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Presentation on Aphid’s

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1 Presentation on Aphid’s

2 Aphid’s(macrosiphummiscaniti)
Kingdom-animalia Phylum-arthopoda Class- insecta Order- hemiptera Suborder-sternorrhynch Superfamily-arphidoidea Aphid’s :– Plant lice or Green flies or White flies. These are highly successful group of organism due to asexual reproduction of some species. Size:-1-10 mm( inches)

3 Distribution:- common in temperate zones
Distribution:- common in temperate zones.They migrate great distance by winds. Anatomy:-Soft bodied which may be Green,Black,Brown or colourless. They form stylets ,having sheeth called rostrum which is modification of mandible and maxilla. Legs are long,thin with two jointed clawed tarsi. Lifestage of Aphid’s They form alates lifecycle


5 Diet:- Monophagus Symbiosis:-Some species of ants farm aphids protecting them on the plant they eat. Ant Tending Aphids Ant extracting honeydew from anaphid These diatrying ants milk the aphids by stroking them with there antennae this is called Mutulistic relationship.

6 Reproduction:-They have both Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
creation of eggs or live nymph’s and switches between woody and herbaceous type of hostplants at different times of year. Aphid giving birth to live young one Juvenile and adult aphids,aphid eggs and moulting individual.

7 Sexual Reproduction Sexual reproduction:- In autumn
Begning of sessional cycle they show sophsticated reproductive strategy used when only female are present.The egg hatch in spring result in females called Fundatrices.Reproduction is typically parthenogenetic & viviparous. Virginoparae:-Young one are resembles to there parent’s except there size. Sexual reproduction:- In autumn asexual reproduction autumn due to low food quantity Sexual Reproduction

8 Aphid Reproduction terminology:-
Heteroeious-Host alternating Fundatrix (Foundress from the first egg) Fundatrigeniae(Daughter clones) Emigrant winged female in spring Apterous excule(wingless female) Alate excule(winged female) Gynoparre (produce sexual female) Male Ovipare(sexual females that mate with the males)

9 Autoecioous-single host
Egg Fundatrix Apterous excule Alate exule Sexuparae(Parthenogenetic female leads to sexual reproduction by secondary host) Oviparae Males

10 Evolution :-They appered 280 million year ago in permian period fed on plant like cycadophyta.oldest fossil is of species triassoaphis cubitus from triassic angiospermes allow aphids to specilase. Treats :-Soft bodied they have a wide bariety of insect.also infected by bacteria viruses and fungi.aphid effected by weather as precipitation,temprature and wind..

11 Predator of aphids Ladybird Larva Consuming an aphids The ladybird beetle consuming an aphid Hoverfly larva consuming an aphids

12 Defence:- they form gall
Defence:- they form gall.The gall produce specialised soldier forms,sterile,nymph with defencive feature Aphid excreting defencive fluid from the cornicles Hard exoskeleton (Alexanders horned aphids)

13 Effect on plants:- 1.Decresed growth rate 2.Mottled leaves
The damage by aphids have a bariety of symptoms:- 1.Decresed growth rate 2.Mottled leaves 3.Stunted growth 4.Curled leaves 5. Winting etc. Aphid living on Plant host

14 The coated of plants with honey dew can countribute to spread of fungi which can damage plant and also reduce the effect of fungicides. Aphid with honey dew

15 Control:- Use of insecticides 1. Synthetic insecticide
Control:- Use of insecticides 1.Synthetic insecticide. Insecticidal soap 2.Plant extract. Example of Plant extract: Use of neem and lantham extract (Shreth et al)

16 Thank you

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