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Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN

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2 Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN
Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN

3 Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN
Can you think back when you started your career at CERN ? You started something new, and for some of you the changes were drastic : leaving behind a job, or starting for the first time a job, a country, family and friends. having to cope with many challenges : learning « francais », a new job, building a new social network, finding your way in a country which is organised differently than the one you used to know. But you made the jump, liked the thrill and became a CERNois. This is a picture we show at the induction sessions for new staff and fellows … and we explain that we accompany people in their jump. Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN

4 Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN
We are now a bit later in the day, and in your career, You will soon have to make a new jump. Again, you will be leaving things behind you : a job at CERN which needs to be handed over, colleagues and friends, some people will also leave the region and go back to their home country or a new destination. Again, you will be faced with new challenges. And again, CERN will accompany you in your jump. We will give you food for thought, so that you can prepare yourself and know «  ou est-ce que vous allez mettre les pieds ». We do that in 2 different seminars (next slide) Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN

5 Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN
2 séminaires Quitter le CERN, ½ journée, aujourd’hui Préparation à la retraite, 2 jours, en 2017 en français ou en anglais Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN

6 Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN
Agenda 14:10 Possibilités de partir plus tôt 14:40 Prestations fin de contrat 14:55 Formalités de départ 15:10 Prestations Caisse de Pensions 15:40 Pause 16:00 Assurance maladie (CHIS) 16:25 GACEPA 16:45 Témoignage 3 retraités 17:15 Conclusion et suite We have a very dense program for the afternoon, and our aim is to finish at 17’35. Between now and then, we will cover Early departure possibilities End of contract entitlements Departure formalities Benefits of the CERN Pension Fund Coffee and Tea break CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) GACEPA Testimonials from 3 retired staff Conclusion and next steps - with more information on the 2 days seminars in 2016, for which we have 3 people from Avantage present. Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN

7 Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN
Format Présentations Questions/réponses Langues Time of each intervention is divided in 2/3 for the presentation and 1/3 for Q/A Most interventions will be in French, with the slides in English. You can ask your question in English or in French, as you like. If you have a question, please don’t interrupt the presentation - wait for the Q/A session Use the microphone, by pushing on the button and wait for the red light. When finished, push the button again – light should go out. Questions should be general ; if you have a questions which is linked to your individual situation, please make an appointment with the relevant service Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN

8 Sources d’information permanentes
Transparents : Indico Brochure : Quand vous quitterez le CERN Procédures: Admin e-guide Après fin de contrat, pages publics uniquement Bonus : vidéo (en F et en E) The Slides are on Indico There is a brochure « When you leave CERN » which is kept up to date by the Social Affairs Service My colleague Sybille will in her presentation give you further information on the content of this brochure Admin e-guide several procedures, including one specifically on the departure formalities We also have a video of a director at WHO addressing himself to people who are in a similar situation as you. He makes the analysis of everything which changes when you retire and does this intelligently and with humor. Highly recommended ! Leaving CERN – Quitter le CERN

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