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Class Agenda Capstone Design Project Process 10 min

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1 Class Agenda Capstone Design Project Process 10 min
Project Requirements 65 min


3 النّية

4 Why should we finish the project fast?
Zaman altin 時間是金 Ο χρόνος είναι χρυσός Waktu adalah emas زمان طلا Время золота Oras ay ginto Le temps est d'or Il tempo è oro 時間は金である وقت سونا ہے Zeit ist Gold

5 Project Requirements

ABET Definition (APPM, Criterion 5 (Curriculum), Item b, Page 4) GENERAL CRITERIA Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It is a decision- making process (often iterative), in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and the engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet these stated needs “Students must be prepared for engineering practice through a curriculum culminating in a major design experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work and incorporating appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints.”

ABET Criterion 3 (Student Outcomes) Out of the 11 criteria (3a – 3k), the following must be taken into consideration: 3.c: An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as: economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability 3.d: An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams 3.e: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems 3.f: An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

ABET Criterion 3 (Student Outcomes) Out of the 11 criteria (3a – 3k), the following must be taken into consideration: 3.g: An ability to communicate effectively 3.h: The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context 3.i: A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning 3.j: A knowledge of contemporary issues 3.k: An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

9 Project Requirements Real life problem: The project should reflect a real life design problem related to the industry or society.

10 Project Requirements Advisory committee: Each project should have at least one advisor from the academia, KAU, and, preferably, one advisor from industry.

11 Project Requirements Situation description: A situation should be clearly described by the advisor(s) or customer.

12 Project Requirements Problem definition: The design problem should be defined by the students and should involve some coaching from the advisors.

13 Project Requirements Open-ended: The project should involve a problem that has no single solution.

14 Project Requirements Alternative solutions:
More than one solution should be discussed by the students for a situation. A comparison should be performed between the alternatives in a methodical way (e.g. QFD, KTDA).

15 Project Requirements Roadmap:
The roadmap of thinking and the rational of the selected design project should be clarified (High Level Plan). Students and advisor(s) should prepare a one sheet summarizing the curriculum sources contributed to the accumulated knowledge used to address the design project problem.

16 Project Requirements Specifications and regulations: Adopted design specifications, regulations and standards should be clarified in each design project and documented.

17 Project Requirements Team work: Professor(s) should emphasize team work among students.

18 Project Requirements Environmental impact statement: Each project should include a section to assess the impact of the project on the environment including, but not limited to, air, water, soil, etc.

19 Project Requirements Culture and social assessment: The final product in some projects might have a direct or indirect short, medium or long term impact on some sector(s) from the local, national and/or international society. In this case, the project report should assess the acceptability of the proposed design by the neighboring and/or end-user society.

20 Project Requirements Marketing and financial analysis:
Each project should include a cost estimate of the design and its implementation including time and material. Each project should address the marketability of the end product which could be a manufactured product or service product.

21 Project Requirements Professional ethics:
All work should be original and not copied from others. In the case of project-team, work should be divided equally between all members. Grade should be given on individual basis based on the effort and performance of a student, as well as on team level. All reference materials should be documented. Professional ethics should be implemented and enforced by the professor(s) and students.

22 Project Requirements Final Product:
A full scale prototype, or a scaled model, of the product should be manufactured and tested. A Technical Report should be written in clear English. A multimedia presentation should be prepared. A Poster should be prepared including an executive summary; the problem statement, design approach, important findings with illustrations.



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