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Beginning of Class • Silence at the bell • Look at the teacher • Listen to Mrs. W.

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Presentation on theme: "Beginning of Class • Silence at the bell • Look at the teacher • Listen to Mrs. W."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beginning of Class • Silence at the bell • Look at the teacher • Listen to Mrs. W

2 End of Class Procedures
• Shut down and close your computer after the screen has turned black. • All classroom supplies/lab equipment should be organized at the center of the lab table or put away if it is the end of the day. • Deliver your computer to the cart. Put it away in the correct numbered slot. Do not plug in the charging wires. • Pack your backpack but leave it in front of your knees. • Help other students get ready to go. Look for supplies, notebooks and papers that need to be put away. No trash or pencils are on the floor near your table. Mrs. W will dismiss you one table at a time when all students at your table have completed the above and are seated and ready go.

3 Set up for Class (Immediately at entering classroom)
• Get out science spiral and pencil • Zip up your backpack/put your backpack under your lab table • Get assigned computer • Log in using your Active Directory Username __________________________ Password __________________________

4 Go to the Apple Desktop Computer if your Netbook is not working
Go to the Apple Desktop computer that is on your side of the room and closest to your assigned seat. Note: You do not have to ask permission to do this. Log on with Username marshall Password (leave blank) Select Firefox from the dashboard or select “Application” under the “Go” heading in the top file menu to search for Firefox. 3. Remember that when you are on a Mac computer you are not saving to your Netbook account and you will need to save to moodle. Important: Always use Firefox for moodle assignments.

5 Computer Tabs for Class (Set up immediately at login to computer)
1st Open • Read the Daily Bulletin/daily club schedule • Go to and read the homework posting for your class 2nd Open 3rd Open • Use google to help you spell words and find definitions and pronunciations of new words •Use google to research the topic you are studying after you have read the topic in your textbook.

6 Using Computers in Science Class
The computer is a tool for recording your learning digitally and for researching topics and finding current Science information on the Internet. It is also for viewing graphics and watching videos and animations that explain the science concepts that you are studying in your textbook. 1st - Follow the rules in the Netbook/Computer Use agreement you signed in your registration packet the first week of school. 2nd - Use only your assigned computer or another one Mrs. W has signed out to you. • Do not type or make changes on someone else’s computer. • When you are helping someone with a computer issue, verbally explain and point at what to do, do not take over the computer and do it your self. • Do not walk to the computer cart until your computer has completely shut down (the screen has turned black) and your computer is closed shut.

7 Using moodle (
• Log in to above website • Use your Active Directory username and password • Look at the first assignment under the Mt. Etna picture for today’s assignment • Double-click on the title to open the assignment.

8 Computer Etiquette or Manners in Room C206.
• Netbook sits flat on your desk in front of you. • Your Netbook is next to your partner’s computer so you can see both your computer screen and your partner’s computer screen. • Do not walk around the room with an open computer. • If you are moving around the room to change assigned seats for a project, be sure your computer is closed. • Never pick up a Netbook by the grabbing an open screen.

9 Saving Work in Science Class (You do not need a flash drive – you will be saving to moodle)
• If you are doing online writing in moodle, you will just scroll down and select “Save My Submission”. • If you are working in MicroSoft or PowerPoint you will first need to save your file: Select “Save As” and label the file this way: Class period – 1st name- name of project – date Example: 3 James John Seach Oct 17 After the next day’s work, your file will be 3 James John Seach Oct 18 You can even put in the time: 3 James John Seach Oct 18 8 pm

10 2nd Step: Save your work to moodle
• If you are doing online writing in moodle, you will just scroll down and select “Save My Submission”. • If you are working in MicroSoft or PowerPoint 1. First need to save your file to your computer. 2. Open the assignment on moodle and scroll down until you see “Upload a File”. 3. Then Select “Browse” and find and double click on the file you want to upload. 4. Next double-click on the box “Upload this File”. A message “File Uploaded Successfully” will appear when you complete the above steps. Note: If you select continue, you can go back to the assignment and after scrolling down, you will see a link to your uploaded file. Now you can open this file at home (or on another computer at school) by opening it from moodle. Be sure to save properly and upload to moodle each time you add information to you documents/projects.

11 Cooperative Learning in Science Class Students are learning, doing activities and labs, asking questions and discussing topics in Table Groups. 1st Do your part to learn and complete the lesson • Ask your desk partner if you have a question. • Ask your whole table group the question if you and your partner do not know the answer. • The table leader will ask the teacher or Teaching Assistant the question for the entire table when no one knows the answer or the answer is unclear and needs more explanation. • Raise your hand to get the adult to come to your tabl.e Note: If the adults are busy, you may need to go on to the next question and wait for an answer to that part of the lesson. 2nd All students need to take part in the lesson and share out with others. • Some students will take the lead and organize the discussion. • All students help one another with the assignment. • All students need to be on task and have a positive attitude about finishing the assignment. There is no time for horseplay or socializing during class! Help your group finish tasks. Go on to extra credit assignments or reading science in the news topics if you finish early. Note: Extra Credit includes playing Education Games (BrainPop, Science museum games, NASA, etc.)

12 Ring of Fire

13 Types of Volcanoes How many types are there?
How are volcanoes classified or grouped?


15 Types of Volcanoes There are 3 types of volcanoes: Shield Cinder Cone
Composite They are classified by how they form.

16 Composite Volcano Is small, with steep sides.
Forms from explosive eruptions. Produces a lot of lava and ash.

17 Cinder Cone Volcano Has tall, very steep sides.
Has explosive eruptions. These eruptions produce a lot of cinder and ash.

18 Shield Volcano Is wide and somewhat flat. Forms from a quiet eruption.
Lava flows out quietly and for great distances.

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