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Priority Statement The ongoing process of encountering Jesus, growing in our relationship and knowledge of Him, and sharing Him constantly.

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2 Priority Statement The ongoing process of encountering Jesus, growing in our relationship and knowledge of Him, and sharing Him constantly.

3 Ministry Team Advisor Point Person
Msgr. Mark Rivituso, J.C.L. Vicar General

4 How Can We Become Missionary Disciples?
The Holy Spirit helps us to encounter Jesus in Scripture, in the Sacraments, and in each person. We open our hearts & minds to Jesus & the Gospel. Our encounter with Jesus transforms us & helps us to live & act in a way that witnesses to & invites people to share in Christ’s Love, Joy, and Peace.

5 Who is Called to be a Missionary Disciple?
“In virtue of their baptism, all members of the people of God have become missionary disciples. All the baptized…are agents of evangelization.” (Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel 120)

6 What is the Goal for Every Parish?
All parishes will articulate & implement a local plan for Missionary Discipleship (Evangelization) by May 2017.

7 How Do We Get Started? Designate a person as Coordinator of Fostering Missionary Discipleship or Evangelization. Develop a team for Fostering Missionary Discipleship or Evangelization.

8 What are the Operating Principles?
Foster ongoing communication with the Pastor & the Parish Pastoral Council. Foster a spirit of ongoing prayer & study.

9 What are Some Possible Next Steps?
Review the parish viability data, the strengths, weaknesses, and effectiveness in regards to Evangelization ministry efforts. Review parish demographics & the need for greater parish outreach to all segments of the parish population.

10 What are Some Additional Steps?
The Fostering Missionary Discipleship team, in collaboration with the pastor & the Parish Pastoral Council drafts a plan. Everyone in the parish works together to advance the beONE priority for Missionary Discipleship & Evangelization.

11 Important Elements to Consider
Effective plans should include goals that are specific and relevant to the life of the parish. Effective plans include measurable outcomes (i.e. growth in RCIA, fostering stewardship, increased Mass attendance, etc.) Effective plans include goals that are attainable within a certain time frame.

12 Available Archdiocesan Resources
Call Julie Bostick at the Office of Laity & Family Life 2 Workshops/Evangelization Roundtables to assist parishes with Evangelization efforts.

13 Questions & Answers Time for Q&A


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