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Introduction to System Analysis and Design

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1 Introduction to System Analysis and Design
Spring 2017

2 What is System? A system is an interrelated set of components that work together and are viewed as a whole. In a system the different components are connected with each other and they are interdependent. The objective of the system demands that some output is produced as a result of processing the suitable inputs. It also includes ‘control’ that provides a feedback to achieve desired objectives of the system.

3 System characteristics
A system has: Components – input, processing and output. Structure – how the components are organized Function – what the system does Objectives – the human purposes served by the system Boundary which separates it from its environment.

4 Systems analysis is a discipline which analyzes problems, estimates the consequences of various courses of action(pin point weaknesses in the system), and recommends what action to take to solve problems and provide alternative solutions to the problems.

5 Information systems analysis seeks to improve information systems so that they provide better support for the business activities of an organization. Information processing system is an information system which performs transformations of input, store information and transport information from one part of the system to another.

6 System analyst A person or team who study the problems and needs of an organization in order to determine how people, methods and information technology can best be combined to bring improvements in the organization. SA helps managers and other business managers define their requirements for new or enhanced information services. System analysts help solve business problems by applying information technology not only to production and service functions but also to improved monitoring, control, and decision support.

7 System analyst objectives
System analysts work with abstract models in order to: Understand existing systems Simulate system behavior Describe the requirements for a new system

8 Information Are data that have been processed(transformed) and presented in a form suitable for human use to uncover some facts such as printed on paper or displayed on the screen.

9 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
which is a methodology used to develop, maintain, replace and repair Information System. Every system has a SDLC, a product has SDLC (creation, testing, introduction to the customers (market)). SDLC steps may not be sequential, they may overlap, repeated and reintroduced until a satisfactory product is reached or produced.



12 SDLC Steps 1- project identification and selection
identifies the needs of an organization for IS, this may be caused by: a- problems of the current procedures. b- the desire to perform additional tasks. c- implementation of new technology. d- users needs for new or enhanced system. The organization may or may not be able to allocate resources for the development process (financial, personnel, technical)

13 2- project initiation and planning:
formal investigation of the system problem at hand. The presentation of reasons why the system should or shouldn’t be developed by the organization. Determining the scope of the proposed system, time needed to finish, resources both financial, and personnel.

14 3- Analysis: Analysts study deeply the organization current system procedures in depth. They work with users to determine what users want from the system They study the current system and decide what part of the system might be replaced or enhanced. Generate ALTERNATIVE initial design to match requirements. Compare the alternatives and choose the best that meets requirements, and the best that fits the organization current and future needs.

15 4- Design: Description of the recommended solution is converted to logical then to physical design. Logical design: all functions and features of the system chosen for development in analysis are described independently of any computer platform. Physical design: logical specification of the system are transformed into technology-specific details. Technical, detailed specifications of all system elements (programs, files, networks, system SW, DB, HW to store data, acquisition plan for new technology).

16 5- implementation: Turning the system specification into working system that is tested and then put into use. It includes coding, testing, and installation, training users, finalizing documentation (user guide). 6- Maintenance: an IS(Information system) is systematically repaired and improved. It includes the following functions: repairing error that may occur. Enhancing existing operations. Developing new functions All which bring the process of system development to step 1.

17 System Analyst Skills A-Technical :
1-Knowledge and understanding of computer technology and it abilities. 2- Knowledge and understanding of data networks. 3- Knowledge and understanding of database management and programming languages. 4- Knowledge and understanding of operating systems. 5- Knowledge and understanding of the internet 6- know the best DSS that is suitable for the nature of the system in hand.

18 B-Management skills -the nature of the SA work requires him to work with different type of people (top, middle and low managements, outside users, customers ..etc), and he needs to manage:

19 C-Communication skills:
-the key to success as SA. you should be able to communicate clearly and effectively with others. -forms of communication (written, oral, by phone, presentation). -SA must be a good listener. Comm. Skills improve your experience. Working alone and with a TEAM: SA needs to work alone some of the times to manage his schedule, commitments, and deadlines. SA work with a team also where all group aim is to achieve project goals. Trust the experienced users judgment, listen to them. You need to under stand the strength and weaknesses of the team members. TEAM members should establish both cooperation and coordination that guide their work.

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