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California Institute of Technology

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1 California Institute of Technology
Monitoring Urban Changes from Digital Surface Models: Generating DSM using Worldview Imagery and COSI-Corr Processing vs. Airborne LiDAR Acquisitions Sebastien Leprince Francois Ayoub Office: Cell: California Institute of Technology Patent U.S. 8,121,433 B2 California Institute of Technology

2 Case Study: City of Christchurch, NZ
Data: Worldview panchromatic stereo-pairs (courtesy of DigitalGlobe): - Acquired in September 2009 - Acquired in August 2011 LiDAR acquisitions (via GNS Science, NZ): - 1m gridded LiDAR acquired mid-2010 - 1m gridded LiDAR acquired late-2011 Goal: Comparing the digital surface models produced using COSI-Corr on pairs of 0.5m stereo Worldview images with state-of-the-art airborne LiDAR acquisitions. Applications: City planning, urbanism, insurance, rapid response to catastrophic events (e.g., earthquakes, liquefactions).

3 Eastern part of downtown Christchurch, NZ, zoom on a small 650x350m area
2009 Worldview DSM generated with COSI-Corr 1m GSD 2011 Worldview DSM generated with COSI-Corr 1m GSD COSI-Corr DSM extraction using Worldview stereo imagery competes with LiDAR 2010 LiDAR DSM, 1m GSD 2011 LiDAR DSM, 1m GSD

4 2010 LiDAR DSM 1m GSD 2011 LiDAR DSM 1m GSD

5 2009 Worldview DSM generated with COSI-Corr 1m GSD

6 Comparison of height profiles on buildings (2011 data)
All heights in meters Dotted Profiles = COSI-Corr + Worldview DSM Solid Profiles = LiDAR

7 Comparison of height profiles on buildings (2011 data)
All heights in meters Dotted Profiles = COSI-Corr + Worldview DSM Solid Profiles = LiDAR

8 Comparison of height profiles on buildings (2011 data)
All heights in meters Dotted Profiles = COSI-Corr + Worldview DSM Solid Profiles = LiDAR

9 Looking at Building Height Change
Blue areas are negative changes in height in excess of 3m (building destruction) Red areas are positive changes in height in excess of 3m (building construction) Building destruction after the Feb Christchurch earthquake Building construction after the Feb Christchurch earthquake Building destruction after the Sept Canterbury earthquake? 2009/2011 Difference between Worldview DEM generated by COSI-Corr 2010/2011 Difference between Worldview DEM generated by COSI-Corr Building construction after the Sept Canterbury earthquake

10 Conclusions Can compete with LiDAR
Cheaper (~$100/km^2 vs. ~$1000/km^2) More responsive (no need of flight autorization) Global ….

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