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General information on registration, online test, and certification

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1 General information on registration, online test, and certification
HWM General information on registration, online test, and certification

2 Useful links What is HWM, and Where is the course link?
Please go here: Step by Step online registration process In order to register you will need: McGill Id or McGill username. Minerva Pin or McGill Password. Then you have to view the Training Calendar (for Live Course) (online course for students; note: for staff you go here): Applicable only if you register to any of the courses, including an online exam. Therefore, not applicable for: fill–in “in person exam”registration form; and Those who have received an e-confirmation already (because you have successfully registered).

3 Certification After completing your online HWM test, please keep your e-results as this is your proof of training. Approximately one month after, EHS will do its best to forward you an e-certificate. Due to extremely busy training season, it may take longer. The certification is valid for a three year period. Should you need to maintain your HWM certification, you will need to challenge the test again (online or in person). If you get the passing grade set at 80%, EHS will extend your certification for another three years. If you fail, you will be required to assist to a Live Course.

4 How to determine what type of registration I need?
to a Live Course? It is the best choice if it is the first time you do this certification. This registration includes an online test. No additional exam test registration will be necessary. Note: EHS do not recognize other university/institution HWM course certification. Read more here, 5th paragraph. to an Online or “in person” exam? If you have never written the test (i.e. not even once), you are welcome to write it first online; If you have failed once already, EHS strongly recommends you rewrite the test in person (at EHS office). However, you can choose to do it again online.

5 Useful links To better prepare myself for the test, I can:
Listen to a Microsoft-online Video Presentation by Jason Hull, HWM Officer. Below are his instructions: login to office 365* click "video tab" widget; click the magnifying glass to search HWM (if the HWM disposal training video is not trending #1!!! ); this will return the videos from our "HWM online training channel“; select the disposal training video. click the tab and it generates the following links: Here is a link to the "HWM Disposal Training " video: a1ba7-790f-4286-a306- baa07ac81a94&vid=ccf f-4fff-9942-d4ebb840111e&from=2 Download and study the course notes (pdf slide presentation) Please go here: Read carefully the instructions found on the EHS webpage to access them.

6 *How to access to Office 365
Written differently: Here is a link to the "HWM Disposal Training " video: &p=p&chid=794a1ba7-790f-4286-a306-baa07ac81a94&vid=ccf f-4fff d4ebb840111e&from=2 You must sign into offce365. All staff should have access (global “all mcgill staff” list has access ). The format of office has changed and it seems the video app is hiding, if you were just to login and look for it. At the top left you would click the squares next to the office 365 and select video. My video is trending!!! If not you can search for  “HWM” to see our online content.

7 *Pictogram of Office 365

8 What to write in the online test heading
Name and ID: put yours Department: i.e. the location of the labo EHS doesn’t need the name of your diploma PI (principal investigator): your professor PI Professor one it could be your TA, as per Prof. instruction It could be your School Advisor if not yet assigned to a professor/project Building & Lab room #: put yours [if this is not applicable – please leave blank)

9 Useful hints for online test
You have accessed your online test, but realized that you do not have the 1 hour in front of you to write it. Best is to “Exit and clear survey”. You will be able to go again later at a more convenient time.

10 How can I “Opt out”, and Why?
If you are definitive/certain that you don’t want to write the online test – for which you just have been invited: please Opt Out. Why? Perhaps you have registered to an online exam, but since successfully wrote it; therefore you no longer need to write an additional one. Perhaps you won’t have the time to do it before the deadline, and prefer registering to the next offered session When? The offer to Opt Out is included in the Lime Survey – online test itself link. See pictures.

11 Watch out and pick the second link to Opt Out!

12 Successful Opt Out results is shown below

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