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Scientific Method.

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1 Scientific Method

2 Steps of the Scientific Method
People Really Hate Elephants On Compact Cars Problem – The “thing” that you want to know. Research – Information about the problem. What is already known?

3 Steps of the Scientific Method
People Really Hate Elephants On Compact Cars Hypothesis – Educated quess, or prediction of the outcome of the experiment. This guess can be tested by performing an experiment. Experiment – Tests the hypothesis

4 Steps of the Scientific Method
People Really Hate Elephants On Compact Cars Observations – Data you collect during the experiment. Conclusions – Determine if the hypothesis is correct or not.

5 Steps of the Scientific Method
People Really Hate Elephants On Compact Cars 7. Communicate – Present your results in a talk or a paper

6 Problem: Research: Hypothesis: Experiment: Observation: Conclusion: Communicate: Do mice grow larger if given Vitamin C? Learn about mice, their diet and vitamin C. If mice are given vitamin C, then they will grow larger. Two groups of mice – one gets vitamin C, one does not Weigh mice after 2 weeks – both groups are the same size. Hypothesis is not correct (rejected) Present your results

7 Identify the Variables
Manipulated or Independent Variable (IV)? Responding or Dependent Variable (DV)? Control Group-treated “normally” Experimental Group (IV is changed for this group) Constants Conclusion - Get Vitamin C or no Vitamin C - Weight of mice - Mice with no Vitamin C - Mice with Vitamin C - Same mice (genetically identical), same food (except for Vitamin C), same weight scale, same cage conditions, same time frame… - Accept or Refect the Hypothesis

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