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1 Power point Presentation
Robert Clark CURR 580 Cultural Competency

2 Urban Education: Challenges in Educating Culturally Diverse Children
By Min Zhou

3 “Demographic Changes in Urban America”
Stagnant growth in White Population (3%) Moderate growth in Black Population (21%) Rapid Growth in Hispanic (61%) and Asian (69%) Population

4 Racial / ethnic population unevenly distributed and most concentrated in certain geographical and urban areas Black population (South – 54%; Midwest – 19%; Northeast – 18%; West- 10%) White population (South – 34%; Midwest – 25%; Northeast 20%; West – 21%)

5 Hispanic population ( West – 43. 4%; South 32. 8%; Northeast 14
Hispanic population ( West – 43.4%; South 32.8%; Northeast 14.9%; Midwest – 8.9%) Asian population (West 48.9%; Northeast – 20.7%; South 18.8%; Midwest – 11.7%) Ethnic populations mostly located in big cities ( i.e. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles)

6 Diversity among ethnicities
48% of Hispanics identify themselves as White Among Hispanics - 58% are Mexican; 9.6% are Puerto Rican; 3.5% are Cuban A new group of Latinos immigrating from Central and South America ( i.e. Dominican Republic, El Salvador, etc.) Hispanics from South America and Cuba are more educated and have lower rates of poverty

7 Among Asians: Chinese and Filipinos are the largest group, followed by Asian Indians, Koreans, the Vietnamese, and the Japanese Compared to Hispanics, Asians are better educated and more affluent

8 Residential Segregation
Levels remain about the same “Whites live with Whites” Minorities are mostly in metropolitan areas “Black – White segregation remains very high in metropolitan areas with the highest Black populations” “Asian – White and Hispanic – White segregation relatively low when compared to Black – White segregation”

9 Characteristics of children’s population in America
27% of U.S. population is under 18 Among children, racial diversity is more pronounced 44% of children in urban areas are Black, Hispanic, or Asian Proportion of White children in urban areas is dropping Segregation = less opportunity to interact with other racial groups in school, social clubs, etc.

10 “Challenges of Educating Culturally Diverse Children in Urban America”
Challenge not for children to reach parent’s social status, but to advance into the middle class Education / skills needed to get there In attaining high school diploma, 2nd generation minorities doing better than 1st or 3rd ( except for Mexicans) Mexican children fail to “drop in”; need to work

11 2nd generation’s college attendance also better
Need for greater skills and education with less low skill jobs available

12 Concentration of poverty
Minorities, immigrants, poor concentrated in cities “disadvantaged communities” ( isolation from mainstream, ghettos, unsafe streets, overcrowded schools, drop out rates) Middle class suburban child vs. poor urban child ( supports, stereotypes, willingness to buy into mainstream values)

13 Children of immigrant parents ( two working parents, less supervision, on the streets)
Language issues ( children translating for parents; children lacking English proficiency and literacy)

14 Role of Communities Does the community create resources to overcome disadvantages or do they let the problem get worse? Study looking at Chinatown, Koreatown, and Pico – Union in Los Angeles Three factors: 1) variety of community organizations ( i.e. libraries, playgrounds, churches, non – profit, private ethnic businesses) 2) density of organizations 3) organizations connections to children and the community

15 Koreatown’s success Variety and density of ethnic churches
Role of private organizations servicing the educational needs of children Interconnection of Korean businesses (i.e. opportunities for the working class, interaction of middle class with working class in social settings

16 Limitations of Chinatown and Pico - Union
Ethnic organizations less diversified Less interconnection Growth of Chinese middle class Pico – Union businesses owned by Koreans and Hispanics

17 Advantages of Coethnic Businesses
Attract variety of coethnic residents including the middle class Presence of Korean middle class = 1) more diversified, thriving businesses 2) opportunities for Korean children to attend language, SAT, and music schools 3) interaction of classes in church and social settings

18 Hispanic students vs. Asian students
Common neighborhoods and schools Asian students performing better in school Asian student’s access to after – school activities

19 Importance of ethnic economy
“Density of commercial and social activities” Improved conditions (i.e. investment, business opportunities) Sense of community Social control (i.e. Chinese teenager)

20 “Density of privately owned educational institutions and businesses”
“Compensate for lack of public funds and facilities” Academic and recreational programs “Creation of job opportunities, role models, cultural – specific goods and services attracts middle class and tourists”

21 Conclusion “Government’s focus on improvement of enhancing school quality and classroom instruction” Need to focus on social structures “Bridge cultural gaps” “Improve neighborhood organizations”

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