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Florida High School Athletic Association
2017 Swimming and Diving Kellie Doucette, Administrator ext. 450 Florida High School Athletic Association
Really important items…
Please download the district database from the website, please do not create your own. This will significantly delay score reporting! Please forward the district database as soon as the meet is over, otherwise the host school is subject to a fine per policy 4.1.5 The NFHS has established guidelines for potential timing equipment malfunctions. Please see the Timing Guide that will be sent to all host schools, Meet Referees and HyTek Operators. Florida High School Athletic Association
More really important items…
Do not change the abbreviation for the schools, use the one that is already in the database. When inputting athletes for the District meet, use the athletes full legal name from the Home Campus report. For example, Ali Smith is incorrect, however Allison E. Smith is correct. Exhibition swims are NOT allowed at the district, region or state meet. Florida High School Athletic Association
Home Campus State Entry List (SEL)
The SEL is entered by the school AD into Home Campus. This is our database management system that will enable us to know if a student-athlete is eligible and provide full legal names. If you come across an athlete that is NOT on the SEL but they appear in the database please get the coach and together call me immediately, the athlete is not eligible until they are added. Some ADs can add them immediately, others will have to wait until the next day. In lieu of punishing the athlete, please allow the swimmer to swim, after you call me, and as long as the are properly entered on the district entry list. If you don’t have a full name, look at the SEL as all athletes should be there under one of the tabs; swimming, diving or alternates. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
HyTek All HyTek operators and Meet Referees should be given a copy of the school’s Home Campus State Entry List (SEL) from the host school. The host school AD should have them for you. The Home Campus SEL is the official roster from the FHSAA that verifies student athletes are eligible to participate. If there is a student on the district entry list that is not one the SEL, they are not eligible to compete. If this situation arises please call me immediately. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
District Entry File As soon as the HyTek Operator has downloaded the database from the FHSAA website, he/she must create (File/Export/Events for TM) and send the Entry File to the coach of the high school that is hosting the event. The host coach must immediately forward the Entry File to each of the high school coaches competing in their district meet, along with the address of the HyTek Operator. Each high school will then import the entry file into Team Manager (or Team Manager Lite), and build the entry for their team/athletes. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
District Entry File Once the entry for their team is complete, each high school coach must export and their entry file directly to the HyTek operator so that he/she can import them and verify there are no over-entries. If there are over-entries, they must immediately be reported to the coach who needs to remedy the situation immediately. Some counties block external s with attachments, if your HyTek Operator (or the person handling entries) is not a school employee this may come up. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Meet Management Once all entries are in the database for the District meet, HyTek Exception Reports by team and individual must be run to identify any over-entries. Should any over-entries be found, the coach of the school affected must be notified and requested to remedy the situation as soon as possible. Within 48 hours of the entry deadline, the Meet Director (typically the host school head coach or the person putting the entries into HyTek) must send a HyTek Meet Manager entry confirmation to each team’s head coach listing all swimmers and divers entered in the meet and their seed times. No points (NP) should be listed for divers. Any over-entries from the Exception Report MUST be resolved no less than 72 hours before the start of the meet. Within 72 hours of the start of the meet, a psych sheet must be produced and distributed to all head coaches in the district. Swimmers names in relays should not be listed on the psych sheet. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Exception Reports To run Exception Reports in Meet Manager, go to the main home page and across the top menu bar choose: “Reports” Scroll down to almost the end, to “Exceptions Reports” Highlight all of the sessions (generally only one) for the meet (they should now be yellow in color). Then on the left bottom third of the screen make sure it says: Max Entries including relays is set to: 4 Max individual entries is set to: 2 Max relay entries is set to: 3 SCREEN SHOULD LOOK LIKE THIS: Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Exception Reports Next, make sure the radio button “Exceed Maximum Entries per Athlete is ON. Then, towards the top of the screen hit “Create Report”. If there are no over- entries the following screen will appear: Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Exception Reports If there are any Exceptions a report will be generated, specifying who is over entered. Any report will need to be addressed immediately! Next, run an Exception Report to verify the entries per team were not exceeded. Set Max Entries per team to 4. Again, if there are no over-entries the report will not be generated, if there are Exceptions (over-entries) a report will be provided and should be addressed immediately! Exception Reports must be done as soon as the electronic entries are done as Districts. Psych sheets SHOULD NOT be distributed until both Exception Reports are done for each team. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Meet Management MRs should double check with the operators that the athlete and team exception reports have been checked. All coaches and FHSAA certified officials have an electronic copy of the rule book. Please check to see if the meet is USA Swimming sanctioned for observation as you will need a separate copy of the meet results. Below is a link to the FHSAA Policies and Procedures Manual if you would like to download it before the meet: Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
No Shows/Scratches In a district or region meet, no shows (NS) are considered ‘Failure to Compete’ The competitor will not be eligible in any further events at the current meet or at the Regional or State meet as an individual or as a relay member, even if they have qualified in an event prior to the NS. Competitors should be marked as a ‘No Show’ in all individual events in which the swimmer/diver was entered for which they do not show. DO NOT scratch any athlete from the database. Meet Referee should keep track of the names/schools of each of the No Show-swimmers, cross reference with the scoring operator and send that information to the FHSAA. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
No Shows/Scratches It is important that any athlete no-show information from diving competitions be communicated to the Meet Referee for the swimming competition, and vice versa. Per NFHS rule (pg 45): In championship meets, by state association adoption, the diving event may be the first event… This will not change the order in HyTek, it will still be events 9 and 10 in HyTek. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
No Show/Diving If the District and Regional Diving competition is held after the Swimming Competition, any Diver who is a No Show for the diving event is ineligible for further competition in any event in which s/he was entered, including any swimming event they may have qualified for during the swimming portion. If the District and Regional Diving competition is held before the Swimming competition, any Diver who is a No-Show for the diving event is ineligible for further competition in any event, including the swimming event(s), in which s/he was entered. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Medical Scratches A Medical Scratch is issued by the Meet Referee when a competitor is not healthy enough to compete in that meet. A Medical Scratch must not be issued for a single event. Please forward any medical documentation from Districts or Regionals to the FHSAA. If an athlete was medically scratched in Districts, the FHSAA office will decide if they are permitted to participate in Regionals. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Tape/Braces Tape, including KT or Kinesio tape is ONLY allowed in high school swimming with a note from the prescribing doctor or certified trainer. Kinesio/KT tape is not allowed in USA Swimming. If the meet is USA Swimming Observed, the swimmer must be disqualified in the results sent to Florida/Florida Gold Coast/Southeastern Swimming. The swimmer should NOT be disqualified in the results sent to the FHSAA. Divers are allowed to use tape for support. Athletes with joint braces must have written documentation from the FHSAA to be presented to the referee upon request. Neoprene sleeves are prohibited, Velcro joint braces will be permitted with written documentation. Florida High School Athletic Association
Exhibition Swimmers/Uniforms
Exhibition swimmers and divers are not allowed during District or Regional meets. Suits and caps may only have one manufacturer logo on each item and the logo may not exceed 2 ¼ square inches with no dimension longer than 2 ¼”. No logo can be longer/wider/taller that 2 ¼” A FINA mark or barcode is not considered a logo. Two-piece suits for girls are not permitted during warm-up periods or for competition. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Legal Swimwear The suits shown above are legal provided the manufacturer’s logos are no more than 2 ¼ square inches. Logos are measures out of the box, not once the swimmer is wearing the swimsuit. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
ILLEGAL Swimwear The swimsuits shown above are illegal due to the multiple logos and the tie-back. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Swim Caps Legal ILLEGAL A swim cap, as shown below with one manufacturer’s logo is legal provided the manufacturer’s logo is no more than 2 ¼ square inches: A swim cap like to one shown below with a manufacturer’s logo on each side is illegal: Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Relay Cards Relay cards are completed using the full legal last name and first name of the swimmer. The names are listed from left to right on the two-column HyTek Meet Manager relay card, following the “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.” As many as eight names can be listed but only the first four names (under 1, 2, 3, and 4) will be charged with the swim. Coaches/swimmers may make changes on the card up to the point the long whistle is blown for the heat in which that relay is competing. Because Districts and Regionals are timed final meets, a coach only needs to write down four names, but can add a 5th name to the relay card prior to the long whistle for the heat in which that relay is competing. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Relay cards The top relay card would be kicked back to the coach because it has no last names. The third relay card would be kicked back because it is hard to see which order in which the swimmers are swimming. The second and fourth cards are examples of good relay cards. The full names of the athletes and the correct order in which they swim must be clear on the relay card. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Relay Cards When creating a Psych Sheet, be sure to put zero “0” in the box (bottom right of pop up screen, in tab “Include in Psych Sheet”) “Relay Athlete Names 0-8” as seen here: Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Meet Committee The meet committee for districts was decided at the District Planning Meeting. All district hosts were sent copies of the meeting minutes which contain the names of the committee. For regionals, the meet committee will need to be decided on before the meet and announced at the coach’s meeting. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Meet Committee The Meet Referee should select a Meet Committee of five coaches from five different teams competing at the Regional meet. That selection and notification should be completed prior to the start of the meet. It is strongly suggested the five coaches are well versed in NFHS and FHSAA rules. The meet committee may not set aside a rule, nor may it rule on judgment calls made by officials. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Breaks/Reports There is one break built into the District database, the 15-minute mandatory break after the 50 Freestyle. The Region meet databases include the mandatory break after the 50 Freestyle events, a 10 minute break after the 200 Freestyle Relay and a 5 minute break before the 400 Freestyle Relays. Exception Reports must be run after the 400 Freestyle relays to confirm any over-entries by individuals in the meet. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
HyTek There should be NO scratches in the database! Any athlete who was entered and does not show for their event should be shown as a NS, even if they are officially excused. Please DO NOT change the school abbreviation or the school name that is set up in the database that is downloaded from the FHSAA website. None of the information regarding the schools that is already entered in the database is to be changed. Florida High School Athletic Association
HyTek Post Meet Checklist
Going through the following checklist, and making sure the following steps are taken prior to sending your HyTek back up to FHSAA, at the end of the meet, would greatly impact the time it takes to post results and selections for the next stage of the series: Verify there are no Scratches. Scratches are NOT allowed. They should be NO SHOW (NS) NO athlete is to be scratched from the database. If any of the No Shows are for medical reasons, that information will need to be in the body of the that has the backup attached, and documentation provided to FHSAA to support the medical reason. Florida High School Athletic Association
HyTek Post Meet Checklist
Check that all the DQ's have a code, and that it is NOT the No Show Penalty Event. ALL No Shows are to be noted as NS (NOT a No Show Penalty DQ) All DQ’S must have a code to signify what type of infraction or an explanation in the body of the . If there is no DQ code that applies to the infraction (for example for an illegal suit), please indicate that in the with the back up, and put just DQ for the Finals Time. There are some infractions for which there isn’t a DQ code. Please select “other” in the DQ code box. Run two (2) types of Exception Reports! The first one will be for “Exceed Maximum Entries per Athlete” (this should be set at maximum entries to 4, maximum individual events to 2, maximum relay events to 3). Then run a SECOND Exception Report for “Exceed Maximum Entries per Team per Event” (this should be set at 4 for the maximum entries per team per event). If there are any, figure out why, immediately notify the meet referee end either fix the error or alert FHSAA in the body of the with the backup file. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
HyTek Checklist 6. Ensure there are Relay Names for every heat of every relay. If names are missing, locate the relay card and add the athlete names from the card. 7. Back up the database, and it as an attachment to FHSAA. When prompted by the program to add a comment to be included with the backup type: “Final backup __A District ___”. “For example Final backup 2A District 8 These 7 steps should take the HyTek Operator approximately 5 minutes at the end of the meet and will greatly impact the speed in which results can be posted/published for the athletes. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
If a swimmer is a No Show use NS…DO NOT scratch the athlete from the database. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
Do NOT use the DQ code ‘No Show Penalty Event. Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
FHSAA Odds and Ends If it’s noticed that a female swimmer is warming up in a two-piece swimsuit, please bring it to the attention of the coach for resolution. There is no longer a penalty if a competitor is wearing jewelry. Under no circumstances should a referee measure a logo while an athlete is wearing their suit! Florida High School Athletic Association
Florida High School Athletic Association
FAQ If a relay team is a NS are there any penalties for the swimmers on the card? No. Their penalty is that the team will not advance, there is no penalty to the individual swimmers listed on the card. If the relay starts and a swimmer is a NS, the team is DQ’ed and the one swimmer that was a NS will be unable to advance to the next round. Florida High School Athletic Association
Kellie Doucette 352-372-9551, Ext. 450
Florida High School Athletic Association
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