. and 0.006% N max. Used in very difficult deep drawing and combined drawing/stretching operations Low-carbon CQ, DQ and DQSK hot and cold-rolled sheet and tin-mill products Carbon usually less than 0.10% and manganese 0.2 to 0.5% General applications of low-carbon steel including coated sheets and tinplate Enamelling steels A special class of low-carbon steels Used for enamelled products Electrical steels Silicon steels and specially processed low-carbon steels For transformer cores and motor laminations Carbon steels Steels with carbon content 0.10 to 0.80% Structural applications, plate, ERW pipes and linepipe Nitrogenized steels Hot-rolled steels strengthened by nitrogen as a solid solutions strengthener For high-strength structural applications High-strength, low-alloy (HSLA) steels Low-carbon steels microalloyed with such elements as niobium, vanadium and titanium For applications where high strength and formability are required Dual and multiphase steels Low-carbon, hot- or cold-rolled steels with ferrite matrix containing dispersed martensite and/or bainite For applications where a more uniform distribution of strain is required during the forming of complex, high-strength parts, such as automobile bumpers and wheels

7 Sequence of Operations
Table 1.5 Sequence of Processing Operations for Carbon Steels OPERATION PURPOSE Continuous casting or slabbing To produce slabs suitable for rolling on hot-strip mill Reheating To raise temperature of slabs for entry into roughing stands and develop an austenitic structure Hot rolling To produce coils of desired width, thickness, and microstructure Temper rolling To flatten and provide a small clongation to the hot-rolled strip Picking or descaling To remove oxides from the surface of the hot-rolled strip Cold rolling To reduce thickness of the strip Cleaning To remove residual rolling lubricant and other contaminants from the strip surfaces Annealing To restore the formability of the work-hardened strip To suppress the yield point extension of the steel, to provide the desired surface texture and to flatten. In some cases, to provide a small reduction to facilitate subsequent annealing Secondary cold reduction To reduce thickness and partially work-harden strip used for tinplate production Coating operations (tinning, galvanizing, etc) To apply desire metallic coating to the sheet or strip

8 Strain Ageing Figure 2.2. Effects of strain aging on the stress-strain curve of a low-carbon steel

9 Example of gridded and formed stamping
Forming Deformation Example of gridded and formed stamping The circle grid allows visualization of the amount and direction of the principal strains as they change from point to point on the stamping. This gridded bumper jack hook has become a universal symbol for circle grid analysis or CGA. Note the one highly strained circle on the edge of jack hook bend. The strain level drops to one-half in the adjacent circles and to zero at a distance of three circles. The original study was conducted with 0.1 inch diameter circle grid pattern.

10 Breakdown of a complex stamping
Forming Modes Breakdown of a complex stamping The average sheet metal stamping requires a number of different forming modes to convert the flat sheet into a usable shape. The names of the forming modes shown are international technical terms which may not agree with local press shop "jargon". Identification of the specific forming mode is required to understand the respective forming mode before corrective action can be planned.

11 Hot Rolling Mill Fig. 16 – General layout of a large capacity hot strip mill (Sollac Fos sur Mer)

12 Grain Size During Hot Rolling
Figure 2.11 Change in grain size during roughing for plain carbon and microalloyed steels

13 Recrystallization Fig. 9 Strain hardening followed by static recrystallization Fig. 10 The kinetics of static recrystallization

14 Controlled Rolling Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the three stages of rolling process and change in microstructure in each stage; after [2]

15 Effect of Processing on Grain Size
Figure 2.19 Effects of finishing and coiling temperatures on the grain size of hot-rolled, aluminum-killed steel sheet Ac3 = 910 – 25Mn – 11Cr – 20Cu + 60Si + 700P – 25Al - Fn

16 Runout Table Cooling Figure 2.20 Schematic cooling paths for a fixed difference between finishing and coiling temperatures on a hot-strip mill runout table.

17 Transformation during Cooling
Figure 2.21 Cooling cycle of hot-rolled strip superposed on TTT-diagram of a low-carbon rimmed steel (0.06%C-0.43%Mn). Figure 2.22 Schematic diagram of transformation behviour of low-carbon steel

18 Effect of Processing Temperature on Properties
Figure 2.27 Iso-strength contours for an 0.016C-0.62Mn steel hot-rolled to 0 thick bands

19 Final Properties of ULC Steels
Table 2.3 Composition and Properties of a Hot-Rolled 0.003C-0.17Mn Steel Chemical Composition by Sheet Check Analysis, wt% C Mn P S Si Al N B <0.005* 0.17 0.015 0.004 0.014 0.025 0.0010 0.0018 * Ladle analysis was 0.003C Tensile Properties and Grain Sizes of Hot-Rolled Sheet Coil LD. Average Finish Temp.,°F Coiling 0.2% Offset Yield Strength,* ksi Tensile Strength,* Elongation in 2 Inches* % n Value* Ferrite Grain Size, ** ASTM No. A 1650 1365 H M T 31.3 28.7 30.2 42.5 40.5 41.1 50 54 51 0.20 0.22 0.21 6.5 6.3 B 1665 1275 30.0 27.6 28.8 41.8 40.3 41.2 6.0 5.7 6.2 C 1685 1145 29.5 40.4 40.8 52 6.9 6.4 7.0 D 1680 1075 29.2 28.2 28.4 41.5 40.9 53 6.7 6.6 6.1 * Average of three values determined at quarter, center and three-quarter width locations. ** Determined at the midthickness of the sample taken from the quarter width location.

20 Final Properties of ULC Steels
Table 2.4 Interstitial-Free Steels - Ranges of Chemical Compositions of Sheets from Trial IF Steel Heats, Weight Percent STEEL C Mn P S Si Ti Cb N Al T Min 0.006 0.18 0.002 0.007 0.02 0.17 <0.005 0.005 0.077 Max 0.008 0.20 0.003 0.03 0.083 Ranges of Tensile Properties and Grain Sizes of Hot-Rolled Sheets of the Above Heats of IF Steel Average Coiling Temp., °F Yield Strength, ksi Tensile Strength, ksi Elong. in 2 Inches, % n Value 1290 Min 32.7 48.4 41.0 0.183 Max 36.1 50.7 45.0 0.208

21 Range of Properties for Carbon Steels
Figure 2.31 Lower and upper bounds of tensile strength for carbon steels

22 Range of Properties for Carbon Steels
Figure 2.32 Estimated tensile strengths of C-0.8Mn steels coiled at various temperatures

23 HSLA Steels Table 2.9 General Effects of Cb, V, and Ti in 40 to 60 ksi Minimum Yield Hot-Rolled Sheet Steels Micro-Alloying element Steelmaking Stab Heating Hot Rolling Grain Refinement Overall Strengthening Nb V Ti Can be added to semikilled or fully killed steels Can only be added to aluminum-killed steels. Combines with nitrogen, and sulfur before carbon. Careful control of slab heating is required to dissolve Nb (C, N) in austenite. Dissolution of VC and in austenite is relatively easy. If AL is present, may need full AIN dissolution. TiN essentially insoluble; TiC is readily soluble. Finishing-mill loads increase substantially with increasing Nb content Finishing-mill loads not substantially increased with V or V-N additions. Ti increases all loads in a manner similar to Nb. Strongly refines grain size through austenite grain flattening during finishing and through hardenability during transformation. Moderate to strong grain refinement produced. Strong grain refiner similar to Nb. Maximum strengthening effect is about 7.5 ksi per 1.01% Nb (grain refinement plus precipitation strengthening) Similar strengthening to Nb but requires 3.3 times as much V as Nb for equal effects. Very high precipitation strengthening can be obtained (about 2.5 ksi per 0.01% Ti up to 0.25 Ti).

24 HSLA Alloying Figure 2.34 Relative effects of niobium and vanadium on the yield strength of 0.08C-0.50Mn steels

25 Cold Working Figure 2.35 Increase of tensile strength of plain carbon steel with increasing amounts of cold working

26 Cold Working Figure 2.36 Effect of cold working on the ductility of plain carbon steel

27 Figure 23.13 Schematic stress-strain diagram
Strain Hardening Figure Schematic stress-strain diagram

28 Annealing Low-C Steels
Grade Temp.(oC) Batch annealing of coils Continuous annealing Aluminum-killed extra mild steel with nitrogen in solution Slow heating cycle = 30 ± 10 h Annealing temp. 710°C AIN precipitation Recrystallization Grain growth Texture reinforcement Solutioning and partial spheroidizing of Fe3C Renitriding in the case of annealing in HNX*(N tied up by excess Al) Start of secondary coarsening Coalescence of cementite Renitriding Loss of toughness (coarse grains) 25 ± 5 h Formation of Fe3C nuclei Complete precipitation of dissolved carbon Rapid heating cycle = 90 ± 30 s 30 to 60 s hold Annealing temp. 850°C Start of primary recrystallization Start of AIN precipitation Grain growth impeded End of Primary recrystallization End of AIN precipitation, grain growth impeded Very slow grain growth Start of spheroidizing of cementite 10 ± 5 mn Partial precipitation of dissolved carbon Residual C 4 to 15 ppm depending on the overaging cycle *HNX: mixture of nitrogen and 5% hydrogen

29 Annealing Low-C Steels
Batch annealing and cooling of coils Continuous annealing and cooling Final properties Grain size 7.9 ASTM YS: MPa UTS: MPa EI.: 40-44% r: Grain size ASTM YS: MPa UTS: MPa EI.: 31-38% r:

30 Fig. 1.1 Section across the strip width
Strip Dimension Fig. 1.1 Section across the strip width 1.2 Key Thickness of Strip Profile Generally, the strip profile can be described as a set of thickness measured at predetermined intervals across the strip width. Although this approach gives the most precise description of each individual profile, it may not be as effective in the evaluation or comparison of various strip profile. It was found that this evaluation or comparison of strip profiles can be satisfactorily accomplished with the use of the following key thickness[1] as shown in Fig. 1.1 and 1.2. Center gauge (hc) - Center gauge is the workpiece thickness measured at the centerline dividing the workpiece width into two equal halves. The center gauge is one of the principal parameters characterizing the geometry of flat rolled products. Edge drop thickness (hJ) - Edge drop thickness is usually measured at the distance J ranging from 50 to 75mm (2 to 3 in.) from the strip edge. At this distance, the strip thickness starts to rapidly decrease toward the edge which is the phenomenon known as edge drop. Feather thickness (hl) - Feather thickness defines the strip thickness at the distance I ranging from 9.5 to 25mm (0.375 to 1.0 in.) from the strip edge. The portion of the strip profile that begins from this distance and extends toward the strip edge is known as the feather zone. In the feather zone, the rate of the decrease in thickness is usually much greater than in the edge drop zone. Edge thickness (he) - Edge thickness is measured at the distance e ranging from 2 to 3mm (0.08 to 0.12 in.) from the strip edge. Since the strip profile is not exactly symmetrical, the key strip profile thickness are measured from both operator and drive sides of the strip. The arithmetic average of these measurements is also commonly used as defined and illustrated in Table 1.1.

31 Fig. 1.2 Main parameters of strip profile. Adapted from Ginzburg [2]
Strip Crown 1.3 Types of Profile Crowns The following two types of crowns can be identified in the workpiece profile (Table 1.2): a) Center crown. b) Side crown. Center crown - Center crown is usually defined as the difference between the center gauge and the arithmetic average of either the feather thickness or edge drop thickness. The former is designated as an overall center crown and the latter as a partial center crown [2]. Thus the overall center crown is equal to the following: chl = hc – hl (1-1) where hc = center gauge hl = arithmetic average feather thickness. Fig. 1.2 Main parameters of strip profile. Adapted from Ginzburg [2]

32 Figure 1.19 Relationship between various flatness parameters
Strip Flatness Figure 1.19 Relationship between various flatness parameters

33 Measures of Flatness 1.18 Formulas for Strip Flatness
The five principal parameters that are commonly used for the quantitative evaluation of strip flatness [3] are as follows (See Table 1.5): a) I-unit (I). b) Height (H). c) Percent (%) steepness (S). d) Percent (%) elongation (e). e) Percent (%) flatness(f).

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