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、 Welcome !.

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1 Welcome !

2 There’s no road on the world originally, and there’s a road when there are more tracks.

3 Clouds hang black above the country roads,
A lone boat on the river sheds a glimmer of light… 野径云俱黑,江船火独明 《春夜喜雨》 Behind the red gates meat and wine go to waste, while out on the road lie the bones of those frozen to death… 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨 《自京赴奉先咏怀五百字》

4 We cross dirt roads and highways that mark the will of someone and then others who said, "I need to see what's on the other side; I know there's something better down the road." 我们穿过尘土的路和高速公路,它们是某人意志的记号,而别的人说:“我要看看另一边有什么,我知道路的前面有更好的. 为奥巴马就职所写的诗歌

5 Roads Transport

6 Unit4 Word power Transport

7 I enjoy riding my bicycle on the avenue.
Each type of transport has its own strengths and limitations. And under certain conditions, people may prefer to use one rather than another one. I enjoy riding my bicycle on the avenue. What about you?

8 PartA Read the article that ZhaoNing found in a book about roads, and know more about the different names for different types of roads.

9 What are very small roads called ?
lanes paths

10 Expressways/freeways (Am)
What are roads where cars can go very fast called? Motorways (Br) Expressways/freeways (Am)

11 flyovers overpasses What are the parts of roads that go over other
roads called? flyovers overpasses

12 What are parts that go through
a tunnel called? underpasses

13 What are roads that people need to pay to use called?
toll roads

14 junction intersection What is the area where many roads link up
called? junction intersection

15 Spaghetti junction What is a network of roads that are made up of many flyovers and intersections called?

16 Different means of transport
Think of as many tools of transport as you can belonging to the following three categories. transport land air sea ? ? ?

17 land sea air Public Traffic
light railway, underground, subway, metro, motorbike, bicycle, railway, train, car, minibus, taxi, coach, bus land Public Traffic sea ship, ferry, motorboat air Aeroplane, helicopter

18 high-speed trains ships underground trains … buses coaches aeroplanes
public transport trains buses coaches

19 _____ have routes. They pick up and drop off people at different places on the route.

20 _______ are buses that carry people over long distances.

21 _____ were a popular way to travel from place to place.

22 __________ are used to travel quickly over long distances.

23 The ____________ has become popular in crowded cities.

24 High-speed trains ___________ run much faster than normal trains.

25 light railway Maglev train Metro/ subway/ underground faster
comfortable more convenient environmentally friendly Metro/ subway/ underground

26 motorboats ferry Cool Crazy Exciting Amazing Adventurous Challenging

27 helicopter Military; Urgency Aid

28 The factors you have to consider before you decide the means of transportation .
Distance Speed Cost /Price Safety Time Convenience Weather Comfort Effects on the environment

29 Li Wei is studying in Australia now
Li Wei is studying in Australia now. But there is some bad news from his family, so Li Wei has to go back to China. He is very worried. What should he do now? Who can he turn to for help?

30 call the ticket seller read the timetable book a seat buy a return ticket bring his passport call a taxi board

31 Practise: Part D (P55)

32 Actions Documents People/jobs book a seat/ticket one-way ticket
customs officer read a timetable season ticket captain board student ticket ticket seller land passport pilot

33 Thank you

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