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Today’s Learning Objectives are:

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1 Today’s Learning Objectives are:
What is the role of packaging? Understanding what Tetra Pak is?

2 What is the role of packaging?
The primary purposes of packaging are: to contain and preserve products, and to inform people about them, as well as to promote and display the products they contain. The packaging industry is divided up into three areas of focus: 'Primary' (or 'Sales') packaging: is packaging which forms a sales unit for the user or final consumer, for example, a box containing soap powder 'Secondary' (or 'Grouped') packaging: is that which contains a number of sales units, for example, a cardboard boxes containing a number of boxes of soap powder. 'Tertiary' (or 'Transport') packaging: is packaging that is used to group secondary packaging together to aid handling and transportation and prevent damage to the products, for example, the pallet and shrink wrap used to transport a number of cardboard boxes containing boxes of soap powder.

3 Understanding what Tetra Pak is?
Task 1: Watch the Youtube clip. Whilst you watch the clip you are to create a mind map of all the key points as you watch it. You may want to watch it twice to do this well.  Task 2:      Complete the quick quiz Task Three:     Find out the following: Why tetra pak are hard to recycle? How are they better or worse? Who invented the Tetra pak and when? Create a visual example of Tetra pak via a collage. You may want to start with this search that I have done for you: “What are the alternatives to using tetra Packs for packaging drinks”. Present your findings on one page. Print and place in your research folder.

4 Understanding what Tetra Pak is?
How does a tetra Pack preserve the product inside it?  Including bright graphics  By having a firm base  By using a combination of materials to make the packaging  By having good use of foil to keep it cool What does the plastic layer enable the packaging to do?  Prevent any leaks  Keep it shiney and reflective  Keep the product fresh and keep it edable for longer  Stop animals from smelling the contents  To print the graphics onto What does the card/paper layer enable the packaging to do?  Prevent any leaks  Keep it shiney and reflective  Keep the product fresh and keep it edable for longer  Stop animals from smelling the contents  To print the graphics onto What does the Foil layer enable the packaging to do?  prevent any leaks  Keep it shiney and reflective  Keep the product fresh and keep it edable for longer  Stop animals from smelling the contents  To print the graphics onto Why do you think solvent free paints + inks are used in teh manufacturing process of a tetra pack ?  To prevent the paint from smudging if it gets wet.  To prevent the packaging from harming the environment when it is disposed of  To prevent animals from eating it when it is disposed of The Tetra Packs are manufactured on production lines by machines. What is the main advantages of this? Select Three Choices  It is a quicker process than by hand which means it is cheaper for the manufacturer  It is more dangerous so only skilled workers can do it  Less workers are required so it means the packages can be made more cheaply  It is more acurate which means the packaging is a higher quality  It is expensive to set up

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