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Channel Profile – Malay Segment Jan – Jun 2017

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1 Channel Profile – Malay Segment Jan – Jun 2017

2 48% 52% 78% 22% Gender Age Group Location Occupation HH Income
Home of Malay signature entertainment that offers a variety of local programmes ranging from reality shows to fun game shows to drama series. Key Signature Programmes: AF, Gegar Vaganza, AME, & MegaDrama belt Channel 104 & 123 (HD) Gender Age Group Location Male 78% 22% Urban Rural 48% 52% Female Skewed Female (Index:105) Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 9.946 mil Highly skewed Students (Index:123) Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe. 60% with HHI RM4K & below

3 Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months)
Wholesome Family Channel that offers a variety of local programmes such as long series drama's, documentaries and classic movies as well reality shows. Key Signature Programme: Rockanova & Meja Bulat Sepahtu, TIARA Drama belt Channel 105 Gender Age Group Location Male 71% 29% Urban Rural 46% 54% Female Skewed Female (Index:108) Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 8.761 mil Highly skewed Housewife (Index:113) 69% with HHI RM4K & below Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe.

4 Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months)
Stress Free, No Tension Channel - Unwind after a long day with Warna. Sit down & relax while watching the hilarious antics of local comedians as well as a colorful selection of international comedies. Key Signature Programmes: MLM, Super Spontan, Lawak Solo, Sepahtu Reunion & Skrin Komedia Drama belt Channel 132 & 124 (HD) Gender Age Group Location Male 76% 24% 49% Urban Rural 51% Female Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 5.951 mil Highly skewed Students (Index:124) 75% with HHI RM4K& below Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe.

5 Skewed Female (Index:103) Skewed Housewife (Index:112)
Muslim Lifestyle Channel - The progressive lifestyle channel for Muslims that contains Islamic based educational, entertainment and documentary styled programs. Key Signature Programmes: Gema Gegar Vagaza, Tahfiz Muda, Raihana Drama Belt, Bismillah Ad Duha Channel 106 Gender Age Group Location Male 77% 23% Urban Rural 48% 52% Female Skewed Female (Index:103) Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 7.977 mil Skewed Housewife (Index:112) 59% with HHI HHIRM4K & below Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe.

6 Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months)
Malaysian movie channel that offers latest Malay blockbusters and local mini series including the best selection of Asian and foreign films in varying genres. Key timebelt: Blockbuster Ahad Channel 131 Gender Age Group Location 72% 28% Male Urban Rural 54% 46% Female Skewed Male (Index:109) Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 5.835 mil 75% wih HHI RM4K& below Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe.

7 Astro Maya HD is a GE channel the offers a variety of Malay entertainment, drama series, classics and much more. Key programs: Rockanova, Gema Gegar Vaganza, Tahfiz Muda Channel 135 Gender Age Group Location 82% 18% Male Urban Rural 50% 50% Female Slightly skewed Urban (Index:102) Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 6.932 mil Highly skewed Students (Index:122) 72% with HHI RM6K & below Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe.

8 Highly skewed students (Index:129)
Astro Mustika HD showcases the best of Malay content including documentaries, concerts, reality shows, dramas, telenovelas and telemovies 24 hours daily. Key program: Maharaja Lawak Mega, Super Spontan Superstar, Lawak Solo, Blockbuster Ahad Channel 134 Gender Age Group Location Male 80% 20% Urban Rural 52% 48% Female Skewed Male (Index:104) Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 5.330 mil Highly skewed students (Index:129) Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe. 63% with HHI RM4K & below

9 Highly skewed Female (Index:117) Highly skewed Rural (Index:120)
A 24-hour drama & lifestyle channel that targeted at Malay woman who aspire the lifestyle of Latin celebrities. Channel 133 Gender Age Group Location Male 76% 24% 41% Urban Rural 59% Female Highly skewed Female (Index:117) Highly skewed Rural (Index:120) Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 2.494 mil Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe.

10 Highly skewed Rural (Index:212) Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months)
Pelangi features the best Indonesian movies variety shows, including films made for TV. Channel 142 Location Gender Age Group Male 58% 42% 50% Urban Rural 50% Female Highly skewed Rural (Index:212) Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 683 K Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe. 75% with HHI RM6K & below

11 44% 56% 68% 32% Gender Age Group Location Occupation HH Income
Bintang is Astro’s 100% Indonesian content channel, featuring music, drama, entertainment news and variety programmes. Channel 141 Gender Age Group Location Male 68% 32% 44% Urban Rural 56% Female Highly skewed female (Index:113) Highly skewed Rural (Index:159) Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 1.010 mil Highly skewed Housewife (Index:141) Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe. 70% with HHI RM4K & below

12 44% 56% 71% 82% 9% 1% 7% 1% Gender Age Group Ethnic Location
Anchored by first-run and exclusive mega-hit Korean drama series that appeal to anyone who loves Korean drama and entertainment that features hot Korean celebrities. Channel 393 Gender Age Group Ethnic Location 82% Malay Male (Index:127) 71% Urban 44% 9% Chinese 1% Indian 56% 7% Others Female 1% Other Bumiputra Highly skewed Female (Index:146) Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 5.122 mil Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe.

13 Highly skewed Female (Index:128)
Oh!K boasts the ultimate in Korean TV, featuring premium drama series as well as variety and music programming. Channel is packed with iconic and award-winning hit series from an unrivalled catalogue of content. Channel 394 Gender Age Group Ethnic Location 64% Male Malay 76% Urban 36% 19% Chinese (Index:121) 0% Indian 16% Others 64% (Index:205) Female 1% Other Bumiputra Highly skewed Female (Index:128) Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 777 K Skewed PMEBs (Index:114) Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe.

14 Skewed Female (Index:114) Highly skewed PMEBs (Index:132)
tvN is the channel of choice for K-Pop in Asia. Its coverage reaches all areas of entertainment services including music, drama, reality programs, entertainment news and lifestyles. Channel 395 Gender Age Group Ethnic Location 80% Malay (Index:123) 84% Male Urban 43% 9% Chinese 0% Indian 10% Others 57% (Index: 134) Female Other Bumiputra 1% Skewed Female (Index:114) Skewed Urban (Index:105) Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 696 K Highly skewed PMEBs (Index:132) Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe.

15 49% 51% 83% 47% 1% 35% 15% 2% Gender Age Group Ethnic Location
A 24-hour Bollywood general entertainment that offers content like of Reality Shows, Drama Series, Life style programmes, Talk Shows, Docutainment, light hearted shows, high quality local and International productions, Blockbuster movies and many more promises will appeal to the entire family. Channel 108 Gender Age Group Ethnic Location 47% Malay 83% Male Urban 1% 49% Chinese 35% Indian (Index:353) 15% Others (Index: 200) 51% 2% Other Bumiputra Female Occupation HH Income Monthly Net Reach (Ave. Past 6 Months) 4.638 mil Source: Kantar Media DTAM, Individual (Total Universe: 15,245K), Jan-Jun 2017 Index is against Total Astro TV Universe.


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