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Research methodologies

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1 Research methodologies
Catherine Drewer Level 4 Therapeutic Counselling Unit 6

2 Objectives Investigate what you already know Types of research
Investigate the question “Why do we undertake research in counselling?”

3 What do you already know?
Small groups What do you already know? 10 minutes to work out what you already know Feedback to the whole group

4 Tell us What you already know

5 What is research? To search and search again
Diligent systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to revise facts theories or applications

6 Before research begins
Ethical considerations consent

7 Ethics Nuremberg Code 1947 The absolute necessity for voluntary consent of research subjects The research must be for the good of the setting- links to society as a whole The research should not cause physical and mental suffering

8 consent Informed consent What the research is about
Benefits, consequences Results – how will they know the outcomes Confidentiality Right to withdraw Agreement of setting to the research Confidentiality – Data Protection Act (amended 2003)

9 Types of research Literature Search Questionnaires Quantitative

10 What did you find out?

11 Literature search What do academic authors think of the issue?
What is the latest research published in academic journals What reports are presented to the public in the newspapers? What is on the internet that relates to your question?

12 Questionnaires Need to be well designed to provide the information needed in such a way that it is acceptable to your participants yet do not lead and do not give problems at the analytical stage. Analysis needs to be considered at the design stage rather than once the responses have been received. Questionnaires should only be prepared once the research has been agreed

13 Quantitative research
Collection of data Analysed statistically

14 Qualitative research Asking questions about observed behaviour
Participant/non-participant observer Phenomenological (how do people feel)

15 Why research in counselling?
In small groups, consider why we undertake research in counselling Make sure you each have an equal amount of time to contribute

16 What did you decide?

17 Why research in counselling?
Gaining a wider perspective Accountability Developing new ideas and approaches Applications of counselling new areas Personal and professional development CREST

18 Books that may be useful

19 What have you learned today?

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