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l l l l.

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Presentation on theme: "l l l l."— Presentation transcript:



3 l l l l

4 l l l l l l l l l l l

5 l l

6 l l l l l l l l l 300 400

7 Knowing when to round up or
round down. It is important to consider the number size and benchmark numbers when rounding.



10 l

11 Midpoint 1,450

12 LearnZillion Notes: --This is the lesson conclusion. On this slide you’ll change your original lesson objective to past tense and explain what the student has just learned. You can retype it here or you can delete the text on this slide and then just copy and paste the text box from the original Lesson Objective slide and then edit it to make it past tense!



15 Write 5 numbers that would round to 700 when rounding to the nearest 100.
Think of numbers that require rounding up as well as numbers that round down.

16 Draw a number line with 1,200 and 1,300 as the benchmark numbers.
What is the midpoint? Where would 1,262 fall on the number line?

17 1). Which of the following numbers do not round to 1,700?
1,734 1,656 1,709 1,649

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