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By Jon Klassen An Interactive Shared Reading Activity

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1 By Jon Klassen An Interactive Shared Reading Activity
This is not my hat By Jon Klassen An Interactive Shared Reading Activity


3 Demographics Thompson Integrated Early Childhood Program located in Loveland, CO. Integrated (HS, CPP, SE) multi-age (3-5) preschool classroom Group included five 4-year-olds Four boys and one girl Four Head Start students and one special education student

4 Dialogic Reading Protocol
(What Works Clearinghouse, 2007)

5 Reading Setup Reading was done in small group
Students were able to lay on tummies Students shared multiple copies of books

6 Repeated Readings First Reading
Book was introduced: title, author, title page Direct-word instruction Predictions Second Reading Completion prompts Distancing prompts

7 Repeated Readings Third Reading Recall prompts Open-ended prompts
Wh-question prompts Child lead discussion Fourth Reading Continued use of all CROWD prompts Role release Child lead discussion

8 Reflection Predictions and inferences
Discussion of what it means to be a “caring friend” Problem solving social conflicts (asking nicely, taking turns, trading)

9 Extension Activities Hat Headband (small group/learning centers)
Puffy Fish (learning centers)

10 CDE Standards Reading, Writing, and Communicating
Standard 1: Oral Expression and Listening Standard 2: Reading for All Purposes (Colorado Department of Education, 2015)

11 Teaching Strategies GOLD
Objective 17: Demonstrates knowledge of print and its uses 17a. Uses and appreciated books 17b. Uses print concepts Objective 18: Comprehends and responds to books and other texts 18a. Interacts during read-alouds and book conversations 18b. Uses emergent reading skills 18c. Retells stories

12 References Colorado Department of Education. (2015). New Colorado P-12 academic standards. Retrieved from Standards.asp?glid=1&stid2=6&glid2=0 Knapp-Philo, J., Rosenkoetter, S. E.(2006). Learning to read the world: Language and literacy in the first three years. Washington, DC: Zero to Three Press. Berke, K., Bickart, T. S., Burts, D. C., Heroman, C. (2010). Objective for development and learning: Birth through kindergarten. Bethesda, MD: Teaching Strategies, LLC. What Works Clearinghouse. (2007). Dialogic reading. Retrieved from ng_ pdf

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