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Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys - Candidates Briefing

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Presentation on theme: "Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys - Candidates Briefing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys - Candidates Briefing
03/07/2018 Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys - Candidates Briefing Financial Responsibilities 29th February 2016 Jayne Woods – Chief Financial Officer to the Police and Crime Commissioner Edwin Harries – Director of Finance / CFO to the Chief Constable

2 What we will Cover The Statutory Framework - Financial Responsibilities; Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 Policing Protocol Order 2011 Home Office Financial Management Code of Practice (FMCOP) Overview of Financial Governance Arrangements in Dyfed Powys Police Calendar of key processes and decisions Police Funding – the national picture / future challenges

3 Statutory Framework - Financial Responsibilities
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act; Commissioners and Chief Constables established as separate Legal Entities (Corporations Sole) enabled to employ staff and hold funds The PCC must ; hold CC to account for the exercise of his / her functions issue a police and crime plan (including resources) set a precept and a budget for the Chief Constable in consultation issue a crime reduction grant to any person provide an annual report and publish certain financial information arrange to receive views of the local community Must employ a monitoring officer and Chief Financial Officer The CC must; exercise functions in such a way as is reasonable to assist the relevant PCC to exercise the Commissioners duties maintain operational independence Must employ a DCC, an ACC and a Chief Financial Officer

4 Statutory Framework - Financial Responsibilities
Policing Protocol Order 2011; Applies to all PCCs / CCs / PCPs in England and Wales Duty to establish and maintain effective working relationships including principles of goodwill, professionalism, openness, trust All parties to abide by the Nolan Principles Shared responsibility to maintain an efficient and effective police force Police and Crime Commissioner Duties; Recipient of all funding – all funding for the Force must come via the PCC Decide the budget, precept and allocate assets and funds to the CC Must not fetter the operational independence of the police force and CC Chief Constable; Decisions regarding the configuration and organisation of policing resources and whether or not to deploy police officers and staff Allocate specific duties and/or reallocate resources to meet immediate demand and in terms of balancing competing operational needs Day to day management of their allocated budget and ensure that this is consistent with the objectives and conditions set by the PCC

5 Statutory Framework - Financial Responsibilities
Financial Management Code of Practice; This is Statutory Guidance under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act Further details of the Roles and Responsibilities of CFOs and Monitoring Officer - Section 114 of the Local Government Finance Act 2011; Ensuring the proper administration of financial affairs Ensuring regularity, probity and value for money Ensuring that funding needed to finance agreed programmes is available Report to the PCC / Panel / external auditor unlawful or potentially unlawful expenditure by the CC or PCC Report to the PCC and Panel where it appears that expenditure is likely to exceed available resources Advise the PCC on the robustness of reserves Production of the Annual Statement of Accounts Compliance with the other requirements e.g. the CIPFA Statement on the “Role of the CFO of the Police and Crime Commissioner and the CFO of the Chief Constable.”

6 Statutory Framework - Financial Responsibilities
PCC CC Information sharing / Value for Money Yes Scheme of Governance / Financial Regulations Standing orders in relation to contracts Schemes of delegation Arrangements for Producing Annual Accounts Policies on Reserves and Provisions N/A Medium Term Financial Strategy Production Budget Preparation / Financial Reporting Precept and Income / Treasury Management Day to day financial management Own Joint Audit Committee /Corporate Governance Collaboration and Partnerships Pensions

7 Overview of Financial Governance Arrangements in Dyfed Powys

8 Calendar of key processes and financial decisions - PCC
Decision / Policy Date Meeting / Body Detailed Budget Setting Process and Provisional Settlement Jun to Dec 15 CC / CFO CC and PCC / CFO PCC Budget Proposal to Police and Crime Panel Dec-Jan 2016 Commissioner / PCC CFO Final Budget Acceptance and Council Tax Leaflet Feb 2016 Medium Term Financial Plan and Capital Programme / HMIC Peel Jan-June 2016 PCC / CFO PCC CC / CFO CC Statements of Accounts Production Jan-Sept 2016 CFO CC and CFO PCC Annual Governance Statements Jun 2016 Joint Audit Committee / CC & PCC Accounting Policies Joint Audit Committee / PCC Police Accountability Board – Spending Wisely / VFM Jun & Jan Other - COG / Policing Board / Panel Financial Updates / Procurement and Virement decisions Monthly or as Required CFO CC / CFO PCC

9 Police Funding – the national picture / future challenges
Comprehensive Spending Review The government will protect overall police spending in line with inflation – an increase of £900 million by Additional funding will be provided for forces who have strong proposals to support efficiency and reform. The National Crime Agency’s budget will also be protected in cash terms to help cut organised crime. This funding will also allow forces to adapt to changing crime threats and train more firearms officers to make sure the country can be protected from terrorist threats. £1 billion will also be spent on 4G communications for police forces and other emergency services, allowing officers to take mobile fingerprints and electronic witness statements. This will free up officers’ time, saving around £1 million a day when fully operational. Formula Funding Changes Home Office Consultation in October 2015 contained errors in the determinations - £7 million loss to Dyfed Powys Police Timescales and proposals for further consideration unclear

10 The End

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