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IFMA Southeast Michigan Strategic Plan Summary Report

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1 IFMA Southeast Michigan Strategic Plan Summary Report
November 3, 2010

2 Vision To serve as an advocate, resource and representative for Facility Management in Southeastern Michigan

3 Mission To provide exceptional professional opportunities that support and advance the Facility Management community in Southeast Michigan.

4 Goals for Four Perspectives
1. Stakeholder Perspective To develop and support a community that delivers positive impact for the individual, the companies they work for, and the FM profession.

5 Goals for Four Perspectives
1. Stakeholder Perspective Objective 1: Provide effective networking opportunities for all facility management stakeholders. (community) Action Items: Create setting and Schedule time at each monthly meeting for networking Provide attendee list Link membership directory w/ National New member buddy

6 Goals for Four Perspectives
1. Stakeholder Perspective Objective 2: Advance the career of the facility management professional. (quality) Action Items: Provide more programs that offer education opportunities Communicate / Encourage CFM & FMP Examine Education Workshop format Panel discussion with Executives at top companies

7 Goals for Four Perspectives
1. Stakeholder Perspective Objective 3: Advance the stature and the influence of the facility management profession. (image/influence) Action Items: Create Public Relations Plan Utilize Established Media List Recruit and Solidify Communication Committee Members and delegate focus on Public Relations Activity

8 Goals for Four Perspectives
1. Stakeholder Perspective Objective 4: Promote the benefits of the chapter to all FM stakeholders. Action Items: Collaborate with other organizations on programs and speakers “Seven Contacts” to employers

9 Goals for Four Perspectives
2. Operational Excellence Perspective Provide the resources necessary that will lead to value, growth and education for the FM community.

10 Goals for Four Perspectives
2. Operational Excellence Perspective Objective 1: Ensure optimal committee operations Action Items: Chair / Volunteer accountability Written reports in advance development a template for these reports in advance with a due date. Strive for a consistent agenda Succession planning Develop all committee structure

11 Goals for Four Perspectives
2. Operational Excellence Perspective Objective 2: Manage and develop effective communications. Action Items: Re-evaluate newsletter approach – IFMA Insider Finish updating website Website Champion / seek volunteers Up-to-date content

12 Goals for Four Perspectives
3. People Perspective Build trusted relationships that encourage membership, active participation and lead to personal and professional growth.

13 Goals for Four Perspectives
3. People Perspective Objective 1: Nurture and Leverage past and present leaders to help the chapter to meet its goals. Action Items: Commit to Leadership education Succession planning New members asked to join a committee

14 Goals for Four Perspectives
3. People Perspective Objective 2: Identify new individuals and learn their skills to encourage participation. Action Items: Survey new members to gather profile info and involvement Support the efforts of the membership committee Get the membership talking – roundtable Social events of IFMA experience Education programs continue

15 Goals for Four Perspectives
4. Financial Perspective Ensure the chapter’s sound financial position to achieve our mission.

16 Goals for Four Perspectives
4. Financial Perspective Objective 1: Maintain current revenue generation activities, develop new opportunities and communicate the financial position and value delivered. Action Items: Annual financial strategy session Keep reserves to 3 years covering operating expenses Advisory Committee/Board Revenue diversification Enhance corporate sponsorship

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