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Polar Bears By Isaac.

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Presentation on theme: "Polar Bears By Isaac."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polar Bears By Isaac

2 What do Polar Bears look like?
Big feet , White fur Huge paws have sharp claws Male bears weigh 700 to1,700 pounds Light making fur look white when yellow or brown Four strong legs Large bodies

3 Where do Polar Bears live?
Habitat snow, ice Ice floats near Arctic Live on floating ice Move to land in summer Stay in den all summer

4 What do I know about Polar Bears babies?
Young off spring cubs In December or January gives birth Mate during April and May Cubs drink mothers milk Cubs stay with mothers for two years!

5 What do Polar Bears eat? Diet meat Feed mainly on seals
Grabs seal with sharp claws Eats birds , fish, young walruses

6 Source Title: Polar Bears Author : Ericka L shores Publisher : Capstone Copyright Date:2006

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