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Bookstart The first national bookgifting programme in the world Justine Hodgkinson Head of Sector, Early Years BoekStart Inspiration Day 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Bookstart The first national bookgifting programme in the world Justine Hodgkinson Head of Sector, Early Years BoekStart Inspiration Day 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bookstart The first national bookgifting programme in the world Justine Hodgkinson Head of Sector, Early Years BoekStart Inspiration Day 2012

2 Is a well respected early intervention programme in its 20th year
Bookstart Is a well respected early intervention programme in its 20th year Gives cultural and creative access to every child Became the first national bookgifting programme in the world in 2000 Is based on the premise that early access to books and mark making materials can develop readers and writers for life. ‘A love of reading is more important in academic achievement than a child’s social or economic background.’ (OECD 2002)

3 Bookstart packs are only half of the gift to children and families
Bookstart packs are only half of the gift to children and families. The other, more lasting gift, is the message of book, story and rhyme sharing. ‘The Bookstart packs are magical; full of books, tips and ideas, but they only work when families decide to embrace the idea of making books part of their regular routine.’

4 Challenges Sustaining the programme post Sainsbury’s sponsorship
16/07/2018 Challenges Sustaining the programme post Sainsbury’s sponsorship Local ‘make do and mend’ approach and sheer determination Extending the Programme from 2005 onwards, one pack to three Meetings with Libraries, Health and Early Years Local buy-in and coordination Establish strategic steering groups Set up local infrastructure Regional development and networking sessions National team of strategic managers

5 Challenges Wholescale review of the programme Packs & components
16/07/2018 Challenges Wholescale review of the programme Packs & components Logistics Structure Advocacy both regional and national ‘We have every confidence that the Government will continue to support the Bookstart Programme.’

6 Reaching every child and family
16/07/2018 Reaching every child and family BOOKS CHILD MESSAGE PARENT/CARER Bookstart is a key initiative getting books into homes and encouraging parents and carers to share books, stories and rhymes from birth which can make a significant difference to outcomes later in life for a child.

7 ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’
16/07/2018 Partners in Bookstart Library Services Health Services Early Years Children’s Centres Schools Childminders Community workers Portage workers Women’s refuges Home educated Prisons BME outreach workers ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’

8 Partners in Bookstart ‘I started attending the rhymetimes and storytimes at our local libraries from when he was about 4 weeks old. I find these sessions fantastic, Christian has great fun learning all the songs and interacting with other babies. We really couldn’t be without them!’ ‘I enjoy reading to my baby daughter, it's quality time together – in fact, I finally got my partner involved in reading to her too, which is an achievement!’ ‘Although he can’t read yet we’re going to use the pack to start him off with bedtime stories. He loves hearing stories and absolutely loves visiting the library and being around books. He feels right at home and loves being there.’

9 Working with Libraries
16/07/2018 Working with Libraries Local coordination Library joining card Steering group Family focused events Signposting to local services Development sessions and networking NBW events and press coverage Bookstart Bear Club The Rhyme Challenge Bookstart Bear mascot Annual audit ‘Bookstart makes libraries more relevant to the lives of families.’

10 Working with Libraries
16/07/2018 Working with Libraries Talk to families! Awareness of child development and early literacy Reinforce key messages and benefits to families Review and evaluate sessions Get key partners onboard Outreach ‘Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. Once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open.’

11 Helping families find their next favourite story...

12 Bookstart 2011-12 1,614,776 Bookstart packs
16/07/2018 Bookstart 1,614,776 Bookstart packs 2,588 Booktouch/Bookshine packs 3,251,032 books 21,480 dual language books 78,577 Bookstart Bear Club members (18,310 were new joiners) 9,483 online Bookstart Bear Club members 2,189 libraries in England offered regular rhyme/storytime activities 13,004 families signed up for the Bookstart newsletter ‘She's singing songs now when I'm getting her dressed, and she's putting sentences together- I'm proud of her.’

13 Bookstart 2012-13 The Rhyme Challenge Bookstart Corner year two
Bookstart book application Strengthen the dual language offer Bespoke Booktouch book Interactive content on the website Bookstart20 campaign Increase merchandising and generate funding Evaluate Treasure Bag and Bookstart Corner Secure Bookstart funding post March 2013

14 ‘Thank you for bringing Twinkle, Twinkle into our lives.’
BoekStart Support parents and carers as their child’s first and most important teacher. Work in partnership to give the best start to every child. Welcome every family into the library and encourage active usage. Excite children and families about stories, books and rhymes. ‘Thank you for bringing Twinkle, Twinkle into our lives.’

15 Booktrust Head of Sector, Early Years
16/07/2018 Dank je wel Justine Hodgkinson Booktrust Head of Sector, Early Years

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