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VLSI Design 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Outline Introduction Testing Fault Models
Logic Verification Silicon Debug Manufacturing Test Fault Models Observability and Controllability Design for Test Scan BIST Boundary Scan 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Definition of Testing A known input stimulus is applied to a unit in a known state, and a known response can be evaluated. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
VLSI Realization Process
Customer’s need Determine requirements Write specifications Design synthesis and Verification Test development Fabrication Manufacturing test Chips to customer 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Chip Manufacturing Process
Silicon ingot Slicer Blank wafers 20 to 30 processing steps 8-12 in diameter 12-24 in long < 0.1 in thick Patterned wafer Dicer Individual dies Die Tester Tested dies Bond die to package Packaged dies Part Tested Packaged dies Ship to Customers 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
System Arch 2008 (Fire Tom Wada)
Chip photo SoC Flash Memory 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 2018/7/3 System Arch (Fire Tom Wada)
If anything can go wrong, it will. Murphy’s Law
FAULTS If anything can go wrong, it will. Murphy’s Law
Testing Testing is one of the most expensive parts of chips
Logic verification accounts for > 50% of design effort for many chips Debug time after fabrication has enormous opportunity cost Shipping defective parts can sink a company Example: Intel FDIV bug Logic error not caught until > 1M units shipped Recall cost $450M (!!!) 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Logic Verification Does the chip simulate correctly? Ex: 32-bit adder
Usually done at HDL level Verification engineers write test bench for HDL Can’t test all cases Ex: 32-bit adder Test all combinations of corner cases as inputs: 0, 1, 2, 231-1, -1, -231, a few random numbers Good tests require ingenuity 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Silicon Debug Test the first chips back from fabrication
If you are lucky, they work the first time If not… Logic bugs vs. electrical failures Most chip failures are logic bugs from inadequate simulation Some are electrical failures Crosstalk Dynamic nodes: leakage, charge sharing Ratio failures A few are tool or methodology failures (e.g. DRC) Fix the bugs and fabricate a corrected chip 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
“If you don’t test it, it won’t work! (Guaranteed)”
Think about testing from the beginning Simulate as you go Plan for test after fabrication “If you don’t test it, it won’t work! (Guaranteed)” 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Defects Defects: physical problems that occur in silicon
Common Silicon CMOS defects: Gate-oxide shorts Insufficient doping Process or mask errors Open and plugged vias Short to power (Vdd) or Ground (Vss) 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Defects 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
23/03/2009 VLSI Design
LTX FUSION HF ATE 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Wafer of Pentium 4 Processors
8 inches (20 cm) in diameter Die area is 250 mm2 55 million transistors per die 0.18 μm technology Size of smallest transistor Improved technology uses 0.13 μm and 0.09 μm Dies per wafer = 169 When yield = 100% Number is reduced after testing Rounded dies at boundary are useless 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Effect of Die Size on Yield
Good Die Defective Die Dramatic decrease in yield with larger dies Yield = (Number of Good Dies) / (Total Number of Dies) Die Cost = (Wafer Cost) / (Dies per Wafer Yield) 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Verification vs. Test Verification Test
Verifies correctness of design. Performed by simulation, formal methods. Performed once prior to manufacturing. Responsible for quality of design. Verifies correctness of manufactured hardware. Two-part process: 1. Test generation: software process executed once during design 2. Test application: electrical tests applied to hardware Test application performed on every manufactured device. Responsible for quality of devices. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Testing Procedure: Apply input vectors one at a time
Examine each resulting output vector Compare value to "known good" value If different, chip is faulty Naïve approach to testing: Use all possible input vectors (2n for n inputs) Impractical for all but very small circuits Alternative approach: Model things that can go wrong in design as faults Find test vectors that expose faults Find shortest set of vectors that expose all faults 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Why Test at the Chip Level?
Rule of Thumb: A test escape at one level of packaging costs ten times more to detect at the next higher level of packaging. Moral: Detect failure at the lowest package level. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 20 20
Main Difficulties in Testing
Miniaturization Physical access difficult or impossible. Increasing complexity Large amount of test data. Number of access ports remains constant Long test application time. Testing accounts up to 50% of product development efforts. The key to successful testing lies in the design process. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Main Difficulties in Testing (Cont..)
VLSI circuits are difficult to test due to their inherent complexity and pin limitations Testability can be enhanced by DFT (Design For Testability) methods like scan design and BIST (Built In Self Test). Current logic BIST methods lack generality and often have high overhead New and better methods are needed! 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 22 22
Testing Challenges (1) Increasing Level of Integration
Testing requires control and observation of signals in the circuit from its pins Solution: Use DFT to increase controllability and/or observability of signals in the test mode. As the technology advances, one can buy a lot more powerful chip, with an exponentially increasing number of gates, for the same price. However the cost of testing does not go down (in fact increases) therefore it becomes an increasingly significant cost of production. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 23 23
Testing Challenges (2) Rising Cost of ATE
ATEs have expensive pin electronics to be able to place sharply rising/falling signals precisely at high clock speeds. Without cost-cutting measures the cost of testing could easily exceed the cost of manufacturing. Primary Solution: BIST (but also higher levels of fault modeling and greater use of functional tests) As the technology advances, one can buy a lot more powerful chip, with an exponentially increasing number of gates, for the same price. However the cost of testing does not go down (in fact increases) therefore it becomes an increasingly significant cost of production. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 24 24
Inadequate Fault Modeling
Testing Challenges (3) Inadequate Fault Modeling A new technology (e.g. when going from 90 nm to 65 nm feature size) can introduce new types of likely defects that are not modeled by the existing fault models Solution: No easy general solution. As the technology advances, one can buy a lot more powerful chip, with an exponentially increasing number of gates, for the same price. However the cost of testing does not go down (in fact increases) therefore it becomes an increasingly significant cost of production. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 25 25
High coverage of real defects Short testing time Easy test generation
Testing Goals High coverage of real defects Short testing time Easy test generation Fault diagnosis Design for testability (DFT) makes it easier to produce high-quality tests Built-in self-test (BIST) As we have seen, many types of testing happen during the design, manufacturing, and field operation. Therefore, the goals of testing depend on the context of testing. Here is a summary list of goals of testing that apply to different contexts. The first items states the goal for the quality of tests for manufacturing tests. DFT may be helpful in realizing this goal. The second item relates to process characterization and field testing. The third through sixth items are aimed at simplifying the actual process of test application. BIST also aims at eliminating or simplifying the test application process. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 26 26
Tools for Testing Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG)
Searches for a test for every possible fault Attempts to minimize total number of vectors Fault Simulator Simulates response of faulty circuit to a set of test vectors Measures fault coverage for a given set of test vectors Design-for-Testability, Built-In Self Test Ways to make testing easier, especially for sequential circuits More about these later 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Fault Coverage Used as measure of test quality 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Observability & Controllability
Controllability: ease of forcing a node to 0 or 1 by driving input pins of the chip Observability: ease of observing a node by watching external output pins of the chip Combinational logic is usually easy to observe and control Finite state machines can be very difficult, requiring many cycles to enter desired state Especially if state transition diagram is not known to the test engineer 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Testing Categories Functionality tests Manufacturing tests
Done at each level of hierarchy (software+model) Higher levels of abstraction faster Use diagnostic reasoning to find the bug Manufacturing tests Performed on the final product (wafer or package) Transistor-level simulation and testing “Are there any disconnected wires?” “Any layer-to-layer shorts?” “Is the product tolerant to Vdd variations?” 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Manufacturing Test A speck of dust on a wafer is sufficient to kill chip Yield of any chip is < 100% Must test chips after manufacturing before delivery to customers to only ship good parts Manufacturing testers are very expensive Minimize time on tester Careful selection of test vectors 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Manufacturing Test Goals
Make testing fast Provide controllability and observability Controllability: ability to set internal nodes to desired values Observability: ability to read internal node values Challenge: Limited number of pins Some states might be impossible to generate 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Combinational Sequential Types of Circuits
2N inputs required to exhaustively test Sequential 2M+N inputs required to exhaustively test If each test vector takes 1ms, for M=50 and N=25, need 1 billion years to test! Combinational Logic N K Combinational Logic N K M M Registers 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Testing Sequential Logic
Input vector sequence to get circuit into correct state and then another sequence to get result to a primary output Make some state bits controllable and observable requiring less depth in sequence of input vectors Make all state bits controllable and observable reducing problem to one of combinational circuit testing 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
The Chip Testing Process
Expected Responses Tests ATE Test Responses R Patterns T Comparator Unit Under (UUT) Pass: R=R’ Fail: otherwise R’ This is a schematic view of external testing during the manufacture of a chip. The automatic test equipment is an expensive device because it must be able to store and apply the test patterns at a very high speed to the unit under test. Preferably, the speed should be the same as one for which the device is designed. In the next few slides we will define the various problems related to testing in terms of the requirements implicit in this view. ATE: Automatic Test Equipment 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 35 35
Test Generation and Fault-Coverage Analysis
Obtain a sequence of test patterns with desirable fault coverage. Determine the expected response of the UUT to the test sequence. Test Responses R Comparator Pass: R=R’ Fail: otherwise R’ UUT Expected Responses Once a universe of target faults is known the test generation process can proceed. It involves producing a set of test sequences with an acceptable fault coverage. The set of test sequences, along with their expected response, define the test. During actual testing the expected responses are stored in the ATE along with the test sequences. The ATE has the capability of applying the stored test sequences, capturing the response, and comparing it against the stored expected response. All of this should be completed in relatively short time so that the device can be tested at a high speed. Test Patterns T Tests ATE 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 36 36
Design for Testability (DFT)
Design/modify the circuit so that it is easier to test. Test Responses R Comparator Pass: R=R’ Fail: otherwise R’ Expected Responses UUT Test Patterns T Because of the difficulty and cost of testing, it is often necessary to invest in extra logic in the circuit with the sole purpose of enhancing its testability. We will discuss in some detail the design for testability schemes that are commonly used. DFT Overhead Tests ATE 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 37 37
Self Testing Built-in self test (BIST)
Chip itself generates test vectors (internally) Dedicated sub-circuit to generate pseudo-random test vectors Use “linear feedback shift register (LFSR)” to generate test vectors Use signature to check the integrity Apply sequences of input vectors and combine the output into a signature Shift in initial seed and shift out the signature 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
DFT Approaches Ad Hoc Design Rules Control/test point insertion
Circuit restructuring, e.g. feedback control Special timing considerations Systematic Design Methods Compact testing (signature analysis) Scan design -- Carefully select control/test points for insertion -- Allow feedback paths to be opened or closed -- Avoid asynchronous circuits and provide access to clock signals. Regular structures. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 39 39
Fault Models
Faults Stuck-at-0 (SA0), stuck-at-1 (SA1) Bridging (shorting)
Node tied to Vdd or GND Bridging (shorting) Two wires tied together on one or more layers Stuck-open Break in a wire disconnects two wires Delay faults Parameter variations slow down a gate Path-delay faults Cumulative delay faults along a path 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Stuck-At Faults How does a chip fail? A simpler model: Stuck-At
Usually failures are shorts between two conductors or opens in a conductor This can cause very complicated behavior A simpler model: Stuck-At Assume all failures cause nodes to be “stuck-at” 0 or 1, i.e. shorted to GND or VDD Not quite true, but works well in practice 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Fault Models - Stuck-at-0/1
Assume that every fault forces a gate output to be Always zero - stuck-at-0 Always one - stuck-at-1 Testing procedure: for each node in a design Assume that node is S-A-0 Find a test that reveals this fault Assume this node is S-A-1 For each circuit node One test vector may detect more than one fault! 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Stuck-At Faults in Gates
a b OK SA0 SA1 a b OK SA0 SA1 NAND NOR 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Testing Simple Gates for Stuck-At Faults
Assume gate output is S-A-0 Apply a test vector that should generate a 1 If output is 0, then gate is faulty! Assume gate output is S-A-1 Apply a test vector that should generate a 0 output If output is 1, then gate is faulty! NAND Gate: Test for S-A-0 with inputs: , 01, or 10 Test for S-A-1 with inputs: 11 NOR Gate: Test for S-A-0 with inputs: Test for S-A-1 with inputs: 01, 10, or 11 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
More about Stuck-At Fault Models
Drawback: not all real faults have this behavior! Open circuit - may float between values Short circuit - may change as shorted output changes Drawback: we may more than a single fault Even so, stuck-at fault models are used extensively Easier to work with than other models Shown to give good results even for non-stuck-at faults Alternative: stuck-open model (see book) 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Fault Models a, g : x1 sa1 b : x1 sa0 or a x2 sa0 g b
Stuck-at covers most of the faults Shown: short (a,g), open (b) a, g : x1 sa1 b : x1 sa0 or x2 sa0 Z a x1 g x3 b x2 23/03/2009 VLSI Design [©Prentice Hall]
Fault Models Stuck-at – open does not cover all faults Other options:
Example: Sequential effect: Needs two vectors to detect (1,1) (1,0) Other options: Use stuck-open or stuck-short models Problem: too expensive! x1 x2 Z 0 x 1 1 1 0 1 0 Zn-1 x2 x1 Z x1 x2 23/03/2009 VLSI Design [©Prentice Hall]
Generating and Validating Test Vectors
Automatic test-pattern generation (ATPG) For given fault, determine test (aka excitation) vector that will propagate error to observable output Most available tools: combinational networks only Fault simulation Determine minimal test vectors that will sensitize circuit to the fault Simulates correct network in parallel with faulty networks Structure of logic may make some faults untestable Both require adequate models of faults in CMOS integrated circuits 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
PRSG (Pseudo-Random Sequence Generator)
Linear Feedback Shift Register Shift register with input taken from XOR of state Step Q 111 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
PRSG Linear Feedback Shift Register
Shift register with input taken from XOR of state Step Q 111 1 110 2 3 4 5 6 7 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
PRSG Linear Feedback Shift Register
Shift register with input taken from XOR of state Step Q 111 1 110 2 101 3 4 5 6 7 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
PRSG Linear Feedback Shift Register
Shift register with input taken from XOR of state Step Q 111 1 110 2 101 3 010 4 5 6 7 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
PRSG Linear Feedback Shift Register
Shift register with input taken from XOR of state Step Q 111 1 110 2 101 3 010 4 100 5 6 7 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
PRSG Linear Feedback Shift Register
Shift register with input taken from XOR of state Step Q 111 1 110 2 101 3 010 4 100 5 001 6 7 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
PRSG Linear Feedback Shift Register
Shift register with input taken from XOR of state Pseudo-Random Sequence Generator Step Q 111 1 110 2 101 3 010 4 100 5 001 6 011 7 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
PRSG Linear Feedback Shift Register
Shift register with input taken from XOR of state Step Q 111 1 110 2 101 3 010 4 100 5 001 6 011 7 111 (repeats) 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Test Vector Generation: Path Sensitization
Work forward and backward from node of interest to determine values of inputs to test for fault At the site of the fault, assign a logical value complementary to the fault Select a path from the circuit inputs through the site of the fault to an output, the path is sensitized if the inputs to the gates along the path are set so as to propagate the value at the fault site Determine the primary inputs that will produce the required values at the gate inputs as determined above 23/03/2009 VLSI Design [©Hauck]
Automatic Test Pattern Generation
Eases generation of test vectors. Reduces cost of test More efficient test vectors Reduction in cycle time Provides a deterministic quality metric. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
ATPG no error error /1 1/0 1/0 1 1 1 Could we check for a stuck at one error at a (s-a-1(a)) ? Solution (just guessing): f='1' if there is an error a='0', b='0' in order to have f='0' if there is no error g='1' in order to propagate error c='1' in order to have g='1' (or set d='1') e='1' in order to propagate error i='1' if there is no error & i='0' if there is error 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Path Sensitization Example
Trigger the fault Make it propagate to output sa0 1 Fault enabling 1 Out Fault propagation 23/03/2009 VLSI Design [©Prentice Hall]
Level Sensitive Scan Design (LSSD)
Known as scan-based test Scan path (shift register) links all state elements in circuit Observe and control all states Requires 3 extra pins and a bit more logic in FFs All tests become combinational Very slow — shift in test vector and shift out output vector serially — partial scan paths only use necessary amount Easy to extend to system level 23/03/2009 VLSI Design [©Hauck]
Using Scan Design Shift in to set FF values
Shift out to read FF values Scan variations Full scan - require scan in all flip-flops Partial scan - require scan in some flip-flops Boundary scan - use scan for block I/Os (often used in board-level test) 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Scan Flip-Flop Scan-out Scan-out Scan-in Scan-in Din Din Dout Dout 1
Din Dout Dout Scan-in Scan-in 1 Test Test Clock Clock Explain how it works. The left hand picture shows the schematic symbol for a scan FF. The right hand one shows a possible implementation. Note that other implementations are also possible. For example, the LSSD latch of IBM. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 64
Scan design 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Scan Based Test Register Combinational Logic A B Test N cycles scan in
Out In ScanOut ScanIn Combinational Logic A B Test N cycles scan in N cycles scan out 1 cycle evaluation f1 f2 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Scan-Based Test Operation
Latch Out0 In0 test Scan In Out1 In1 Out2 In2 Scan Out Out3 In3 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Limitations of a single serial scan chain
For chips with a large number of flop-flops, serial shifts can take a quite long time. Hence, it becomes necessary to provide several scan chains. Trying to avoid serial shifts by generating test patterns internally and by also storing the results internally. Compaction of circuit response in a signature. Shifting the entire result out becomes obsolete, we just shift out the signature. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Signature analysis n-bit shift register XOR
Response of circuit to sequence of test patterns compacted in a signature. Only this signature is compared to the golden reference. Exploit an n-bit signature register as well as possible: try to use all values possible for that registers! In practice, we use shift-registers with linear feedback: n-bit shift register XOR Response of circuit to sequence of test vectors Signature Using proper feedback bits, all values possible for the register can be generated. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Built-in Self-Test (BIST)
Include test-vector generation and response-analysis circuitry within the chip. Expected Responses Tests BIST Logic Test Responses R Patterns T Comparator Unit Under Pass: R=R’ Fail: otherwise R’ Chip Boundary Built-in self-test is a DFT scheme in which all the components of an external tester are essentially integrated into the chip so that either an external tester is eliminated or a much simpler one will do. BIST is currently used extensively in memory designs but not as much in logic designs. This is likely to change because the economics of testing deep-submicron devices favors a built-in tester over an external tester. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 70 70
Built-In Self-Test (BIST)
Self-test logic, consisting of pattern generator, response analyzer & test manager, is built into the chip. The test manager executes the self-test and accumulates its result for transmission to an an external pin or higher package-level test manager. Chip Board System Test Manager Pattern Generator CUT Response Analyzer Standards like boundary scan provide a systematic way for implementing the idea of a hierarchical BIST. Among other things, boundary scan allows full access to the pins at one level of packaging at the next level without requiring internal probing. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 71 71
Built-In Self Test (BIST)
Goal: provide limited testing within the chip itself Typical approach: use Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) Structure: shift register with exclusive-OR feedback "Pseudo-random" state sequence 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
BIST (cont'd) Applications of LFSRs
Generate pseudo-random test vectors for self-test Use as signature analyzer to compress output vectors 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
BIST (cont'd) Applications of LFSRs
Generate pseudo-random test vectors for self-test Use as signature analyzer to compress output vectors LFSR Signature Analyzer Circuit Under Test 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
BIST: Signature Analysis
Compress the output vector Time compression (count # of transitions) OR: compute output parity vector Example: time compression: In Counter R 23/03/2009 VLSI Design [©Prentice Hall]
BIST Hardware Structures
Response Compressor: XOR Trees -Level Counter Transition Counter Pattern Generators: LFSR Binary Counter XOR Trees Note that any PG can be used in combination with any RA listed in the two columns. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design 76 76
Replacing serially shifted test pattern by pseudo random test patterns
Shifting in test patterns can be avoided if we generate (more or less) all possible test patterns internally with a pseudo-random test pattern generator. Pseudo-random test pattern generator DUT Signature analysis register Compare with reference Effect of pseudo random numbers on coverage to be analyzed. Signature analysis register shifted-out at the end of the test. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Boundary Scan Interface
Boundary scan is accessed through five pins TCK: test clock TMS: test mode select TDI: test data in TDO: test data out TRST*: test reset (optional) Chips with internal scan chains can access the chains through boundary scan for unified test strategy. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Printed-circuit board
Boundary Scan (JTAG) Printed-circuit board Logic Packaged IC Normal connections Scan-in si so Scan-out scan path Bonding Pad 23/03/2009 VLSI Design [©Prentice Hall]
JTAG (Boundary scan) JTAG defines a 4..5-wire serial interface to access complex ICs .. Any compatible IC contains shift registers & FSM to execute the JTAG functions. TDI: test data in; stored in instruction register or in one of the data registers. TDO: test data out TCK: clock TMS: controls the state of the test access port (TAP). Optional TRST* is reset signal. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
JTAG (Boundary scan) (2)
Defines method for setting up a scan chain on a PCB Source: com/brochure.php 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
The TAP Signals 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Top-Level View of the TAP Controller
23/03/2009 VLSI Design
23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Linear-Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Built-in Logic Block Observation (BILBO)
D0 D1 D2 B0 B1 ScanOut ScanIn R R R S0 S1 S2 Introduced in 1979 Same hardware used for: Pattern generation Signature Analysis Normal registers Scan registers Input data (Di) is XORed with the value of LFSR, acting as a seed B0 B1 Operation mode 1 1 Normal Scan 1 Pattern generation or signature analysis 1 Reset 23/03/2009 VLSI Design [©Prentice Hall]
BILBO – Pattern Generation
D0 =1 D1 D2 B0=1 B1=0 ScanOut ScanIn R R R S0 S1 S2 Pattern generation mode Set Di=1 XORs become NOT gates and negate the NOR gates normal LFSR Signature analysis mode Let Di’s pass through. The signature is not very straightforward, but traceable B0 B1 Operation mode 1 Pattern generation or signature analysis 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
BILBO – Pattern Generation vs. Signature Analysis
In addition to the BILBO circuit shown in two slides ago, you may need some extra logic (e.g., multiplexers) that send either Di’s or 1’s Pattern generation simple LFSR Signature analysis Complex But we can simulate and predict the correct values 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
BILBO Application Operation: Seed sent in using the scan chain
Comb Logic 1 BILBO 2 Logic 2 BILBO 3 Logic 3 BILBO 4 Logic 4 BILBO 5 in out Scan in Scan out Operation: Seed sent in using the scan chain Even BILBOs operate in pattern gen mode, odd ones in signature analysis After a complete cycle (or desired # of cycles), odd BILBO values read through scan out The same process repeats, this time with even BILBOs in signature analysis, odd ones in pattern generation Feedback between different combination logics also possible, but treated as new comb inputs 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Typical application DUT-1
Bilbo-1 (generates pseudo-random test patterns) Bilbo-2 (compresses response) DUT-2 Compressed response shifted out of Bilbo-2 & compared to known „golden“ reference response. Roles of Bilbo-1 and 2 swapped for testing DUT-1 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Self-test Rapidly becoming more important with increasing
chip-complexity and larger modules 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
Patterns: Writing/Reading 0s, 1s,
Memory Self-Test FSM Data in Memory Under Test Signature Analysis Data out Address & R/W Ctrl Patterns: Writing/Reading 0s, 1s, 23/03/2009 VLSI Design [©Prentice Hall]
Summary Test Design for Test (DFT) Fault model
TPG (Test Pattern Generation) Application of test patterns Checking the results Fault coverage Fault simulation for computing coverage Design for Test (DFT) Scan path, Boundary scan Signature analysis, Pseudo random patterns, BILBO 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
References Principles of CMOS VLSI Design - Weste and Eshraghian, Pearson Education, Digital Integrated Circuits - John M. Rabaey, PHI, Essentials of VLSI circuits and systems – Kamran Eshraghian, Eshraghian Dougles and A. Pucknell, 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
If you are successful, it is because some where, some time, someone gave you a life or an idea that started you in the right direction. ... Remember that you are indebted to life until you help some less fortunate person, just as you were helped….. ------ 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
How do we guard the sense of value? We can do so by three things..
By constant discrimination between the real and the unreal.. By keeping ourselves busy doing those things that we have decidedly accepted as beneficial.. By avoiding idle curiosity about the things which do not concern our main pursuit in our life…. 23/03/2009 VLSI Design
That’s ALL Folks..! .
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