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Presentation on theme: "UNDERWRITING CANCER OUR WAY OR THE LONG WAY"— Presentation transcript:



3 Let’s re-visit CPP’s new products
Before we talk Cancer… Let’s re-visit CPP’s new products Guaranteed Acceptance $5-$25K Perm only Deferred $5-$75K Perm only Deferred Elite $5-$350K Simplified Elite $5-$500K Preferred (subject to underwriting) $50K-$1,000,000 Preferred Elite (subject to underwriting) $50K-$1,000,000 “No” in Section D, complete Section E “No” in Section D, complete Sections E & F “Yes” in Section A “Yes” in Section B “Yes” in Section C “Yes” in Section D

4 Tnm Staging and grading
Staging: Describes the SIZE of a tumour and how far it has spread Grading: how abnormal the cells are T = primary tumour Tx, Tis, T1, T2, T3, T4 N = regional lymph nodes Nx, 0, N1, N2, N3 M = distant metastasis Mx, 0 1 Gx = cannot be assessed G1 = low G2 = intermediate G3 = high G4 = anaplastic There are two classification systems that oncologists use to describe a tumour: staging and grading. The staging system used is called the TNM system, and it looks at how far the tumour has spread and the size of the tumour. The grading system is used to describe how abnormal the cells look under a microscope. The higher grades suggest that the cells are very abnormal, i.e poorly differentiated, and thus are growing faster and spreading earlier. This is just an example for some cancers are classified. Colorectal cancer that is T3, N1, M1 means that the tumour has invaded into several tissues, 1-3 regional lymph nodes are involved, with metastasis, i.e spread to a distant organ Examples: 39 yo male, colorectal cancer, T3N1M1 55 yo female, invasive papillary breast cancer, T2N1M0

5 Staging of cancer Cancer stage = major prognostic factor Decline Rated
Stage 4 (spread to other parts of the body) Ex: breast cancer – any T, any N, M1 Stage 3 (spread into surrounding tissues or lymph nodes) Ex: breast cancer - T3,N2,M0 Rated The stages of cancer may be simplified as follows: Local disease (cancer that has stayed in the area where is was diagnosed) Metastatic disease (cancer that has spread to another part of the body) In general, for various types of cancer: Stage 1 cancer (small and localised) Stage 2 cancer (larger but localised) Stage 3 cancer (spread into surrounding tissues or lymph nodes) Stage 4 cancer (spread to other parts of the body) With a traditional insurer, all stages of cancer are rated. With higher stages though, higher ratings are applied accordingly. Stage 2 (larger but localised) Ex: breast cancer - T2,N0,M0 Standard Stage 1 (small and localised) Ex: breast cancer - T1,N0,M0

6 Full details of treatment
the long way Pathology report Full details of treatment Occupation APS Family History For a traditional insurer, when they underwriter cancer cases, they must have obtained the APS, and all pathology reports at minimum. They look at the staging and grading, they may have to refer to an MD, and require full details of treatment. Joke: It takes a shorter amount of time to cure the cancer, than it does to underwrite it Age Staging and Grading

7 x x Our way Pathology Report APS
At Canada Protection, the grade and stage of the particular cancer that a client may have, has no bearing on our underwriting decisions X’s will go through

8 Metastasis (Stage 4 and some Stage 3s)
Our way Metastasis (Stage 4 and some Stage 3s) Recurrence Date of last treatment Instead, we underwrite cancer based on: -date of last treatment -whether or not there has been any re-occurrences or metastasis within a specific timeframe (10 years) -the type of cancer and how aggressive it is Type of Cancer

9 Metastasis spreads to a distant site (m1)
Stage 4 and some Stage 3s Within the past 10 years HIGH MORTALITY The second important parameter that we consider when underwriting cancer cases is whether or not there was metastasis or more than 1 occurrence within a 10-year timespan. Why does this matter? Higher mortality associated with metastasis Research shows that approximately 50% of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) will develop metastases, contributing to the high mortality rates reported for CRC (Van Cutsem 2010) Patients with metastatic colorectal tumors frequently die of liver failure due to liver metastases. More than 1 occurrence within a short time frame suggests: the pathology is very aggressive or the malignant cells were partially resistant to the treatment Treatment resistance: when cancer is treated with chemotherapy and/or radiation, the goal is to kill all of the malignant cells. If a client’s cancer recurs within a short time frame, this tells us some of those malignant cells did not stop replicating. That is, the cancer did not fully go away OR it did, and then it came back either in the same of different organ. For our application, if within the past 10 years the client was cured but then the same or different type of cancer recurred OR if within the past 10 years, there was metastasis (meaning the cancer spread to a distant site), the client would qualify for Guaranteed Acceptance. Sources: Guaranteed Acceptance Max $25K, 2-year deferral period

10 recurrence Guaranteed Acceptance
Cancer comes back or new cancer develops Within the past 10 years HIGH MORTALITY Guaranteed Acceptance Max $25K, 2-year deferral period

11 Date of last treatment Mortality Risk Current or <1 year
> 1 year or <3 years >12 months or > 3 years The first important parameter that we look at when underwriting cancer cases is the date of last treatment. This is synonymous with the date of remission or the date that the client was deemed to be cured by their doctor. Our application is structured in such a way that if the longer the client has been cancer-free, the better the plan that they can qualify for; however, we have a plan available for any stage of cancer or remission. Even if a client currently has cancer, they can qualify for Deferred Life, then once it’s been greater than 12 months since they’ve been cured or greater that 3 years (depending on the type of cancer), they can qualify for our best non-medical plan: Simplified Elite. Deferred Deferred Elite Simplified Elite (all cancers) (aggressive cancers) (all cancers)


13 Our Plans: Guaranteed AccePtance Life
Coverage amount Up to $25,000 Deferral period 2 years Return of premiums Not applicable for Accidental death Eligibility Everybody! Speaker notes Deferral period: Talk about natural vs accidental death

14 If…. NO METASTASIS in the past 10 years
ONLY 1 OCCURRENCE in the past 10 years Then, move on to Section B

15 In Section B, we capture all clients that currently have cancer, or those that have been cured within the past 12 months -regardless of the type cancer

16 Our Plans: Deferred Life
Coverage amount Up to $75,000 Deferral period 2 years Return of premiums Not applicable for Accidental death Eligibility Yes to any question: #1 -#2

17 Type of Cancer Aggressive Lung Colon Breast, cervical or uterine
Malignant melanoma Leukemia (all types), lymphoma or multiple myeloma higher risk of metastasis more likely to reoccur more invasive treatments The third most important parameter for us is the type of cancer. Not all types of cancer carry the same type of mortality, and this is very important to us at CPP We determine a client’s eligibility based on the date of last treatment, as we previously discussed, but also on the type of cancer We exclude basal cell carcinoma from all of our cancer questions because this type of skin cancer almost never spreads. It is confined to the outermost layer of the skin. NOTE: Basal Cell Carcinoma is EXCLUDED from all of our cancer questions

18 Section C is where we capture our aggressive cancers
If a client has an aggressive cancer, then they can get Deferred Elite is it was cured in the past 3 years

19 Our Plans: Deferred Elite
Coverage amount Up to $350,000 Deferral period 1 year Return of premiums on the first year 50% death benefit on the 2nd year Not applicable for Accidental death Eligibility Yes to any question: #1 - #11

20 Non-Aggressive Cancers
> 1 year Eligible Otherwise, for all other cancers (non-aggressive), they can get our best non-medical plan once it’s been more than 1 year (next slide)

21 Our Plans: Simplified Elite
Coverage amount Up to $500,000 Deferral period none! Eligibility Yes to any question: #1 - #6

22 The long way PERMANENT EXTRA: Percentage
TEMPORARY EXTRA: Flat extra that falls off after a number of years COMBO RATINGS: Percentage rating plus a temporary flat extra Example: Breast Cancer, Stage IIB, T2,N1,M0 2 nodes, last treatment 7.5 years ago Rating is 200% and $20/M X 3 years After 3 years, temporary rating falls off, permanent rating of 200% remains Client never becomes standard

23 Our way NO RATINGS! Aggressive vs. Non-aggressive SIMPLIFIED ELITE
Example: Breast Cancer, Stage IIB, T2,N1,M0 2 nodes, last treatment 7.5 years ago SIMPLIFIED ELITE Max $500K, Non-medical immediate coverage, Issued in 1 day Aggressive Cancers >3 years Non-aggressive Cancers >1 year


25 CASE #1: 42 yo female, invasive, ductal breast cancer, 1cm diameter, no nodes involved, no metastasis, last treatment 4.5 years ago What is the TNM? T1, N0, M0

26 Remember…. TNM: T1, N0, M0 What is the stage? Stage 1 Stage TNM

27 Remember…. TNM: T1, N0, M0, Stage 1
What is the rating? 150% pm X 3 years

28 CASE #2: 65 yo male, prostate cancer, diagnosed 4 years ago
CASE #2: 65 yo male, prostate cancer, diagnosed 4 years ago. The tumour had spread to the bladder, to regional lymph nodes and TO THE BONE. The cells were moderately differentiated. He has been in remission for the past 6 months. What is the TNM? T4, N1, M1b

29 What is the stage and Gleason score?
Remember…. TNM: T4, N1, M1b What is the stage and Gleason score? Stage 4 and Gleason 7

30 Remember…. TNM: T4, N1, M1b, Stage 4 and Gleason 7
What is the rating? Decline

31 1-877-447-6060 WE’RE HEAR (excuse the pun) for you! When in Doubt….


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