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Published byEleanore Lesley Gibson Modified over 6 years ago
Logistics Balanced Scorecard Joint Logistics Board
19 December 2003
Agenda DoD Balanced Scorecard (BSC) JLB Direction Proposed Logistics BSC Way Ahead
Future Challenges Risk
DoD BSC Maintain Quality Workforce Ensure Sustainable Military Tempo Maintain Workforce Satisfaction Shape the Force of the Future Maintain Reasonable Force Costs Force Management Risk Do We Have the Force Available? Are They Currently Ready? What are the Critical Needs, Systems, People, Sustainment, and Infrastructure Are We Prepared for Successful Strategy and Plan Execution? Operational Risk Approved by SecDef Streamline Decision Processes, Drive Financial Management and Acquisition Excellence Improve the Readiness and Quality of Key Facilities Realign Support to the Warfighter (including Defense Agencies) Manage Overhead / Indirect Costs Institutional Risk Drive Innovative Joint Operations (CONOPS, Experiments, etc) Define Future Human Capital Skills and Competencies Define and Develop Transformational Capabilities Develop More Effective Organizations Future Challenges Risk
Intent of the DoD Logistics BSC
Link logistics performance and capability to the broader DoD corporate performance (DoD BSC) Serve as the senior management (JLB) tool to assess logistics chain effectiveness in support of the warfighter to enable better decision-making Facilitate strategic actions to guide logistics transformation at the DoD level Incorporate performance measurement best practices, proven within commercial industry and government Evolve over time as additional metrics become available Endorsed By JLB
JLB Direction Metrics should focus on all the capabilities that the logistics enterprise provides. The BSC should facilitate relevant strategic management and resource allocation decision-making. The BSC should reflect overall logistics chain effectiveness and efficiency in supporting the joint force. The BSC needs to ensure data integrity and minimum latency in order to make the proper decisions. The BSC should measure progress in achieving logistics chain interoperability/integration. Metrics need to focus on cross service perspectives vice component perspectives. (4 individual service bar charts will not suffice. We need to determine the strategic value of the "sum of the service information" for the 3-star level and at AT&L) Expand Warfighter Perspective to include Logistics Personnel & Prepositioning Metrics, baseline values, and targets should be presented to the JLB during the November 03 meeting. The logistics BSC should be consistent with the DoD-level BSC approach.
Logistics BSC Development Efforts
Utilized Norton & Kaplan Methodology along with other best business practices to develop DoD Logistics BSC framework Achieved JLB Approval of Level 1 Metrics for Warfighter, Logistics Process, and Resource Planning Perspectives (Aug 03) Mapped DoD LOG BSC Metrics to SCOR (Oct 03) Stood up BSC IPT with organizational subject matter experts (Aug 03) Reviewed Component Performance Management efforts and supporting systems Refined metrics using BSC IPT & CMG (Oct-Nov 03) Mapped proposed DoD Logistics BSC to DoD BSC (Nov – Dec 03) Finalized metrics for JLB approval (Dec 03)
Approved DoD Logistics BSC Level 1 & 2 Metrics
As Directed by the JLB L1: Force Readiness L2: Equipment Readiness L2: MC Rates L2: Commodity Availability L2: Logistics Units Readiness L2: Prepositioned Readiness L1: Force Sustainment L2: Materiel Support L2: Services Support Warfighter I&L requires additional work L1: Force Closure L2: Distribution Capacity L2: Distribution Velocity & Control L2: Distribution Effectiveness L2: Combat Effectiveness Achievement L2: Prepositioned Effectiveness L1: Reset L2: Reset L2: Operational Draw-down L1: Innovation Realization L2: Rate of Transformation L2: Rate of Improvement L1: Workforce Capability L2: Workforce Shaping L2: Learning Transformation L2: Employee Climate Innovation & Learning L1: Logistics Chain Reliability L2: Perfect Order Fulfillment L1: Logistics Chain Effectiveness L2: Logistics Chain Agility L2: Logistics Chain Cycle Time Logistics Process Resource Planning L1: Logistics Chain Predictability L2: Planned Cost to Actual Cost L2: Demand Forecast Accuracy L1: Logistics Chain Cost Effectiveness L2: Total Logistics Chain Cost Percentage L2: Total Logistics Chain Cost L2: Value Added Productivity
Proposed Metrics – Log Process
Innovation & Learning Resource Planning Warfighter Logistics Process Proposed Metrics – Log Process Level 1 Metric Definition Logistics Chain Reliability Measures the ability of the logistics chain to accurately fulfill customer requirements for products and services. Level 2 Metrics Definition / Unit Sources Perfect Order Fulfillment Percent orders filled perfectly ( the requested product / service, to the correct place, at the right time, in the right quantity, in the correct condition and packaging, with the correct documentation, to the correct customer) by service or agency Short-Term: SAMMS, UICP, CCSS Long-Term: Service / Agency / Command BSCs Note: Highly dependent on on-going modernization. Only a partial picture can be revealed at this time, none could report fully today. Perfect Order Fulfillment is the measure of performance of the logistics chain in negotiating and delivering shipments of the requested product / service, to the correct place, at the right time, in the right quantity, in the correct condition and packaging, with the correct documentation, to the correct customer.
Proposed Metrics – Log Process
Innovation & Learning Resource Planning Warfighter Logistics Process Proposed Metrics – Log Process Level 1 Metric Definition Logistics Chain Effectiveness Measures the DoD Logistics ability to deliver optimized logistics support to meet the National Security Strategy. Level 2 Metrics Definition / Unit Sources Logistics Chain Agility The number of days for the DoD Log chain to adjust to a change in demand for products / services to support warfighter requirements. Short-Term: TBD Long-Term: Service / Agency / Command BSCs Logistics Chain Cycle Time Total elapsed time (days) between the issuance of a customer order and the satisfaction of that order by service or agency. Short-Term: DLA/Service CWT Systems Logistics Chain Capacity - The ability of the DoD logistics chain to support the flexible demand for products and services during baseline and surge. Focussing on both flexibility and consumption rates in this metric. Investigating to what degree we use PBLs to meet the need. Also investigating total number of completed transactions to total number of transactions in the pipeline. Recognize the capacity requirements in downsizing, baseline, and surge environments. Logistics Chain Cycle Time The time it takes the logistics chain to complete the logistics cycle, beginning at request and ending at delivery or closure.
Proposed Metrics - Resource Planning
Innovation & Learning Resource Planning Warfighter Logistics Process Proposed Metrics - Resource Planning Level 1 Metric Definition Logistics Chain Predictability Measures the difference between the forecasted and actual logistics cost and demand. Level 2 Metrics Definitions Sources Planned Cost to Actual Cost The difference between forecasted logistics costs and actual logistics cost by military service or agency Short-Term & Long-Term: Budget, Future Year Defense Program (FYDP) Demand Forecast Accuracy The difference between forecasted requirements and actual requirements by service or agency Short-Term: TBD Long-Term: Service / Agency / Command BSC Demand Forecast Accuracy equals the Forecast Sum minus the Sum of the Variance. (Forecast Sum = The sum of the units forecasted to be shipped each period based upon the forecast generated at the critical time fence. Sum of the Variance = The sum of the absolute values, at the forecasted line item level, of the differences between each period’s forecast and actual demand for the same period).
Proposed Metrics - Resource Planning
Innovation & Learning Resource Planning Warfighter Logistics Process Proposed Metrics - Resource Planning Level 1 Metric Definition Logistics Chain Cost Effectiveness Measures the cost and value of the logistics chain. Level 2 Metrics Definitions Sources Total Logistics Chain Cost Percentage Total Logistics Cost as a percentage of the total DoD Budget. Short-Term: Service Budgets, Future Year Defense Program (FYDP), Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Long-Term: Service / Agency / Command BSCs Total Logistics Chain Cost Total Logistics Cost Value Added Productivity The measurement of value of output as compared to the total number of logistics personnel. Short-Term: TBD Long-Term: TBD Value Added Productivity - Note: Value of output needs to be determined Total Logistics Chain Costs – Currently reviewing the Standard Charter of Accounts that will be adopted by the BMMP or BEA.
Proposed Metrics – Innovation & Learning
Resource Planning Warfighter Logistics Process Proposed Metrics – Innovation & Learning Level 1 Metric Definition Innovation Realization Measures the level of success with meeting transformation goals. Level 2 Metrics Definitions Sources Rate of Transformation % of completed transformation initiatives Short Term: TBD Long Term: TBD Rate of Improvement % of workforce improvement on BSC measures (POF, Log Chain Cycle Time, products under RFID visibility) Level 2 Rate of Transformation: Measures the rate of implementation of key initiatives to include ERP Implementation : # of users PBL/PBA Implementation # of agreements RFID Implementation: BSC Implementation: Data Sources : Services BSCs Level 2 Rate of Improvement: Measures the rate at which initiatives have an effect on the performance of the supply chain cycle times, quality, productivity and costs % of products under RFID visibility Reduced customer wait time Number of disparate systems POF Log Chain Cycle Time Improvements %of successfully completed critical transactions Data Sources Rate of Transformation data elements include Architecture Compliance (Portfolio Management) requirements, such as: Percent Component architecture compliance Percent program architecture compliance Percent reduction in number of Logistics systems Percent of Logistics systems portfolio will be COTS
Proposed Metrics – Innovation & Learning
Resource Planning Warfighter Logistics Process Proposed Metrics – Innovation & Learning Level 1 Metric Definition Workforce Capacity Provides insight into the existing labor pool, those trained in key initiatives, and general workforce satisfaction. Level 2 Metrics Definitions Sources Workforce Shaping % of filled Logistics positions Short Term & Long Term: Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Learning Transformation % of Logistics people trained to required training Short Term: TBD Long Term: TBD Employee Climate % of satisfied Logistics people Short Term & Long Term: Command Climate Surveys Level 2 Workforce Shaping: Measures the size and capability of the workforce Size and levels of workforce Skill Sets of workforce Length of service Retirement rates Retention rates % unfilled positions Hiring rates Data Sources: HR Level 2 Learning Transformation: Measures Logistics employees’ rate of training around key transformation initiatives to support the Warfighter. Number of people trained in the following: ERP training BSC training PBL/PBA training RFID Process Training Materiel Training Data Sources: Automated Skill Management System, HR Level 2 Employee Climate: Measures Logistics Community perceptions around the work environment General employee satisfaction Grievance rates Compensation Data Sources: HR, Command Climate Surveys
External Effectiveness Internal Effectiveness Spectrum of Operations
BSC Hierarchy Manage Risk. (QDR 01, MID 901) DoD Scorecard Operations Ops Readiness Performance Cost Logistics Readiness Performance Cost Personnel Pers Readiness Performance Cost Logistics: Assess Logistics chain effectiveness Guide Logistics transformation Output = Capability Input = Resources External Effectiveness Internal Effectiveness Internal Efficiency End-to-End processes Spectrum of Operations To illustrate the conceptual framework for which the DoD Logistics Scorecard exists we need to understand the missions and relationships of the services, combatant commanders, and the Department of Defense. Let’s build the framework from the bottom up starting with the services. {Green area bottom left} From the component level the general mission of each service or component is to organize, train, and equip forces in support of combatant commanders’ force projection missions. Within each service the logistics function provides logistics support (equip function) to combat forces to enable them to accomplish assigned missions across the full spectrum of operations and warfare. At the service level components will manage their organizations and their service unique log function as necessary which may include Component Enterprise and Service Logistics Scorecards. {Orange area middle left side} While components organize, train, and equip forces Combatant Commanders project these forces and apply capabilities in support of National Security objectives across the full spectrum of operations. Combatant Commanders will execute their missions and identify performance measures to evaluate the conduct of their operations. {Purple area top left side} At the Executive level the Department’s mission is to Plan, Advise, and Carry Out National Security Policies as Directed by the SecDef and President. DoD executives concern themselves with the conduct of operations as it relates to the service’s operational, equipment, and personnel readiness. The Department Scorecard will encompass all functions of the department to include operations, logistics, and personnel. In turn each functional department may manage their area with a unique balanced scorecard hence the requirements for a DoD Logistics Balanced Scorecard. Measuring the logistics function as it relates to the spectrum of operations requires insight into external effectiveness (warfighter support) and internal effectiveness (logistics process) and internal efficiency (Resource Planning and Innovation & Learning). By function the Logistics component of the overall DoD mission is to “Plan and Allocate Logistics Resources, and Monitor Logistics Performance in Support National Security Policies and Priorities.” Based on this mission logistics executives will evaluate equipment readiness for the spectrum of operations based on performance measures – external / internal effectiveness, and internal efficiency. The analysis of these measures will guide the use of resources (inputs) to provide capability (outputs) in support of combat operations and logistics transformation. The DoD Logistics Scorecard will also address logistics specific concerns identified at the DoD Scorecard level. Maintenance Deployment Actionable and meaningful process metrics and targets (Execution Level) Weapon System Support Supply Chain Management Distribution
Brief USD(AT&L) on BSC status (Jan 04)
Proposed Way Ahead Brief USD(AT&L) on BSC status (Jan 04) IPTs/OIPTs develop meaningful and actionable metrics and targets by critical process (15 Feb 04) Weapon System Support (TLCSM Executive Council) Maintenance (MTSSG) Supply Chain Management (BBP) Distribution (DTTF) Deployment (JDPO) CMG assess and integrate meaningful and actionable metrics and targets (1 March 04) Build BSC Desktop Application (Aug 04)
Backup Slides
Force Management Risk Operational Risk
Maintain Quality Workforce L2 Metrics: Rate of Transformation, Rate of Improvement, Learning Transformation Ensure Sustainable Military Tempo Maintain Workforce Satisfaction L2 Metric: Workforce Shaping L2 Metric: Employee Climate Shape the Force of the Future Maintain Reasonable Force Costs L2 Metrics: Rate of Transformation, L2 Metric: Value Added Productivity Workforce Shaping Operational Risk Do We Have the Force Available? L2 Metrics: Logistics Unit Readiness, Movement Visibility & Control, Combat Effectiveness Achievement, Services Support, Reset, Workforce Shaping Are They Currently Ready? L2 Metrics: Equipment Readiness, Logistics Unit Readiness, Reset, Learning Transformation What are the Critical Needs, Systems, People, Sustainment, and Infrastructure L2 Metrics: Commodity Availability, Prepositioned Readiness, Movement Capacity, Movement Visibility & Control, Movement Effectiveness, Prepositioned Effectiveness, Materiel Support, Services Support, Reset Are We Prepared for Successful Strategy and Plan Execution? L2 Metrics: MC Rates, Prepositioned Readiness, Movement Capacity, Movement Visibility & Control, Movement Effectiveness, Combat Effectiveness Achievement, Materiel Support, Services Support, Reset, Operational Drawdown, Rate of Transformation
Future Challenges Risk
Institutional Risk Streamline Decision Processes, Drive Financial Management and Acquisition Excellence L2 Metrics: Planned Cost to Actual Cost, Demand Forecast Accuracy, Total Log Chain Cost %, Total Log Chain Cost, Value Added Productivity Improve the Readiness and Quality of Key Facilities L2 Metrics: Total Log Chain Cost %, Total Log Chain Cost Realign Support to the Warfighter (including Defense Agencies) L2 Metrics: Perfect Order Fulfillment, Log Chain Capacity, Log Chain Cycle Time Manage Overhead / Indirect Costs L2 Metrics: Planned Cost to Actual Cost, Demand Forecast Accuracy Future Challenges Risk Drive Innovative Joint Operations (CONOPS, Experiments, etc) L2 Metrics: Planned Cost to Actual Cost, Rate of Transformation Define Future Human Capital Skills and Competencies L2 Metrics: Workforce Shaping, Learning Transformation Define and Develop Transformational Capabilities L2 Metrics: Rate of Improvement Develop More Effective Organizations L2 Metrics: Demand Forecast Accuracy, Rate of Improvement, Learning Transformation
JLB DoD Logistics Vision
Support rapid, agile deployment, employment, sustainment and reset/reconstitution of the Total Force, within acceptable risk, across the full spectrum of operations in a cost-effective manner.
Warfighter Perspective*
JLB DoD Logistics BSC Objectives The four JLB-approved perspectives of the DoD Logistics BSC are: Warfighter, Logistics Process, Resource Planning, and Innovation & Learning. Provide optimum responsive logistics support to the joint warfighter to ensure: Immediately employable force options A rapidly deployable capability A sustainable total force Warfighter Perspective* Ensure a skilled capable workforce responsible for meeting the warfighter logistics support requirements to include: Introduction of leading edge advanced concepts Organization adaptability Workforce shaping Innovation & Learning Perspective Provide effective logistics chain performance and capacity while reducing the logistics footprint to include: Reducing cycle time, improving effectiveness, improve product quality, leveraging IT improvements and Commercial Advances Logistics Process Perspective Vision and Strategy Ensure affordable logistics support through resources and choices that enable effective joint warfighter capability to include: Accurately forecast and identify logistics requirements Identify and understand the risks associated with logistics resource allocation Improved cost predictability and constrained cost growth. Resource Planning Perspective
DoD Logistics Level 1 Metrics
L1: Force Readiness L1: Force Closure L1: Force Sustainment Warfighter TBD Innovation & Learning L1: Logistics Chain Predictability L1: Logistics Chain Cost Effectiveness Resource Planning L1: Logistics Chain Reliability L1: Logistics Chain Effectiveness Logistics Process Approved by JLB August 5, 2003
JLB Approved Metrics Warfighter Innovation & Learning
L1: Force Readiness L2: Equipment Readiness L2: MC Rates L2: Commodity Availability L2: Logistics Units Readiness L2: Prepositioned Readiness L1: Force Sustainment L2: Materiel Support L2: Services Support Warfighter L1: Force Closure L2: Distribution Capacity L2: Distribution Velocity & Control L2: Distribution Effectiveness L2: Combat Effectiveness Achievement L2: Prepositioned Effectiveness L1: Reset L2: Reset L2: Operational Draw-down I&L requires additional work L1: Innovation Realization L2: Rate of Transformation L2: Rate of Improvement L1: Workforce Capability L2: Workforce Shaping L2: Learning Transformation L2: Employee Climate Innovation & Learning L1: Logistics Chain Reliability L2: Perfect Order Fulfillment L1: Logistics Chain Effectiveness L2: Logistics Chain Agility L2: Logistics Chain Cycle Time Logistics Process Resource Planning L1: Logistics Chain Predictability L2: Planned Cost to Actual Cost L2: Demand Forecast Accuracy L1: Logistics Chain Cost Effectiveness L2: Total Logistics Chain Cost Percentage L2: Total Logistics Chain Cost L2: Value Added Productivity
Metric Recommendations - Warfighter
Innovation & Learning Resource Planning Warfighter Logistics Process Metric Recommendations - Warfighter Level 1 Metric Definition Force Readiness Measurement of operational availability as it relates to logistics personnel, equipment, maintenance, spares, and accompanying supplies. Level 2 Metrics Definition / Unit Sources Equipment Readiness Percent (critical) equipment readiness Short-Term: SORTS (USN & USMC), SAMMS/BSM (DLA), CAMS/OLVIMS & GO81 (USAF), STAMIS/Property book (Army) Long-Term: Service / Agency / Command BSCs Mission Capability Rates Percent Mission Capable Rates Short-Term: Quarterly Reports, SAMMS/BSM (DLA), CAMS/OLVIMS & GO81 (USAF), STAMIS/Property book (Army), MCGERR (USMC), TRMS (USN) Commodity Availability Percent availability Short-Term: SAMMS/BSM (DLA), CAMS/ OLVIMS & GO81 (USAF), STAMIS/Property book (Army), Log Sit Reps (USMC), Document Status File at NAVICP (USN) Logistics Unit Readiness Percent of Logistics Unit readiness Short-Term: SORTS Long-Term: TBD Prepositioned Readiness Percent of prepositioned materiel ready compared to COCOM requirement Short-Term: TBD Equipment Readiness is the measurement of readiness of critical equipment and accompanying supplies required in a theatre of operation for Supply Classes 7&9. It is the difference between what is authorized versus what is assigned. Mission Capability Rates is the measurement of the equipments’ ability to meet operational needs. This may be a measure of Not Mission Capable Rates for Logistics in order to provide a more Logistics focused measure. (NMC for Supply and NMC for Maintenance) Commodity Availability is the measurement of the readiness of all commodities required in a theater of operation for Supply Classes 1-6 & 8
Metric Recommendations - Warfighter
Innovation & Learning Resource Planning Warfighter Logistics Process Metric Recommendations - Warfighter Level 1 Metric Definition Force Closure Measurement of the capacity to move forces and equipment to final destination (through RSOI) in accordance with Warfighter requirements. Level 2 Metrics Definition / Unit Sources Distribution Capacity Pipeline capacity (ton/day) for daily operations and surge. Short Term & Long Term: TRANSCOM (GTN, WPS, GDSS) Distribution Visibility & Control The measurement / level of visibility of personnel, equipment, and supplies in the distribution network to support the warfighter demand Distribution Effectiveness Percent people, initial equipment, and sustainment stock by RDD by CoCom Combat Effectiveness Achievement Time from the deployment order to the unit movement through RSOI to forward staging Short-Term: TBD Long-Term: TBD Prepositioned Effectiveness Percent of materiel prepositioned by required COCOM date Short-Term: SORTS Movement Capacity - The availability of transportation pipeline (assets / nodes) to meet warfighter demand in times of surge and daily operations Movement Visibility – This may be measured by the ratio of incomplete transportation movement documents to complete transportation movement documents supporting operational requirements. RFID enabled Movement Effectiveness - Percent people, initial equipment, and sustainment stock by RDD by CoCom. OR The measurement of the cycle times required to deliver forces and materiel into theatres of operation from the point of unit identification to set up time in theatre.
Metric Recommendations - Warfighter
Innovation & Learning Resource Planning Warfighter Logistics Process Metric Recommendations - Warfighter Level 1 Metric Definition Force Sustainment Measurement of the ability to provide support to current operations. Level 2 Metrics Definition / Unit Sources Materiel Support Percent of materiel into theater by RDD Short-Term & Long-Term: SAMMS/BSM (DLA), CAMS/OLVIMS & GO81 (USAF), STAMIS/Property book (Army), Log Sit Reps (USMC), One Touch/FIMRS/LMRS/ NALCOMIS/RSupply (USN) Services Support Percent of services support into theatre by RDD Short-Term : TBD Long-Term: TBD Materiel Support is the measurement of current materiel support to the warfighter Other Potential Sources: IPLs, JEWELS, ALERTS, COCOM & J4 Feedback Services Support is the measurement of current services support to the warfighter Potential Sources: IPLs, JEWELS, ALERTS, COCOM, J4 Feedback. Other source may be monthly COCOM logistics meetings.
Metric Recommendations - Warfighter
Innovation & Learning Resource Planning Warfighter Logistics Process Metric Recommendations - Warfighter Level 1 Metric Definition Reset (new metric) Measurement of the ability to meet follow-on operational readiness requirements (as needed) Level 2 Metrics Definition / Unit Sources Reset Percent reset by CoCom Short-Term: SORTS, JOPES / TPFDD Long-Term: Service / Agency / Command BSCs Operational Draw-down Percent to which an operation is drawn down in order to provide forces for follow-on operations. Measures include the percentage of total shipments received back at the designated location, remaining cargo / personnel waiting to redeploy, and status of in-theatre equipment. Short-Term: TBD Operational Drawdown Measure of the degree to which an operation is drawn down in order to provide forces for follow-on operations. Measures include the percentage of total shipments received back at the designated location, remaining cargo / personnel waiting to redeploy, and status of in-theatre equipment. Reset Measure of the degree to which U.S. forces have achieved the desired geographical “set” and readiness of units to conduct follow-on operations. Measures include percentage of forces in position, time to reposition forces, equipment/supply/ commodity readiness, availability of lift to reposition, safety level reset cycle, and risk of positioning to current operations.
Proposed L2 Metrics for Target Setting
L1: Force Readiness L2: Equipment Readiness L2: MC Rates L2: Commodity Availability L2: Logistics Units Readiness L2: Prepositioned Readiness L1: Force Sustainment L2: Materiel Support L2: Services Support Warfighter L1: Force Closure L2: Movement Capacity L2: Movement Visibility & Control L2: Movement Effectiveness L2: Combat Effectiveness Achievement L2: Prepositioned Effectiveness L1: Reset L2: Reset L2: Operational Draw-down L1: Innovation Realization L2: Rate of Transformation L2: Rate of Improvement L1: Workforce Capacity L2: Workforce Shaping (Logistics Workforce) L2: Learning Transformation L2: Employee Climate Innovation & Learning L1: Logistics Chain Reliability L2: Perfect Order Fulfillment (LRT & CWT) L1: Logistics Chain Effectiveness L2: Logistics Chain Capacity L2: Logistics Chain Cycle Time Logistics Process Resource Planning L1: Logistics Chain Predictability L2: Planned Cost to Actual Cost L2: Demand Forecast Accuracy L1: Logistics Chain Cost Effectiveness L2: Total Logistics Chain Cost Percentage L2: Total Logistics Chain Cost L2: Value Added Productivity
Recommended target would be:
Mission Capable Rates Percent of Critical Weapon Systems that meet or exceed the Weapon System Mission Capable Rate Goal Individual weapon system data is available at each of the Military Services Military Services need to identify critical systems and corresponding goals Example: Quarterly Readiness Report to Congress shows 13 of 16 (81%) Army reported systems met or exceeded goal as of March 2002 Recommended target would be: X % increase in number of systems that meet or exceed goal across the DoD
Will Evolve to Perfect Order Fulfillment
Customer Wait Time SecDef Direction Achieve Commercial Standards Commercial Benchmark 16.82 Average 3.57 Best In Class FY 01 Average – 17 days FY 02 Average – FY 03 Average – 19 days Increase in Days due to Additional OIF Requisitions and OIF Requisition Receipt Lag Time Will Evolve to Perfect Order Fulfillment
Logistics Response Time
SecDef Direction Achieve Commercial Standards Days Commercial Benchmark 16.82 Average 3.57 Best In Class Calendar Year *National level fills, all requisitions Increase in Days due to Additional OIF Requisitions and OIF Requisition Receipt Lag Time
Logistics Resource Baseline
Dollars in Billions Constant 2004 dollars. DoD budget line from the NATIONAL DEFENSE BUDGET ESTIMATES - FY 2004, Table 6-1.
Logistics vs. DoD Budget
Commercial Benchmark Cost as a % of Revenue 10.8% Average 5.13% Best In Class Constant 2004 dollars. DoD budget line from the NATIONAL DEFENSE BUDGET ESTIMATES - FY 2004, Table 6-1. Logistics consuming smaller portion of DoD budget; freeing resources for transformation.
Logistics Personnel Number Personnel in Thousands
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