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Underwater Animals By : Ari Lopez.

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Presentation on theme: "Underwater Animals By : Ari Lopez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Underwater Animals By : Ari Lopez

2 Table of Contents Introduction page 3 Chapter 1: Sea turtles page 4 Chapter 2: Squid page 6 Chapter 3: Shrimp page 8 Chapter 4: Crab page 10 Glossary page 12 Conclusion page 13 Site Page page 14

3 Introduction Did you know that a full grown squid can be up to 60 feet long! Wow that’s like 30 times as big as a full grown Crab! If you read this book you will learn about Crabs, Sea Turtle , Squid and Shrimp . Come learn about some amazing animals under water!

4 Sea Turtles Have you ever wondered how many body parts a sea turtle has ? Well I can just tell you that it is a high number! Sea turtles like to eat a lot in fact some sea turtles actually way 1,500 pounds wow that’s almost as much as a baby Gorilla and a baby horse! The interesting animal lives almost anywhere upset Polar bear regions. Sea turtles might seem slow on land but are really fast on land

5 Baby sea turtle hatching

6 Squid Have You ever wondered how body parts uses its head for protection underwater . They use their legs to swim around the ocean . Its eyes are like a hammerhead sharks there is 1 eye on each side Squid love to eat shrimp and other small animals . Sometimes Squid get into fights and use their sharp beaks to defend themselves .

7 Baby Squid

8 Shrimp Can you believe all the body parts that a Shrimp has it has antennas, eyes, and a tail and much more to. They use their legs called swimmerets to doggy paddle there way to safety almost every day 1,000 shrimp get caught eaten or killed. Shrimp don’t grow much but there leg’s kind of grow. They can live almost anywhere they most commonly are eaten by squid, Crab or Sea Turtles and Humans

9 baby cherry shrimp

10 Crab Wow Crabs have so many body parts . Did you know that with 3 or 4 crabs they would be the size of me! Crab’s use their long eyelids to look bigger to scare of enemies and to see really well. Did you know that crab’s actually have 8 leg’s! They can crawl very fast thanks to those 8 leg’s. Thanks for reading my book.

11 Ghost crab 11

12 glossary Hatch – to get out of an egg Shore – The beginning of the beach Stages – time’s in your life Scared – to be frightened Ink – something squid and octopuses squirt Safer – to be more secure Swimmeret's – like little legs to swim Shrimp – small creature that lives in the ocean Many – to have a lot

13 Conclusion I hope you enjoyed reading about Sea Turtles, Shrimp, Squid, Shrimp and Crab and most importantly I hope you enjoyed reading my book!

14 Site pages Pebble F44B26AD6A32C8D7D1582A608C A&q=turtle&simid= & selectedIndex=3&ajaxhist=0 h&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj8yufqoszSAhWH6YMKHa9CByIQ_AUICCgB&biw=1034&bih=8 71#imgrc=OBQGkzu-CPIMyM:

15 Thanks for reading Worst slide show ever from Nicholas

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